Dotfiles matter! Please stop dumping files in users’ $HOME directories. to – 670 points –

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Me staring aggressively at Steam, Zotero, and bash:

(And more)

To be fair, bash was released a decade before the XDG specs.

Ah true. Bash doesn't bug me as much as Zotero cause at least it's a .bashrc file. With Zotero it's a whole folder! In $HOME! Absolute madness!

You aren't using the Steam flatpak?

I'm using the Snap Flatpack of Steam, but I'm thinking of wrapping that in an AppImage because screw all of these idiot distribution walled gardens.

wh... what. lmao yall just say as many buzz words as possible.

Yeah, it was supposed to be a snarky joke about the horrible trend of packaging in app stores, but I suspect it feel through, and everyone is just interpreting it how they like. I think including AppImage threw the joke off, because that one doesn't suck so much.

"appimage doesn't suck" is a funnier joke than the original.

"... so much." Don't leave the important qualifiers out!

I could argue that it's the worst of the three... Appimage is awful.

No proprietary app store, no server to run, no additional software to install... truely stand-alone applications... what's not to like?

The truly stand-alone part is the worst part. It doesn't integrate with your system well and has no convenient way to keep apps up to date.