What's a food you forget you like? Then you eat it, and wonder why you don't buy it more often?

IonAddis@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 207 points –

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Fruits. I don't have the habit of eating any fruit. It's super unhealthy and when I do remember to buy fruit when grocery shopping, I am always surprised how good it tastes, only to forget about it for a couple more months...

You and me both! Or I get into a fruit kick, then slow down after a bit, and what I have starts to go bad so I stop buying them all together.

Are you me

No, we are legion. I'm sure oodles of people fall into this fruit trap.

Yeah I guess that makes sense. I wonder what would be a way to fix it

Frozen fruits? They don't taste as good but you can still throw them in your smoothies and then safely forget about the rest for 2 months

I'm basically a toddler when it comes to fruit. It can sit around on the counter looking all pretty for days and I won't touch it. But the moment my wife cuts some up, I'll devour it.

Maybe you just need a wife who likes to chop things 🤔

Especially oranges for me, every time I'm like " damn I should buy this mf more often"