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Technically I'm voting for Biden, in reality I'm voting against Trump. I really wish I had a better option...

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He has even said he is slowing down and can't debate as well as used to. This doesn't technically disqualify him, but it should be a huge red flag that he isn't and wasn't the best candidate. That's the real problem.

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This vote is far too important to protest vote. Especially now that I live in a swing state.

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And that's great, that's what I do in the primaries. I'm not about to risk a Trump presidency just to place a vote for a 3rd party that I probably also don't actually like. Just plug the nose and stop the larger threat.

Oh I know. I live in a swing state, so I have to plug my nose and vote.

Whatever helps you sleep at night if Trump gets elected.

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Undecided Latino voters specifically according to the article. I don't think that should be too surprising based on the lies Trump was spewing about illegal immigration.

Its the parts fault if they cant get an easy vote, not the voter's

Ultimately, yes that's the case. It's the candidates job to attract voters.

Airlines have a mandatory retirement age of 65. I could support that for politicians and judges.

On Reddit I remember getting called a "space Karen" for pointing this out in a discussion about Starlink. Elon Musk fanboys are some of the worst. Second only to Q fanboys.

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Let's see how the strategy of ignoring calls from your base a year before a contested election that your opponent polls higher in key states works out for them. It feels like the DNC is trying to lose in 2024 right now.

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The only thing similar about them is that the electorate doesn't want them. Oh, and they're both older than former president Bill Clinton, who has been out of office for 25 years now.

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They have intentionally broken the boarding system in order to get people to pay for upgrades just to get that baggage space. During covid they boarded from the back of the plane to the front, and it was gloriously efficient.

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Miranda definitely learned some kind of lesson, maybe even Levi. The thing is, that lesson won't necessarily change their votes, at least not right away. That's a lot of brainwashing and grief they have to struggle with now.

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Cheese is a solid food.

It's partly just their sheer size. The internet continues to become a worse place as it gets more and more centralized, and Cloudflare is part of that.

The important part about this is that Vulcan doesn't just use yet another Russian bought rocket engine. It uses BE-4, from Blue Origin. Finally, someone other than SpaceX building rockets. Too bad it's the other out of touch billionaire with too much power and influence that is doing it.

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Now I feel home.

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At least it's the fun conspiracies instead of the nation destroying ones.

This is such a bad take. Imagine being mad that the user has a choice for a low/no cost ad supported version and a paid version. There are other benefits too, like being able to trial the software for as long as you want before buying in.

I have family in Michigan that are big Trump supporters. This would piss them off and make me happy.

In fact he lost the popular vote both times and the candidates he backed during the midterms lost for the most part. His entire track record is losing.

Weight is lost in the kitchen. You go to the gym to improve your fitness.

Yeah, developers shouldn't make money unless granted a benevolent donation.

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You mean the guy that never won a popular vote and whose candidates mostly lost in 2022 might lose yet again? I'm not saying to relax on the efforts to beat him, but he's a proven loser.

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They don't make or contribute to any types of technology.

That part isn't completely true. When they created the bootstrap framework it changed how many people built websites. They can and have contributed to technology. However, your point is valid that news about Twitter is business news.

Just like Musk and the other billionaires wanted.

I think it will keep going until the more moderate ones reach across the aisle to the democrats. They'll have to completely cut off any power the extreme right has.

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Being a convicted felon, can he even vote for himself now? I'm pretty sure Florida doesn't allow felons to vote.

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Inconsequential for Musk sure, but not Twitter. Twitter is a company that didn't make money, lost half of its ad revenue, can't afford to pay its rent, can't afford to pay its cloud providers, and was saddled with huge debts that have $1b in interest annually. The clock is ticking for Twitter.

The neat part is that if you add the numbers together and they're still too large to tell, you can do it again. In your example, you get 15. If you do it again, you get 6, which isn't the best example because 15 is pretty obvious, but it works.

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Not without a speaker. The speaker is the one that brings things to the floor to be voted on. That's why it has never happened before. Everyone understood the extreme consequences of not having a speaker.

That's almost every tech company. IPOs are designed to make the rich richer. They get early access which drives sales, others buy into the hype, and the early access people cash out.

I disagree. It's okay to make fun of things that people do, but not what people are. You shouldn't make fun of someone for having a disability. You can make fun of someone choosing to put all that money and effort into a degree they are only leveraging to work at a haunted house. Not to mention comedy is subjective, so you may not find the same types of jokes funny.

They think having flag themed everything is patriotic while having never actually read the flag code to know that it isn't.

Some Republicans genuinely think FDR was a bad president and the social programs he created were bad. They're also the ones that like Reagan.

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It's working so far for him. He's the rising star in the party. I'm sure there is a portion of the republican electorate that would like to vote for a brown person so they can use it as "evidence" that they aren't racist. Just like when they claimed racism was over when Obama got elected.

Trump already had the perfect name for it. Covfefe

The concept you're describing is called Eternal September and happens to all web services that get popular enough.

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No, and I have peace in my life because I do not have that abusive relationship.