Chill, folks

The Picard to – 449 points –

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They have intentionally broken the boarding system in order to get people to pay for upgrades just to get that baggage space. During covid they boarded from the back of the plane to the front, and it was gloriously efficient.

Literally a shittier boarding process because it’s more profitable that way. Freeeee market! πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ

Back to front boarding is not that great, you want window to aisle boarding.

You want back to front and window to aisle. It won't help when the plane loads front to back whether it's window to aisle or not

Funnily, just opening the gates is near ideal for boarding. Doing almost any grouping slows things down more than random boarding.

That's the exact video I saw a long time ago showing back to front window to aisle as best

A lot of commercial planes are tail heavy, loading a bunch of people in the back first is going to tip it. Doesn't even need to tip all the way to cause damage. It's a scary thing to see in person. So yes it does matter what order people are seated in.

If everyone is walking forward at the same time it will be evenly weighted