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Joined 11 months ago

Trans what now?

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“It’s been boarded up about 15 years, and we keep it boarded, covered, grass cut, and the yard is clean,” she said. “The taxes are paid and everything is up on it.”

might be why they thought it was the one to tear down tbh

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Making legal precedent so that they AVOID showing the offending content instead of PROMOTING the offending content is probably the goal

About 30-40 times a day, Youtube shorts shows me videos actively advocating violence, and I know for sure that Google has enough money and resources currently to prevent these videos being shown, considering it AUTOMATICALLY SUBTITLES THEM

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Employers, as a general body, fundamentally disagree with what the fediverse stands for

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Why let a tumor fester

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smh how can you tell him from the lady dwarves now

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I mean, if by "liberal bias" they mean "they want NPR to continue" I guess it's technically true, the same way that "Public Broadcasting should continue" also counts as "liberal bias"

I'm like 90% sure I remember Mr. Rogers testifying before Congress to keep PBS a thing, which was met with vitriol by right-wingers

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Fun is so extremely subjective that some people play DESTINY and CoD for fun, it's difficult to quantify in the time frame that reviewers are held to for each video game

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"why do people call out person they know and not nameless faces they dont????"

Ironically, that is the only option you cannot do in the Sims 2.

Screaming and Punching are both under the fight submenu, with Divorce being under its own.

Crying is fully autonomous, and they will do it for potentially the rest of their life.--

It is UNFAIR to expect me to know/accept that the Leopards Eating Faces Party would eat MY face

If one side says that I should be imprisoned or dead for existing, and the other says I should live not in prison or not dead, I choose life

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Acting violent to those you find mildly annoying is an actual disorder (intermittent anger disorder), I'd get it checked out before you end up doing time my brother

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There is no practical benefit to folding regular steel

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Do you consume drinking water

The elites dont want you to know this but the Godzillas in the ocean are free you can take them home I have 458 Godzillas

Only thing I can recommend is finding their advertisers and letting them know what they're advertising on

Why would I pay $600 to play the same games but worse

Disliking electric car users that argue/vote against regular cars but also argue/vote against public transportation 👍

Disliking electric car users because 'machismo' tells them that they're somehow weaker than the regular car drivers 👎

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I still think the bear question is completely loaded

I would ALWAYS choose the bear. Everyone I know would ALWAYS choose the bear. If the random man was a person they were close to, most people would STILL choose the bear because bears are rad as hell

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Unless literally the US Government owns the website, freedom of speech does not apply

RIP in Piss P. Veritas I hope hell is hot for you on the way down

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Depends on the dye, depends on the process

There are a heck of a lot of places that only use dyes that are non-toxic in case they lick themselves

Hey, now. Trains do end the occasional pedestrian, but it's not so much hit as much obliterate

SCO would be better if you got the same type of scanners as the regular registers

Putting everything from the cart onto a belt, and having access to more than 2-4 sets of bags (or a whole carousel at walmart!) without the dumb "did you scan this?" prompt would make me use SCO every single time. Trying to bag groceries in current SCO is miserable, and the sensors are usually so bad that you CANT EVEN REMOVE FULL BAGS when you need to fill another bag

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If past trends are to be believed, not only will every sport have its own community, but every team in said sport will have its own community

I don't want to have to systematically block 300-1000 different communities manually

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The aim is to starve out communities that rely on it, and sic the military on dissenters

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I've seen over 200 PragerU videos and they literally believe that it was a better time back then, and would actively invite a lower quality of average life if it meant they could execute the gays/asians/blacks

Hunter is asking the real questions, take notes journalism

Center will gladly consolidate power with right if it conforms with their interests, they more frequently will make coalition with the right before they ever even communicate with the left Center has and will gladly overlook slavery if it conforms with their interests Center has always been complicit with overlooking genocide if they 'don't have skin in the game' Center is LITERALLY THE REASON why Hitler was elected, the Weimar Republic was vaguely modern center and STILL VOTED HIM IN

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aight now start bringing back affordable housing

we literally have a MOVIE MADE IN THE EIGHTIES about homelessness that was caused by what they're apologizing for

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unironically buy bags of frozen veg and throw them into the broth, let it heat back up, then throw noodles in

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I mean, if you count "active users" of edge, virtually most people are "using" it because it runs on your PC whether you want it to or not.

what happen when internet go down

radio win every time

tbf dalmatians are smaller but NOT THAT MUCH smaller, they're still plenty large as adults

Warmbo and Warmbo's friends would've killed Mr. Cody with hammers Warmbo can tell you that

Radical Centrism, get 'em boys

The point of transportation reform isnt to get a new type of car, its to eliminate the need for cars

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