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Joined 1 years ago

I was staunchly against Biden stepping down this late in the game. I can’t possibly tell you how happy I am to eat crow. Kamala is the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party in a very long time. Not taking anything away from Joe it’s just that Kamala Harris is on fire.

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I stand with Kyle. I love Jack Black but fuck this fucking fake outrage. What comes out of Trump’s mouth and the plans he has for this country and certain demographics are infinitely more offensive.

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Backfire?! Backfire?! Are you fucking kidding me legal experts?! So far nothing has fucking backfired for Trump and I highly doubt this will. Just heard the most recent poll numbers after the debate, looks like Trump is ahead and will remain ahead for the foreseeable future. Fuck out of here with that backfire bullshit. It’s been 4 fucking years since this traitor left office and he hasn’t seen an ounce of goddamn accountability and the legal experts want me to believe that this will be the thing? Fuck outta here. Legal experts are contributing to the rise of this fascist fuck. It’s simple, we either vote for Biden or Trump takes over.

Edit: Rep Doggett (D) Texas is on MSNBC right now calling for Biden to withdraw. Jesus Fucking Christ, we’re sinking the boat ourselves.

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Are we talking about JD Vance the couch fucker?

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Nope, nope, nope. We vote, we vote like our lives depend on it. We vote by mail, we vote in person, we get our friends and family to vote. We volunteer to be poll workers, we help our neighbors go out and vote. Because at the end of the day republicans are going to coagulate around this pus filled boil and vote for him anyways. Pay no attention to polls, pay no attention to these prognosticators. VOTE!

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Guidry said in his press conference that deputies had been called to the couple's residence for reports of domestic violence on more than one occasion before Diaz's death.

And then two paragraphs later.

“Waller County does not tolerate domestic violence.”

Seems like it was tolerated just fine.

He is. Remember when Democrats came up with a border bill that would have been the envy of every single Republican? Republicans were figuratively salivating to sign it into law and then Trump made a phone call from Mar a Lago and killed the bill? Donald Trump isn’t part of the Deep State, that’s an outright lie. Donald Trump is the Deep State.

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Betcha he took a shower and forgot to put it in shower mode.

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Proving once again that once carried to term Republicans don’t give a fuck about their offspring.

I think this is the most honest a news segment I’ve ever seen in my life. Great job Mr. Lawrence O’Donnell, I’d love to buy you a beer!

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Family of 5, 4 cancelled Delta flights, 5 extra days, rental car to drive 1200 miles, 2 hotel stays plus meals just to get back home. Yep, 10 dollars should just about cover it. Thanks crowdstrike! Thank you Microsoft! Thank you Delta!

Edit: Wait a second, I don’t get the 10 dollars? Delta gets it? Oh well, that’s good cause I didn’t know what I was going to do with the left over change. Probably feed the homeless or something.

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Can we do Airbnb too?

Edit: Oh look, an Airbnb host/owner must have read my comment. Fuck you for ruining my neighborhood.

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Yeah, antagonize the people that have your father’s fate in their hands. As usual, just more projection, also, clowns have more integrity than the Trump family.

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I don’t trust anything Amazon sells. Which is why I’ve stopped purchasing anything from them. It used to be a good place to purchase things you couldn’t find locally but now it’s just an American version of Temu. It’s all cheap electronics and now, apparently, flammable pajamas. Fuck Amazon.

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In another timeline Bernie won the Democratic primaries in 2016 and was ultimately elected president of The United States of America. His policies are so popular that both republicans and democrats overwhelmingly support him.

I bet you it’s pretty nice over there right about now.

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Ok, great! What are the consequences?

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I got an eye infection just looking at the grout between the tiles.

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Great, now I’m going to have to put my TV in car wash mode…

It doesn’t matter what they think. They’re going to coalesce around this pus filled boil and form the usual carbuncle. Get out and vote because at the end of the day they’re going to vote for Trump anyways.

He’s one of those people that always has to have the last word.


In a post on his Truth Social platform Wednesday, Trump called his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, and the adult film actor Stormy Daniels “two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our Country dearly!”

Won’t someone rid me of this meddlesome priest?!

Edit 2: Sorry, the actual quote is, “Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”

-Henry II of England

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Can’t Kyle just go on another murder tour? That should raise them some money.

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Little advice for those getting this procedure. Do not forget to put your Neuralink in shower mode when you take a shower. You have been warned.

Fuck the NAB.

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It’s going to be alright everyone. The Biden campaign stated that Biden will not expand the courts. Why? Because when we go high they fuck us in the ass with a cactus.

The man is literally telling us what he’s going to do. Is the message not clear enough? Is it not loud enough? Is it not violent enough? How ingrained is American Exceptionalism exactly? What’s it going to take America?

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But you carried his water Bill. Didn’t you? And I’m willing to bet .25 cents that if he gets elected again you’ll be vying for a position in his administration. You fucking traitor.

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The good people of Texas need to get their shit together and vote this tumor out of office.

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They’re grasping at straws. (Well, in this case, tampons.)They have nothing, LMAO. VOTE this November people, let’s get these traitorous fucks to go hide under the rocks they came out of.

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But if I keep my mouth shut how will I assert that I am the most important human on the planet?

This guy’s closet. It’s full, I guarantee it. Also, who needs porn when couches abound?

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Republican, AND not a drag queen.

I’m so tired of AI.

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Are we sure it’s not Trump’s monthly subscription?

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JD Vance also fucks couches. When he was invited to Epstein’s island he reportedly asked how old the love seat was. It’s all true, it says so right here.

When invited to Epstein’s island JD Vance asked how old the love seat was.

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I’ll allow it.

A search of her phone later revealed she had searched for "taser pain level, gun shops, prepaid cellular phones and how to get someone out of their house", according to the affidavit.

The level of stupidity is absolutely astonishing.

He’s literally telling us what he’s going to do with a second term and we’re still not taking this asshat seriously. Like I said, we seem to be asleep at the wheel.

Fuck Hulk Hogan.

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LMAO, let me get this straight. You want me to pay for the privilege of being spied on. We really did jump timelines. Fuck all these greedy companies.

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Goddamn this motherfucker is stupid. I bet his audience ate that shit right up and then asked for more.

And he’s weird as fuck too.

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