Vodulas [they/them]

@Vodulas [they/them]@beehaw.org
5 Post – 462 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It looks to be reusing a bread bag and an empty bottle, so those would have been trash. Reuse/repurposing is better than just throwing away.

What's a jerk sock? Also, if you get use out of it, you arguably did not ruin it.

Sounds good!

Most of us here want to remain defederated with them, so NBD

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Beehaw is defederated with Lemmy.world, so that is not an option

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That and their wide open sign ups leading to a lot of people just being terrible.

Beehaw admins have to make communities here, which is partly why I posted here. Also partly to gauge interest. And yeah, I don't think there are enough users for a bunch of niche communities, but one maker community that covers them all might work

Could be some ARG for sure.

I think the issue is the inclusion of Vaush since he has said/done some pretty racist things and his audience tends to dogpile on folks.

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I thought the FFVII remakes were pretty well received?

Why? One is a physical art installation and the other is an internet based puzzle. Doesn't seem to be any kind of connection other than being mysterious. Not saying it is impossible, but seems unlikely

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That sounds like Ingress, the precursor to Pokemon Go

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It referenced existing art, so maybe that is a connection, but seems like a stretch

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Us CPUs have accepted that We’re going to have to ask for Our pronouns to be used, and that it’s easier for everyone if We just let the LPUs have this. Maybe in the future it’ll be different, but I really don’t want to be dragged into an argument by an LPU who takes offense and decides to make a scene instead of just asking to have their pronouns respected. I’ve been in that situation before.

I know You say it is not about a power dynamic, but this statement is condescending as all get out. It makes people that use lower case pronouns seem petulant and childish because we get upset when we get misgendered. It smacks of not leveling the same amount of respect to others as You demand they pay to You

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I think You missed my point entirely. The language You used in the paragraph I quoted is condescending. You may not have meant to do that, but the result makes it seem like You are talking down to people that use lower case pronouns (or have not thought about/care about capitalization). Even if it is only a small part of Your experience, the language used makes it seem like folks that use lower case are more prone to outburst.

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What tour?

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I mean, he used to rant about how it is OK for white people to say the n word, though he has changed tune on that. He has also miscategorized the land back movement, and called one of his black guests pro-genocide because she dared to talk about black liberation. Oh, then his followers harrased her for it even though she said nothing of the sort. Those are just the things I have personally seen.

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Justin Timberlake was caught driving drunk, and on the video footage you can hear him say, "This is going to ruin the tour."

I think you read into something I didn't say. I never said we should remove this video. I was giving context for the reports mods were getting

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I wasn't attempting to start a debate, just talking about things i saw him do that could be reasons this would get reported. For the record, i was not one of the folks that reported it. I am willing to give some leeway when someone with a huge platform is edifying marginalized people.

Vaush is a divisive person, and has a checkered past. I'm glad to hear he has changed, but I, and probably quite a few folks, stopped paying attention to him when he was doing his edgy thing

I did not say anything about cis people though? In the paragraph I quoted above, You made a distinction between people that use lower case and upper case pronouns. The distinction You made is that because people that use lower case pronouns are "used to being catered to by society" (which is very untrue in the case of trans people, us nonbinary folks in particular) we have tend to get more upset when misgendered. My point is that this is very condescending, and seems to be saying that people that use uppercase are more reasonable about it. You have been kind of dancing around that point in the last couple responses without actually addressing the condescension.

There is one stockholder that has tried multiple times. The issue is the whole Tesla board are all his cronies, and a large portion of stockholders have bought into the cult of personality

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Todd in the Shadows went a little deeper on that. Mostly saying they were so fit and sexy that they inspired American fitness culture. Which is just not true.

I've played through all 3 acts. Obviously in no way have done everything, but I never ran into a situation where your character would get killed for a bad dialogue choice. The "Volo's eye" event referenced is for sure an example of the telegraphed outcome being the opposite of what actually goes down, but I really can't think of another time that happens. Even that choice did not end in death. Some options end in tough fights, and maybe fights above your level, but I was never surprised by them.

Bringing up save scumming is an odd criticism for a CRPG. That has been a long running discussion, but you can choose not to do it if you don't like it. It doesn't mean it is bad game design to include saving whenever you want.

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Seriously fuck this day. The innocent pranks are so outweighed by the sheer bullshit, and anything announced can't be taken seriously.

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Is no one paying attention or does his base see that as a feature? I have seen folks talking about this shit since his first campaign

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Wow, what a garbage article. Surprise surprise it's origin was Fox News. The amount of sarcasm quotes is kind of impressive, though.

Gods forbid you have to take a look at your privileges then unpack what that means. Oh, and then you have to try and empathize with people that don't have those same privileges. Scandalous.

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I am not a fan of the Guardian, but according to the subject of the article (they call him Li), he is a dissident and was under active investigation. I don't think they would have just let him leave

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JFC what kind of terrible human do you have to be to say something like

"Like, you can say, 'Okay, we are exploiting, you know, child labour,' right? Or, you can say: we are offering people anywhere in the world the capability to get a job, and even like an income.

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Both sites were temporarily offline after their domain registrar received letters from the UK’s Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) asking them to suspend their domain names.

Were they hosted in the UK? If not, seems like a huge overreach

Hopefully folks can still get the supplies they need. I can see a lot of sketchy VPNs giving info to the UK government though

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I haven't been safe to go to Florida for a while, but now I am officially unsafe. My license has X for my gender marker, so I don't think they would like that

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Having worked in customer service, if you actually want to help customers, yes.

Hey bud, no need to deadname anyone.

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Amoral at worst. Public transportation shouldn't have a fee at use. Tax the rich, invest in transport

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Fuck, I thought those were federal laws. Sounds like they should be, oh wait right wingers want to get rid of federal labor laws too

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Zoom has a healthcare specific license for healthcare. Don't think they could add that in and stay HIPAA compliant, but I can't any exceptions in the ToS so maybe US healthcare is actually trash and this is "fine"

Regardless of how wrong you are about pineapple on pizza (pepperoni and pineapple is always a solid choice), school glue is made from PVA, and while not toxic, is 100% not food. Pineapple is still food at the very least

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The oft-cited consumer-price index exaggerates how much inflation erodes wages because it fails to capture how people adjust spending patterns amid rapid price increases.

Ah yes, real wages are up because we ignored inflation.

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MKBHD did a test drive and apparently you just cannot see the end of the nose from the driver's seat. What a terrible design with no thought to the safety of anyone.

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He is also a racist that believes IQ (which is bullshit in its own right) is tied to race and that Muslim people should be profiled.

Oh, and he is sexist to boot.

Sam Harris shold not be a source for any kind of morality lesson.