Vulcan rocket's debut brings long-awaited challenge to SpaceX dominance to – 141 points –
Vulcan rocket's debut brings long-awaited challenge to SpaceX dominance

Dependence on SpaceX has been a concern for the Pentagon, which wants multiple vendors of rides to orbit.


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The important part about this is that Vulcan doesn't just use yet another Russian bought rocket engine. It uses BE-4, from Blue Origin. Finally, someone other than SpaceX building rockets. Too bad it's the other out of touch billionaire with too much power and influence that is doing it.

Right? What could possibly go wrong by putting our future in space in the hands of a bunch of narcissistic dickbag billionaires?

Nobody ever said it we start spreading into space, we won't be taking all our current problems with us. Star Trek kinda gave us a rosy vision.

It's probably going to be more like the Expanse but more violent, oppressive, and jingoistic.

The expanse makes it very clear that there was no shortage of space oppression before the events that occur in the books

Rosy? Star Trek said we had to go through a nuclear apocalyptic war before learning to cooperate.

SYLRC (Support Your Local Rocket Company) Seriously though, there's a lot of new ones coming online and/or developing: Stoke, Astra, Relativity, Rocket Lab, etc… Yeah, it sucks that two of the behemoths are ran by egomaniacal sociopaths, but some of the other ones are bringing some cool tech and innovation to the table, and even getting government contracts.