‘I Approve This Message’: Kamala Harris Instantly Uses Trump’s Own Words Against Him

blorbo [he/him]@lemmy.sdf.org to politics @lemmy.world – 845 points –
‘I Approve This Message’: Kamala Harris Instantly Uses Trump’s Own Words Against Him

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I was staunchly against Biden stepping down this late in the game. I can’t possibly tell you how happy I am to eat crow. Kamala is the best thing to happen to the Democratic Party in a very long time. Not taking anything away from Joe it’s just that Kamala Harris is on fire.

Honestly, same. That was scary as hell. Then she raised 81 million dollars immediately, started beating him in the polls immediately, started listening to Bernie Sanders, and I'm stoked.

She's mostly listened to Bernie her whole senate career tbf

I missed that. How has she been listening to Bernie Sanders?

In bed when trying to sleep.

I love the idea of someone listening to recordings of Bernie Sanders to fall asleep. It's like putting on Gilbert Gottfried to meditate

"I am once again asking you to CLOSE YOUR EYES, AND GO TO SLEEP."


I like the idea of Bernie Sanders doing the most grassroots info campaign ever: he enters people's houses at night, lays in bed next to them, and then explains the points and details of a current issue while staring at the ceiling.

Does he spoon me tho?

No, he only sends clear messages and that would give off mixed signals

"I am once again asking you to share your warmth, platonically!"

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Obviously she's not Bernie Sanders, but apparently she voted in-line with him more than any other senator. I've been a huge Bernie fan for years, but I didn't know that...

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She performed terribly in the 2020 primaries and has been very quiet as Vice President. It makes sense you'd be worried. She seems to be rising to the occasion, thankfully. I hope she wins, for America's sake!

has been very quiet as Vice President

This was my biggest concern, honestly.

I'm glad to see she's going right in strong, Biden stepping down had me incredibly nervous.

Same. Apparently she was being very careful to not steal Biden's thunder.

That's sorta the job of the VP as far as I understand. Lie low, cast tie-breaking votes, and be ready if the President croaks. In those respects, Harris has hit it out of the park

This is like a soccer game, deep into the second half. It's not decided, but so far, the Blues have been weak on the offense and it's only a matter of time until the Reds' constant barrage of attacks breaks through.

Now the Reds have committed to their offensive star, they can't switch any more, but the Blues have swapped out their aging defensive mid-field captain for an aggressive offense and she's wasting no time leading those counter-attacks.

Will it be enough? Time will tell. But at least it's a game again, not a desperate attempt to hold on.

Pleasantly surprised to be wrong about how Kamala would act.

She was sorta handcuffed. If she spoke up more the Orange outfit would have accused her of operating Biden like a sock puppet.

Never before have I been so happy to see the "sassy black woman taking no shit from anyone" stereotype prove itself true

It's not just her, it's been her support team so far. Quick fire responses to conservatives and hopping on gen z memes. It feels like her and her team aren't afraid to ruffle feathers, and it's about time.

Your candor is refreshing to see on an online forum, thank you for that.

Everyone on the democratic side, Biden fan or not, likely had known that the move to have him not run again had a lot of inherent risk of plunging the whole party into chaos. What I and others didn't realize was that this debacle was obscuring what everybody clearly wanted to avoid, an authoritarian Trump presidency, leaving us all in despair. Having someone who could get ol' Don's knickers in a twist will be a great uniting force for the party and democracy lovers everywhere, and is a source of hope we were all long overdue for.

This is what I was afraid of too, all the calls for Biden to drop out but no one was talking about next steps. Now possibly, for good reason, they were already in the works behind closed doors and already had this plan. That being said, I was nervous as hell right up until all the fundraising numbers came in and the jabs started.

Better to eat crow than the shit we'd be forced to swallow in a second trump term! Forreal though, thank you for coming out and saying it.

Nobody needs to say "I told ya so" but clearly things are moving in an energetic direction, and those of us that are sane in this country should all be pleased! Keep dunking on the fascists and speaking the obvious truth to these morons!

What's the crow thing about?

Eating crow is a colloquial idiom that means humiliation by admitting having been proven wrong after taking a strong position.

That means to admit being wrong about something.

Same, I was mostly worried about doing it so close to the election, but Kamela is knocking it out of the park so far

from Vice President Kamala Harris’s rapid response team.

Love to see it lol, she knows what she's doing

Yep, same position from me. I was wrong. Kamala is looking great. I'm still really fearful and there's an awful lot of misogyny and racism to overcome yet, but she needs Democrats to turn up and vote and independents to switch to her in swing states and that's how she's can get it. The racists and misogynists weren't ever going to vote Democratic anyway, Trump is their guy through and through.

Honesly one reason kamala is more acceptable to me after biden is she has been part of the administration that put out such a great term and I think one reason it was great was from lessons biden learned from being obama's vp. I don't view it as eating crow because I was not zealotly against his stepdown just basically against it. Whats done is done and move ahead. Don't pick my gov for vp though as we need him in the state and he is to good and im scared to gamble on not getting someone as good to replace him.

Biden had a job to do. Stop the boat from rocking. And he did a pretty damn good job of it. I wish he had been able to "job done" and step aside so the Dems could have had real primaries. But wishes ain't nothing. This isn't the worst result of that target fixation.

This sudden move has created such a surge in interest that the results may turn out better than if a normal primary happened. (As far as not watching a fascist dismantle our government)

Yeah, in a way, Kamala coming out winning already and fighting has saved all the arguments and Dem on Dem fighting that would have come had Biden stepped down earlier in time for the primaries. It has focussed minds and they've been united pretty much instantly.

Can I borrow some of that crow? I was CERTAIN that despite his obvious issues and steadfast refusal to even address them, that Biden stepping out of the race would be the death knell for the US.

Yet here we are and I feel HOPE for the first time in a long time. Kamala feels like she'll be more than just a gatekeeper against fascism in the short term. I'm still nervous because... politicians are still politicians. But her record has been almost overwhelmingly good, even saying back to her time as AG of California.

I have so much, there’s plenty to go around. The good news is that it’s the best tasting crow I’ve ever had.

It isn't over yet, but I will gladly do the same after the election.

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