J.D. Vance ridiculed for accidentally revealing explicit dolphin-based search history

Vodulas [they/them]@beehaw.org to Politics@beehaw.org – 140 points –

Archive version: https://web.archive.org/web/20240726142307/https://www.rawstory.com/jd-vance-dolphin-search-history/

It has been so great to see how horrible Vance is as a VP pick. I would hazard a guess that nobody else would say yes to Trump after he was willing to sacrifice Pence.


Boy, it would be terrible if his nickname became


The Legend of Flipper Vance

Episode IV: Avoiding Seductive Couches

The Legend of Flipper Vance

Episode XI: Couch surfing for fun and profit

Damnit, that's a WAY better title! I knew there were some quality opportunities

Well done

Well thank you but it’s always easier to riff on an idea than generate the first one!

Oh my fucking god, if someone uncovers a tweet of him searching for how to fuck a couch I am going to lose my ever loving mind. What reality have we landed on?

There is a documentary explaining it, called: The Boys

/s (kind of)

The problem, according to the commenters, is that the words "woman" and "dolphin" were highlighted in the image, suggesting that whoever took the screenshot apparently searched for those exact terms.

Seems like a nothing burger blown out of proportion by the press. Stop upvoting garbage pls

With you here. The title made it sound like a lot more than it actually was.

You can't tell me what to or not to upvote. Shits funny...upvote.

I'd disagree

It really just demonstrates how cringe republicans are.. And it's important to highlight just how cringe these people are.

I have lots of weird friends (and I'm probably weird myself). I actually prefer to hang with weird people.

But it's important to highlight just how contradictory the anti-porn conservative party acts. It's not weird, its just cringe. And its even worse because they're trying to define what normal is and demanding people follow it

"Damn you, Internet, for showing people things they search for," former journalist Morten Øverbye wrote in response.


I am not one to kink shame, but dude, c'mon. THIS and Trump are the best the Republican Party could do? Out of 330,000,000 people?

It just goes to show that Republicans are monumental pieces of shit.

Dudes the first millennial candidate and his opsec is worse than a 90 year old grandparent. Here's hoping Harris' vp is a millennial to save some dignity for the generation, historically speaking.

Man, if we could only find a video of a dolphin doing a couch. Did I just rule 34 that into existence?

Margie would do it. But she wants to be in the spotlight too much, so he'd never ask her.

Not to defend the guy... but most millennials might be familiar with the Goatse website, which in its heyday used to link to Lemon Party and... Dolphinse.

Next he might repost Tub Whale.