FOSS alternative to... Sending Spotify links? to Ask – 43 points –

This is probably a dumb question but what is a better way to send a link to a song to friends without using Spotify? I don't use Spotify anymore so I don't like going back to that website just to copy a song link so people could hear it. I know I could send something like a YouTube link but I'm trying to degoogle so I wanted to see if there was an alternative? Can you send songs as links? Idk I just randomly thought about this and wanted to ask if I'm being weird or something Thanks in advance

(Edited to fix typo)


I know I'm middle aged but ... MP3s? A few megabytes isn't that much these days.

I haven't touched an MP3 file for years. Everything's streamed.

I still touch MP3 because it is compact and we need everything to be stored locally.

I just didn't want to look weird/sus plus mp3s don't always do a preview thing in discord (I know, I'm trying to switch to matrix) so sometimes it makes you download the file But yeah I guess I can just send the file

I'm curious about this too, but more for for sharing long, self-made playlists. A single song is not too bad to send or find on YouTube but a playlist is difficult

Some alternative clients of Apple Music I use use the API of this to copy “universal” song/album links. It also has functions as a music search engine so maybe it can be useful to you. It’s not FOSS and its privacy policy could be better though.

I'm confused, can you not just search "Blur Song 2 spotify" (for example) in your browser and copy the link that comes up without ever actually clicking it or using Spotify? I don't use Spotify either but sometimes want to show my friends songs and I know they won't listen unless it's a Spotify link so I do this.