Democratic Staffers Told To Let Constant Calls For Cease-Fire ‘Go To Voicemail’ to – 365 points –
Democratic Staffers Told To Let Constant Calls For Cease-Fire ‘Go To Voicemail’

Congressional staff say the mood inside the Capitol is tense, stifling and bewildering as members brush off their constituents’ outrage.


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Let's see how the strategy of ignoring calls from your base a year before a contested election that your opponent polls higher in key states works out for them. It feels like the DNC is trying to lose in 2024 right now.

It feels like the DNC is trying to lose in 2024 right now.

And this is new, how? It feels like they're trying to throw every election. They never even bother to call out Republicans on their shenanigans and they spend a lot of time being like "We know the fascists passed these very fascist laws, but everything falls apart if we don't take the obviously fascist laws they passed with the seriousness they deserve by enforcing those fascist laws. We have to play by these rules they've set that benefit them and harm us, because if we did that, it would be unfair and undemocratic." (Conveniently ignores Republicans being unfair and undemocratic.)

That's fair. The DNC loves to rig things because they think they know better than the voters they rely on...

Ehh. It's more like... what other choice do you have? Don't gotta outrun the bear...just the GOP.

This is why we need ranked choice voting.
Anyone who's even brushed the surface of game theory knows fptp is the easiest to manipulate and a race to the bottom.

Every place that has winner take all and every simulation of winner take all always boils down to a two party system.

Controlled opposition!
The democrats indeed find the Republicans very useful for moderating Democrat policies without taking the blame.

Let’s see how the strategy of ignoring calls from your base a year before a contested election that your opponent polls higher in key states works out for them. It feels like the DNC is trying to lose in 2024 right now.

the "vote for the lesser evil" crowd are an overwhelming majority and, they not only don't care that dems don't deserve your vote; but will use that overwhelming majority voice to blame you for enabling trump.

Okay, but the fact is there are only two viable choices and every vote that isn't for Biden supports and enables Trump. That is true despite Biden being terrible. And he's nowhere near as terrible as Trump. Read about Project 2025. People need to know about it. That is what Trump wants.

It is vital that be stopped. And that means voting for Biden.

This election there actually could be 3 viable candidates. Both major parties have such awful candidates that RFK Jr is polling the highest a 3rd party candidate has in a very long time. They show Biden and Trump both in the 30s percentile wise and RFK Jr at 24%. The "protest vote" seems to get stronger and stronger.

The cold, hard truth is that with a winner take all system, it will always be a lesser of two evils situation. Just like they want it to be.

I think the crowd of apathetic voters is much larger than the "lesser evil" crowd. But the lesser evil crowd sends their hate towards third party voters rather than the apathetic.

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