
0 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Fruits. I don't have the habit of eating any fruit. It's super unhealthy and when I do remember to buy fruit when grocery shopping, I am always surprised how good it tastes, only to forget about it for a couple more months...

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As someone that works with huge amounts of data with dates in varied formats... PLEASE let this be standardised. :')

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I did just that about 7 or so years ago. Only gave my number to family members and really close people (maybe 5 at most). Also deleted all my social media.

One of the best decisions of my life.

Unfortunately, I was just getting started on "the real world" and would get any job thrown my way. One of them required me to reply to my manager on WhatsApp so I ended having to create one and give them my number. I've since left that job and I'm now no longer a junior in my field, but still feels feels bad on my record :(

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2 wrongs don't make a right

Why so much hate for cardboard straws D:

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Fuck man, if I had more money I'd buy you the steam page :(

Hope you can get that soon! Maybe your indie might just be what you need to get your financial freedom :) good luck!

This is me yesterday... And other days... And then I can't fall asleep because I am too worried that I should be asleep already and that I have to wake up early. This causes my absolute favourite feedback loop.

Sometimes I just love being a human being :')

That's sounds like an amazing time. I felt relaxed just reading your description of it... 🥲

I've had that in happen to me where I try to click on something and it opens a new page. I go back to the previous page. Aim for the link I want to click... Press it... refresh Click the wrong one again...

Sometimes this can go on for 3 or 4 times. I feel like I'm going insane when it happens. How can something so simple be so complicated

When registering for stuff I always pay very close attention to not check the "send me offers and promotions" checkbox, unless I am genuinely interested.

If any gets by, or if any by default signs you up, whenever I get an email from them I'll go to the bottom of the email and unsubscribe.

This means that all the marketing emails are from things that I genuinely have interest on. Sometimes, even these things get too spammy and unsubscribe from those that kinda act abusive. They aren't your "FREE LIMITED IPHONES! OPEN NOW!" kind of emails. Those I mark as spam, hoping to improve the detection system on whatever email client, and move on.

So, essentially, I have "free time" to read those as much as you and I have "free time" to come here on lemmy. It's something I am interested on.

Edit: just realised I didn't specifically answer your questions but it's basically:

  1. Just a regular guy.
  2. I am interested in the ones I do get.
  3. Sometimes before sleep or when I go to the bathroom I look at emails/lemmy/others.

Edit2: I think there's a distinction to make here between SPAM emails and Newsletters. SPAM emails are mostly sent based on leaked emails lists or something. Newsletters, you usually sign up for them (knowingly or not).

Edit3: Bonus ProTip - If you use Gmail you can get a + sign after your email and before the @ symbol and whatever your write on there is ignored. So for instance myemail+otherwords@gmail.com will still forward to myemail@gmail.com . This means you can kind of find out who leaked your email if you register as "email+websitename@gmail.com", however this tip is getting known a bit more so some websites now sanitize your email and it won't work as intended... :(

Also, if for some reason you'll be using the email as the login it can be kinda crap.

Sorry for the long comment :) interesting topic.

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I think I overall prefer digital, but on e-ink devices mostly.

I like that they don't take up space, I can download them quickly and not have to go to the bookstore or order it online and wait for it to be delivered. Also I can sync it on multiple devices and read on my kindle when I really want to have a good reading experience but if I forget it or am waiting for the bus or something, just pull up the kindle app on my phone and everything is synced.

On the other hand, growing up with a lot of books I kinda miss the feel and smell of physical books. Also I feel like they are a bit more... "permanent".

I feel like this is a global thing but here it goes When serving dinner the women are served first, then the men. They do this from oldest to youngest.

So, first person to get food/wine/water/wtv served is the oldest woman, and the last person to be served is the youngest man...

Edit: I got the tittle wrong I thought it was only formal setting stuff. This is only done in very formal settings. Like an extremely important ceremony on the military branches of my country for instance.

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Started during covid to avoid going outside, plus I had one of the big players in food delivery as a client, so I got a monthly 20€ voucher. That got me hooked.

I got used to it, became lazier, completely got cooking out of my routine and I the process gained 30Kg that I'm now slowly trying to get off for the past 6months or so.

In a nutshell, I got addicted to junk food and was too lazy to go get it. Also had enough money to allow me to do it, even if I shouldn't for health and economic reasons... Could be saving for something like the down-payment on a house but nope. Spending it on junkfood+delivery (luckily tipping isn't a thing here).

Trying to break that habit now.

As a bonus: I ordered a lot from BurgerKing. Until the end of 2022 they had free delivery above 12€. I'd easily get to the 12€.

Around January 2023 they changed the website to offer delivery ABOVE 15€ and that was crap because my orders usually didn't go that high. Turns out they fucked it up when coding it and if you managed to get exactly 15€ it would completely bypass this check and give you free delivery.

Someone needs to go back to basic math >= :)

Unfortunately they fixed it in early November. Good thing though as it might discourage me from ordering even further.

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Was about to say BotW

If it's that good or deserves to be awarded, no?

I get what you mean but, what do you suggest? Not praising it?

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Huh, that's a good take! Didn't think about that.

It kind reminds me of the Oneplus brand. I loved the one plus (1) so I bought a Oneplus2 only for it to be put aside fairly quickly. I remember I used to suggest Oneplus to everybody, eventually I told everyone to stay away... Eventually the brand just lost it's focus imo... Instead trying to pump out as much overpriced garbage as possible...

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Could you also sell your 2nd hand old main board? That would lessen the blow of a new upgrade (considering you have no need for a home server).

I have thought about a framework laptop but my laptop is a humongous gaming laptop so I don't think framework has the horsepower I'm looking for. The fact that it's modular is soooooo tempting though...

15 more...

Just got back from Japan. I'm always surprised when I'm in the middle of nowhere and the public restrooms have heated sitting, deodorizer, bidet, background sounds. Like... Wtf? That's better than my toilet at home. And I'm not even from the US 🙃

I'd say maybe BG3 wins it. I haven't tried Alan Wake though and only seen Spider man gameplay but BG3 seems like the best overall.

Sometimes it's entertaining (and frustrating) to backtrack my train of thought. I'll think about it for a while and eventually go "Ahhhh! That's why I was thinking about X".

Then I realise that it's not really that interesting and that I was bothering my SO with all this thought process out loud expecting her to (somehow) be interested and share my excitement for finding out whatever I was thinking about.

Am I alone in this?

India is absolutely leaning (hard) towards Russia. They probably never bought gas/oil and fertiliser so cheap.

You wouldn't steal a car.

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Never thought about that 2 organization's thing. Really could be useful if you have a end client account or something, but truth be told the majority of users/companies don't need it so I kinda see why they don't focus on that. It would be neat to be able to do that though... For the time being I just use one on browser + one on windows app. 😬

As for the microphone thing, I have no idea what you all are talking about. I've been using teams since 2019 or so and I can't remember than happening once... Not that I can remember anyways.

That does usually work! But when I feel like eating crap the lady thing that comes to my mind is looking myself in the mirror.

It does sometimes happen afterwards and I wonder why I did it. It's getting better. I'll get there. :)

Note sure if I'm wooshed or you haha I was quoting a stupid ad that would roll before every movie in the 2000s.

Borderlands 2 was a blast. I don't think I've ever finished it sadly but I played it so much with friends

Small note, this is Brazilian Portuguese 🇧🇷 (PT-BR), not European Portuguese 🇵🇹 (PT-PT). I never heard most of these. We do have the "farinha do mesmo saco" and "comer o pão que o diabo amassou" though.

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I found myself thinking about that. I looked at the clean water on the toilet and thought, that's the exact same water, from the exact same source, that comes out of the kitchen faucet I use to drink and cook... What a fucking waste... (water is drinkable here ofc)

I sometimes see those eastern flushes with a tap on top that you can use to wash your hands or wtv and so the runoff water goes into the flush reservoir. I thought that was a great idea but, I think recently on lemmy someone asked about something that sounds like a good idea but isn't, and someone spoke about those toilet/sinks. I don't remember what the issues were but at the time I thought it made sense not to use it.

Still kinda hurts flushing perfectly good water down the drain :/

League of legends.

Absolutely despised it, thought it was just pointless since progress doesn't really carry over from match to match, so what's the point?

Eventually gave it a go back in 2011 and never got rid of it. Took me a while to get into it too, I'd only play because of my brother and with friends on teamspeak but eventually got reeeeally into it.

These days I don't have time, or at least don't want to invest it, for rankeds or even SR (5x5) so I mostly play ARAMs and some of the riot forge games (LOTRK, song of nunu). Looking forward for the mmo, really love the universe and I loved the TV show too.

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Poetic 👌

10K€ would pay me some debts and allow me to buy a new(er) car than my old ass '93 corsa.

I love the thing to death since it has so much meaning for me. But I really wish it had AC and power steering. Parking on tight spots is hell, but on the upside gets me a quick workout :')

And don't forget you also have the option to go refurbished if you want to save some money!

Hilarious. As a non native English speaker, that took me a few seconds to get. But it's so good lmao, I'm stealing this one.

Fuck you spez

Ah, I read it wrong. Somehow my half asleep brain thought he put the blanket on the heater...

Oh, people do say that but maybe it has to do with the straw quality? The ones I usually use are from McDonald's or Starbucks and those are fine. Unless you leave them there for a long time (1hour + maybe?).

I'm not US based so maybe in Europe they are sturdier? I dunno...

Nevermind, it seems the commenter above my initial comment is also based in Europe. Eastern Europe while I'm in Western Europe but it's Portugal so, essentially, eastern Europe.

When all this started about the straws I bought a set of metal straws too but I've never heard of collapsible metal straws. That could be a handy item to have on you

I'm wondering, what does the heated blanked have to do with the heater?

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These are a few of the classics. All of these are kinda short, ranging from a few seconds to a couple of minutes, I always watch them again when I feel like I need a laugh:








I hate that so fucking much. Why would I fill my phone with crap apps for something that I only use once a month or so? Teams wouldn't be the case since I use it often. But so much more apps are asking and sometimes forcing you to download an app that's the exact same shit as loading the page... 🤦🏻‍♂️


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I mostly don't like the movement. Feels very... "floaty". Also the fact that when it released it only had controller mapping icons for the tool tips (this is how I remember it. Don't know if they fixed it afterwards.)

I'm playing with a mouse mad keyboard ffs, just tell me which key to press. I don't know wtf L3 is on a keyboard.

The world and story looks very interesting. I really want to like it... But I don't.

Well to add to that then, Microsoft outlook also has a free alias service, which work as a redirect email that you can enable/disable at will. But I believe there's a limit to those, so I just use my Gmail address most times.