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Timing is about right for it to be a batch of newly minted CS grads getting into their first corporate jobs.

As I recall: Mitt Romney was the first public person who really came out and called Russia a threat in the US in the 2011/2012 election cycle. Which at the time he was laughed at because Russia was still seen as an ally and the major threat was China.

Now they are both openly hostile and Germany is cozying up to fucking China.

Germany: just do what the rest of the west (and China) does and bribe the Canadian government to hand over raw resources to you.

Winnie the Pooh and his favourite sub: Putin.

Climate change.

Ww3 may or may not happen. Hopefully not.

But regardless of that, Climate change will wipe us out.

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End of the bronze age. Have a set of letters between citystate rulers, one writing that help is urgently needed as seaborne invaders have been spotted nearby and his military is off with the hittite empire.

The response back, in modern slang amounts to "lol ur fucked."

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Better to analyze for vulnerabilities. Particularly with a number of governments using open source software hosted on github.

No. The melting of the ice caps is now self-sustaining. We dont have enough energy as a species to begin to reverse it now, and it is making itself worse now with every day.

The current glacier they're worried about in Antarctica is estimated to increase global sea levels by up to 3 meters.

That, by itself puts every single port in the world partially underwater, and most of the major airports too. That means every developed country in the world is looking at death and famine at a scale not seen since the Permian Extinction.

And thats just one glaicier that will be popping before 2030. All of Greenland is also in the process of popping, and that could mean 10m plus of sea level rise by 2050.

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It's an issue given that almost everything everyone buys relies on sea traffic. If it doesn't, then something required to make it did.

For example: the amount of wheat and grain that travels via ship is insane. And those facilities can't just be built overnight. They need railways to be built and need massive amounts of concrete that itself needs months to years to properly cure so that they can store grain in it. And without those facilities, many parts of the world not directly at sea level will suffer and starve.

Its from the book 1176 BC by Eric H Cline.

"I'm extra sorry that our lawyer got back to me and said the previous wording we did around the 'all future DLC inclusion' was legally binding and we'd get the pants sued off of us unless we changed course."

They might be using it how Tesla markets it.

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It already is. Check it out on Nexusmods. I did so late last week and they couldnt even fill 1 row of new mods this week. Even Morrowind still gets that done.

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Its not one per trigger pull, since the action of the machine results in another round firing unless you move your finger off the trigger.

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MBAs who contract dev work out to India to make a quick buck without realizing how bad the code they're going to get back usually is.

Shoutout to Raj the QA lead I worked with in India though. That dude's team was thorough.

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But Google is crap now for searching.

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Hell, starcraft created the concept of a professional gamer being a thing. To say that RTS games dont have popular appeal is just outright wrong.

3D isnt a bad thing though, C&C Generals did it fantastically.

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Based on Google Gemini and the sheer number of restrictions Microsoft had to place on Bing to prevent chaos.

I think saying that it "works" is a stretch.

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The best way to increase birth rates in advanced countries is: Work life balance. Restore the traditional tax rates on the rich.

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It is, but it isnt applicable in at least the glue-pizza situation as the probable source comment has been found on reddit.

A better use of the term might be how when you try to get Bing's image creator to make "Battletech" art, you just mostly get really obvious Warhammer 40k Space Marines and occasionally Iron Maiden album art.

It is when you consider that it was roughly 80% of the stock they held.

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Except the companies aren't doing layoffs because of a flop or a bad release.

They're doing them explicitly because shareholder expectations of profit growth were not met.

Preapprove loan in the range you want from your bank.
Agree in writing on car price.
Get loan from bank.
Pay for car
Pay back bank.

Edit: to be clear, when i say Bank I only mean Credit Union.

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It has happened before. They just swept it under the rug and blamed the client.

A user was setting up a new laptop and synced an empty folder with google drive, intending to download accounts data to their machine. It bugged and treated the empty folder as the master and began erasing the drive contents.

After two weeks of pestering google, they relented and pulled from their backups they swore they didn't have and didn't exist.

You're looking at it from the wrong angle.

He wants a tough sentence with jail time.

  1. As a technically "first offender" they can argue that it shows obvious bias and get a favourable appeal result.
  2. It plays to Putin and other autocrat propaganda. "See how the US actually is, we have the same democracy here" sort of thing.
  3. Most importantly, it plays to his cult and to his ego, he gets to stoke dangerous things which very nearly almost worked last time (only thanks to Pence and the few cops who stood up to the mob.) and he gets a ton of attention from his cult for it.

They say in the article that theyre not even going to stop defending them.

Google search isnt a hallucination now though.

It instead proves that LLMs just reproduce from the model they are supplied with. For example, the "glue on pizza" comment is from a reddit user called FuckSmith roughly 11 years ago.

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As long as "temporary" foreign worker programs exist, there isn't a shortage of labour as far as the elite are concerned.

A limited pool of local applicants is a benefit to them. Then they get to bring in foreigners who don't know the value of their work in a western country and don't know the laws that protect them, both labour laws and actual criminal laws.

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Used to agree with that, now it's a maybe. The US elite created the seeds of MAGA and the christian right back in the days of Reagan, and they've fully lost control of it, Trump has at least some measure of control on the group, but I feel it's only because he's pretending to do what they want.

Just as with the actual US revolution, the movement was started by the 1% for their own interests. Which they gaslit and orchestrated for their own gain until they lost control of it.

For the uninitiated: they started riots to pressure lawmakers to not pass a new tax on them, not the working class, and new laws preventing them from defrauding London based banks with what amounts to wire fraud by regular mail by creating shell companies in different colonies, getting loans for exploration and land use, and then closing the "company" and repeating.in a different colony.

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Hold on, you can sell made up pokemon that are slightly edited for $84 a pop?


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If nothing else, there is space for a competitor to MS teams in the corporate space.

Everyone else is ending up on teams, but no one actually likes it.

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The entire fundamental basis of the CCPs economic miracle is that intellectual property is not respected.

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Bethesda can't do it. They don't have the skill to make a decent story anymore.

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It is in the hands of a publicly traded corporation. As soon as that planned it was already inevitably lost.

Don't hate spiderman. Hate the writers roughly since 2000 that only let him have a break from misery when he's in an alternate universe where he never became spider man.

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Remember when the Democratic party was responsible for creating and championing the ICC? (Bill Clinton)

Remember the outrage when Dubya and co then insisted that the US be given veto power over it, and the outrage from Democrats over that?

Because this Pepperidge Farm sure as fuck remembers.

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They need to add that prices falling is terrible for how we measure economic success

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Starcraft 2, at this point, is 2 years Older than Starcraft 1 was when it was released.

The Vasa comes to mind. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasa_(ship)

USSRs space shuttle, although technically that didnt fail on its own.

The failed Chinese attempts to use stolen SpaceX plans that resulted in at least one town that we know of being destroyed with toxic smoke and fire.

Virgin's space program.

Boeing's space program. Increasingly, the 737-MAX too.

Amazon's space program.

Musk and the stupid decisions made around Starship, that resulted in over a year of setbacks since the launchpad had a woefully inadequate flame trench that everyone called out long before the first two failed launches.

The Titanic.

Related to the last one: OceanGate and the Titan.

When the Athenians starts the Peloponnesian War by invading a different city state than Sparta(to ostensibly use that city's military against Sparta), but screwed it up, creating the conditions for them to lose said war.

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Nice pipe dream, but the current fundamental model of AI is not and cannot be made deterministic. Until that fundamental chamge is developed, it isnt possible.

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