3 Post – 274 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Currently learning German. I have another account on, But I haven't used it in a while.

Why? You haven't given me reason to. You seem like a nice person!

I don't hate you wesker

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I'm loving it so far!

Arnold Schwarzenegger. Or maybe Cyclops or Magneto if we're allowed fictional characters. I think it would be funny

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Oh hell yes. Barely know anything about him (just started reading Guards, Guards!) but yes.

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Oh wow. TIL

Haha nice


Thought that said "Kalt" for a moment lmao

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Holy cow I can't believe it. RIP

It's the "engaging and interesting to our followers" part that makes me so mad...

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Out of the loop, what's wrong with electron?

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Me staring aggressively at Steam, Zotero, and bash:

(And more)

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Is there a non blurry version? It's blurry on my end for some reason

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Say what now?

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Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow¡¿

I second this, OP, this is pretty much the state of it, but I do recommend trying out a Linux program called Wine, it can run some windows programs in your Linux environment. It's not always the best, but I run a circuit making program there and I only had a bit of issue once. I just wanted to mention wine since some stuff works well with it, but now I'm realizing a VM might be better if it's multiple programs lol. Oh well.

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I would like to use it but no one else does

Garbage collectors/sanitation workers.

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What is an SME?

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"Don't let perfect be the enemy of good"

I do this too!

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Ublock origin, bitwarden, dark background and light text, tridactyl

Nice! I use kvaesitso too, nice to see it get some use

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Wait why is appimage bad

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How exactly do you self host your own searxng instance? Also, based on what you said, wouldn't having your own instance make you stand out more?

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I just put Arch Linux on a tiny laptop that was struggling to run Windows 11 after an upgrade, and it runs smooth like butter now. Feels good.

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Do you have a source for the ext4 failure stuff? I use ext4 currently and want to see if there's something I need to do now other than frequent backups

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I kept reading it as "search" and was wondering what "iu" meant lmao... And I even use arch lol

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Oof I would be so panicked if that happened to me

"Welcome to Team Fortress 2 Dillo. After 9 years in development, hopefully it would have been worth the wait."

(I'm gonna try it, it seems neat)

Empty here too.

I'm afraid I don't have any real solution, since I get Firefox from the play store, but its my secondary browser; I get Mull from Obtainium (kinda like a Librewolf for android), you might look into that? I know this is kind of not what you wanted to hear though and im sorry

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I'm currently using Kvaesitso. It's different, but it's worth a try There's also discreet launcher

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Newpipe, Revanced, and Freetube are my go-to front ends now. Not even cause of the AdBlock thing, just cause.

Does cheesecake count?

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I'm not the OP, but drat, I didn't know that bit about the NTFS drive not working nice... that was gonna be my plan for my games so I wouldn't have to re-download hundreds of gigabytes of games (Battlefield 1, Borderlands, TF2, Genshin, etc...)

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Ah true. Bash doesn't bug me as much as Zotero cause at least it's a .bashrc file. With Zotero it's a whole folder! In $HOME! Absolute madness!