Lawsuits test Tesla claim that drivers are solely responsible for crashes to – 289 points –

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They might be using it how Tesla markets it.

The vehicle prompts you to keep your eyes on the road and be prepaired to take over at any moment every single time you enable this feature. To pretend that Tesla drivers don't know this "because of false advertising" is just as fasle as the advertising itself.

Tesla marketing is their chief marketer retweeting videos of people having sex on autopilot and making jokes about it, or the doctored video on their website where the driver spends the whole drive without touching the steering wheel, or Tesla's CEO driving around in a news interview with his hands of the wheel for much of the ride, or promoting influencer videos that don't follow that guidance.

  1. Autopilot != FSD. He’s probably using the latter
  2. Take a closer look at his leg. He’s wiggling the steering wheel to fool the safety mechanism. When you intentionally bypass a safety feature, you can’t claim ignorance

Yes it does. I don't know how that ragebait video is supposed to prove otherwise.

You're quite openly showing your colors here. You're emotionally invested into this. You don't even care about the facts.

No, the majority of crashes I’ve seen. Nowhere does the marketing say read your email and take you hands off the wheel.

Musk's retweet of the people have sex on FSD with the cute little joke is Tesla marketing.

Why do you assume everyone follows Musks words as much as you do?

Do you think current and prospective Tesla owners could escape the online marketing system that pumps this info into their online life? One of the reasons I started countering all the Musk bullshit was because I couldn't escape their online marketing presence. It is everywhere. I might as well have fun fighting it. I'm sure that if you've clicked any Tesla marketing links, you're inundated with their BS.

Yes? I've been considering buying an EV for a while and the only spam/advertising I see are the constant non-technology posts about Musk in technology communities such as this and on reddit. I'm not sure why you're operating under the assumption that you have some secret insider knowledge about Tesla or that anyone else is too stupid to see through some BS marketing claims from years ago.

Good luck in your purchase!

I hope you don't buy from the company that had swastikas in the bathrooms and a place called the plantation where the black employees were forced to work.

For those downvoting, give this a read:

It's one of those articles that you read and think, it can't get worse than this, and it just keeps going and going.

Fsd is really sketchy. It either works like a dream or wants to kill you. It’s why you have to agree to a disclaimer when using it otherwise it’ll disable.

Autopilot if a fancy cruise control. It’s pretty solid but appears to have an issue with fire trucks. I know of one fatal accident where it drove into a firetruck without enough time to react. Tesla should be liable for that. Their product failed and they removed the radar that would have prevented that scenario.

I haven’t seen the video you are mentioning. It would be stupid for them to market that as a current feature. You must keep your hands on the wheel at all times in fsd. It might accelerate you full speed into oncoming traffic and the car is fast

I haven’t seen the video you are mentioning. It would be stupid for them to market that as a current feature.

Yeah, a responsible CEO would take measures to remove the video, makes statements about the dangers of abusing the system, etc. instead, Tesla CEO, which is also the main marketing account, makes jokes about it.

Tesla is full of "the driver is always responsible" small print, and then promoting the reckless use of the system through influencer videos and winks from the CEO saying that the legal stuff it's just due to those peaky regulators. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't really need to keep your hands on the wheel or pay attention. The car just drives itself.

Yeah, a responsible CEO

Elon isn’t reasonable. He shouldn’t be the ceo.

Yes, and he and Tesla should be liable for marketing and promoting the abuses of FSD.

Fsd us beta feature that requires you to pay extra attention and keep both hands ion the wheel. That’s why instructions and disclaimers are important.

And that is why Tesla shouldn't be promoting videos that abuse the system. If they do, make Tesla liable when their customers abuse the system.

And? What the fuck does that change in regards to the lawsuit? He is the CEO and he is responsible, that's the reality right now.

Read the comment above. What does your comment have to do with either?

A 2 minute long video of a tesla showing self driving in traffic where the driver isnt touching the wheel. From Tesla and on their official channel.

Edit: from at least 5 years ago.

That is a full self driving demo and has nothing to do with the Accidents. Full self driving and auto pilot are two different things. When you sign up for fsd you agree to not take your hands off the wheel and pay extra attention. Most of the accidents are autopilot which is enhanced cruise control.

I don’t really give a fuck what the terminology is to be frank. The technology leads to unsafe behavior, whether it’s FSD or autopilot.

I get it words don’t matter. Feelings are what’s important.

The autopilot on my Tesla is much better than the same technology on my Audi. Both technologies are easy to abuse. That isn’t Tesla’s fault. People need to follow the instructions.

Now there are a few cases where the technology completely failed when used correctly and that’s 100% Tesla’s fault in my opinion.

Are you arguing that it’s the people’s fault? Or are you just rambling because it’s Elon.

Or are you just arguing for god know what’s reason?

I’m saying the technology leads to more harm than good in its current implementation. I don’t care it’s better than your Audi, it still sucks overall. “Used correctly” shouldn’t be a huge factor in a good design. It should be easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly. This is not the current state. It’s very easy to use incorrectly, as you admit, and the accidents demonstrate this.

it still sucks overall

In what way?

It should be easy to use correctly and hard to use incorrectly.

The vehicle prompts you to keep your hands on the wheel and be ready to take over at any moment every time you enable FSD. Everyone using it incorrectly is doing so knowingly.

For the Tesla it’s very easy to use correctly.

Compared to our old cruise control it’s a much better system.

Nothing can stop people from being idiots. Most of the accidents are people being idiots.

I have seen a few where 100% it was a Tesla failure and Tesla should be held 100% accountable for those.

For the Tesla it’s very easy to use correctly.

Not supported by the evidence, but sure, keep relying on your feelings and telling other people it’s their problem. Projection.

It’s clearly supported by the evidence. It’s cruise control. How complicated do you think cruise control is? You put your hands on the wheel and it maintains speed.

Nothing can stop people from being idiots. Most of the accidents are people being idiots.

This is the stupidity I hate most about Tesla shills.

Great engineers make genius innovations all the time to keep idiots from harming themselves or others. Those innovations saturate our society and industries at all levels. Good engineering should be trying to do it more.

Tesla just doesn't care, or is even complicit in giving the idiots just enough freedom so people can think Tesla is ahead of the competition. The only difference from Tesla is that other car manufacturers don't give idiots that freedom.

This is the stupidity I hate most about Tesla shills

This is why I hate most about people obsessed with Elon. They can’t have discussions. It’s all weird illogical wants over Elon.

Great engineers make genius innovations all the time to keep idiots from harming themselves or others

No. When cruise control first came out. It’d drive you right into another car. Auto pilot is just a fancy cruise control.

You can take a normal car and drive it into a wall. Tesla is no different. Using your logic a normal car shouldn’t be able to do that.

When did I refer to Musk? You must be sensitive.

Yes, when cruise control came out over 100 years ago, there were very little controls. Responsible car makers have changes that. Some even recently aimed for zero fatalities for people using their cars and the associated technologies.

And there are many cars that keep you from driving into a wall. Maybe, at this point, you can't keep 100 percent of the idiots from doing something stupid, but responsible car makers do much, much better than Tesla, who actually promotes and markets the actions of idiots abusing the systems in their cars.

The responsible car makers showing drivers performing stunts well beyond the ability or legality of most drivers?

You've got some kind of chip on your shoulder man. It's a car company, who cares.

Responsible car makers have changes that

No they haven’t. I have take by brand new Audi and drive it straight into a well.

They assist people in driving. You are still driving the car.

car makers do much, much better than Tesla

Incorrect. Auto pilot is less likely to be in an accident.

You think giving me Tesla marketing BS, published by a proxy Tesla marketing rag, is going to convince me? If it is anything else like Tesla's marketing department, they just pulled something out of their ass, Musk saw the numbers and told them to fudge it some more, and then they put it up on their website dressed in fancy graphs and tech-speak. That's why you'll never find any actual data that third-party researchers can verify it with.

You have this article that looked at a four-month period. During that time, Tesla was responsible for every 10 of 11 deaths related to automated driving features. This report states that Tesla has the most accidents of any brand.

Tesla's create horrible driving habits in their customers. On the one hand, you have the CEO that creates a culture to disregard for safety and rules, praising users that openly go against the terms of use, as long as they show it doing something cool. On the other hand, you have a system that is just good enough to lull you into a sense of safety and confidence in the system itself. Then one day it decides to kill a motorcyclist, a kid getting off the bus, or a paramedic working on the side of the road. The driver that maybe praised Tesla to their friends and colleagues about how amazing it was is now dumbstruck because the car acted so unexpectedly.

Tesla is just as much as fault as the driver for that situation.

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Dude, I was literally in another thread where someone posted a video talking about how many deaths FSD caused (17) and extrapolating those numbers by how many FSD miles were driven lead to fsd being 11x more dangerous than a humans driver.

It had all sorts of upvotes.

Except, those accidents were on AP which has multiple billions of miles driven, not FSD. The NHSTA has only said there was 1 fsd related death. Related, as in, not confirmed to be the cause of.

They don't even know what they're mad about. And i get downvoted for showing the major flaw in their post.

I bet they've never used, or had to acknowledge the warnings prior to using AP. Let alone the even more dire warning FSD gives (or gave prior to v12 anyway, not sure what today's warnings are)

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So I assume autopilot disconnects as soon as you take your hands off the wheel, or there’s iris tracking to ensure you’re looking at the road? It’s not like either of these is exotic technology.

It does both. Not immediacy but after about 30 seconds.

I drive one every day but thanks

Tesla's official channel from 5 years ago says otherwise. Its nice of them to put up incriminating material that a layman can find in 5 seconds.

Autopilot and full self driving are not the same thing.

So I’m not sure the point you are trying to make?

The state of California does not agree with you.

Edit: Tesla's own website still advertises Full Self Driving as an enhancement of autopilot.

The article does not state they are the same thing. Did you actually read the article? Can you show me where it says they are the same in the article?

Elon Musk claimed that full self driving would be ready in 2017!!
So how many false claims by Elon Musk does it take for someone to think the car can handle trivial situations?

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