WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]

@WalrusDragonOnABike [they/them]@lemmy.today
0 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

How could you be simpler than keepass? Like, there's more advanced features, but for basic function, its just a password to access a list of passwords.

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You technically only need it on one device if you don't want to be able to copy/paste or use the autotype feature. Which works fine until you lose or break that one device or upgrade to a new one and forgot you needed to transfer your passwords or delete your database because you didn't remember what it was and wanted to free up space.

And Bitwarden has scary things like "self-hosting".

I’d love to see a true progressive, but there are an awful lot of people who simply won’t vote for one. So I’m sticking with Biden and hoping for the best.

There's an awful lot of people who also simply won't vote for someone in Biden's physical condition. Don't even need to replace him with someone progressive. Most of his voters are "blue no matter who" people who wouldn't care if he was replaced.

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Biden being replaced by a progressive like AOC or Sanders isn't even remotely likely though, which is why I didn't mention all of the people who won't vote if they're not motivated to who'd come out for someone like AOC/Sanders/Warren/etc. And replace him with a "moderate" who didn't support Israel, and you'd get a lot more votes from people who are alienated by that issue.

On one hand, I think some data is better than no data, so I think its fair to say that there is a lack of evidence for it being better in terms of in-game performance after setup based on it and that should just be the null assumption anyways.

On the other hand, its been over a decade since its been pretty well known that average FPS is not necessarily reflective of overall performance and throwing the frametime data into a spreadsheet and doing =percentile([range],.99) and =percentile([range],.999) and then dragging it to neighboring cells seems like a pretty minimal extra work for a commercialized channel. For niche testing like this, I'm less bothered by it because having some results seems better than nothing, but its still nice to see it pointed out.

But what leggings were they?

If they're just doing it because their boss tells them to, why wouldn't they admit to it in an anonymous survey?

Get out the vote!

Curious how many of those 64% know what they're saying he's not guilty of.

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Sometimes people miss-tap while scrolling. Also, on kbin at least, you can who downvote things if they're on kbin. I think if you run your own instance, as an admin you can see who as well?

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Used to have a credit limit that was like double my annual income. Surely they knew there was no way I could afford even the interest alone if I came anywhere close to maxing out cards...

Maybe if they UK provided prescriptions to people in a timely manner, people wouldn't resort to other means of getting their medical treatment.

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Seems like you put way too much effort in opposing such a simple change. Why care at all if its changed to "people"? You sound a lot like people "just asking questions."

"Biological female" is also a big red-flag.

Some FTM may not even come out until they're already pregnant. Some may choose to not take HRT for the purpose of having a biological child. And you don't need to take HRT to be trans, so it also sound a bit too transmedicalist.

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Wish we would stop using fonts don't think make a clear differences between I and l.

Strats against bosses, how to obtain good items, etc

Also, lots of people really care about Souls story for some reason.

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Warning. Taking the pink pill may lead to the following side effects: -others suddenly irrationally upset at you -ewwwphoric experiences -jars are harder to open

I think 70% of the recent posts seem onion-y or would be if it were claiming any other person except a handful of people who regularly say things that I'd have assumed were the Onion pre-Trump.

The Onion has generally been political, with a bias towards US politics, and Not the Onion is for news... so the posts should generally be political news mixed with some lighthearted nonsense news.

Also, one of the less oniony stories is one I upvoted without realizing where it was posted just because it seemed funny and it was one of the non-political news stories.

  • Oops, I forgot _______ again

-it'll only take like 15 minutes (don't trust me: it'll either be 3 minutes or 1 hour).

Present Hunter Biden convicted of 3 felonies. Gonna look bad for Future Hunter Biden.

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And you don't need to re:build green spaces to decarify. But you probably should.

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Reminds me of an episode of Digimon where Joe (I think) says something like "I don't like eating on an empty stomach." But I think that was supposed to be an obviously bad excuse for not eating something he didn't want to try rather than serious statement, but I was never certain...

On a 27" monitor, it makes a huge deal for things like web-browsing, spreadsheets, etc. For video games, its not something I generally notice the difference in with a notable exception being Terraria. Having smaller UI (but still clear) to give more usable space is the main benefits imo.

Also not OP, but without a doubt yes every time. I've don't think I've ever noticed the natural smell of a human being other than myself as a negative smell. OTOH, someone who is fresh out of the shower and used something like a strongly scented shampoo should quarantine themselves for at least a bit before doing something like getting on a bus.

On linux it’s one pip install and you’re done

Isn't that how packages/dependencies work on windows as well? Once I got pip updated, I've never had any issues with it.

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Even if its not fixed or somehow we find a way to change it that isn't abusive in other ways, it would still be wrong for parents to make that decision for others imo. People deserve more bodily autonomy than that. The problem with PTGA is that it presupposes that being gay is wrong and that's the primary problem with it. Whether people can choose or not is irrelevant imo. There's also the secondary problem that the methods used to try to change children are often abusive in other way, but that's not inherent to it.

I think I had someone ask why I was necroing something because I had responded to something that had been posted earlier that or the night before. Maybe it was older than 24 hours, but regardless it was a weird experience.

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I have an asrock motherboard which doesn't like losing power (z97, so a little older than this one). Usually, I have to press the reset and CLRCBTN1 buttons on the motherboard, flip the switch on the PSU, wait 15 minutes, turn the PSU back on, try turning it on using the power button on the motorboard, maybe spam the reset/clrcbtn1 button some more and hope it works. Sometimes I can skip the PSU part, but not often. Think my model motherboard has some manufacturing defect related to the CMOS, because others have reported similar issues.

Edit: Link to thread about the reoccurring problem: https://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/2jrt1b/psarequest_possible_reoccurring_problem_with_the/

Depends if they're on the coast or not.

If your desk is only 3/4ths of a chain long, how will you fit more than one computer?

I really did always hate that Reddit felt like a massive echo chamber.

Lemmy is a collection of independent echo chambers that believe different things. You can make an account on some instance you never heard of before and get people assuming you have certain beliefs just because of your instance because apparently a lot of people stick primary to their home instance? In one instance, you have an echo chamber of "bOtH SiDeS aRe tHe sAmE" and other echo chambers that say things like "I won't vote for someone who aids in genocide".

Some instances block more instances than others (the one you are on has blocked 172 instances, for example). And some instances are blocked by a lot of instances (lemmygrad is blocked by 89 instances). Also some instances disable downvoting, if that's something you're interested in.

I don't think overpolicing is an issue in most places? Like, there's that one person who openly is pro-genocide in all of the palestine-related threads (like, they explicitly call for killing of even infants and that anything less is antisemitism) and I guess they're tolerated (just probably one of the most heavily downvoted people on lemmy). But if they're on an instance without downvotes, they wouldn't even see them.

Is there gonna be a loser's bracket for this tournament?

I never said i oposse it.

Fooled me.

Just that it sounds weird.

Seems sus. But honestly its weird what people are about, so I wouldn't really blame you for feeling that way. For example:

"I doubt a label such as 'vitamins for pregnant women' would"

Back when I was an egg (ie: I had no clue I was trans), I remember specifically disliking when my parents got me shampoo with the label "men" on it. I've gone without deodorant because the one I usually got was out of stock and the next closest thing (the only other "vegan" one I knew of) was labeled "men". I've avoided multivitamins marketed for "men". I had no clue why that bothered me... I assumed I was cis-by-default. It still makes no sense why I care about any of that. But I certainly don't doubt there's trans men who care about such labels, even if just a little. Its probably not in the top 100 in the list of priorities, but there's no reason to waste even a sentence defending that kind of wording.

Trans people already deal with enough BS elsewhere. No reason they should tolerate within their own communities. I'm currently banned from such a community I was a regular in and I'll defend them banning me for what they thought I was saying (even though its based on a complete misunderstanding).

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A single takeaway of my personal opinion from this series of polls is that Gen Z is comfortable with themselves, don’t feel the need to hide, and the older generations are following suit and/or the long fought battle for social change from the older generations have finally yielded an environment that people can just be themselves.

At least a small part is simply people having the knowledge to realize they are LGBT, but this is probably more relevant for the less common parts of the rainbow. Part of that is just the internet has grown. I found I gravitated towards queer spaces personally despite thinking I was allocishet at the time.

I can for sure say the general culture today, I would feel comfortable being out in, but in 2012… I would not have been.

This is still dependent on what type of LGBT you are and what area you are in imo. Personally, I don't think I'd have had any problem being out as gay in 2012 (pretty sure a fair number of people assumed I was and I thought that was cool), but I'm still plenty uncomfortable being out as trans atm, for example. Granted, part of it was I was in school in 2012 and now I work in the field of education (fortunately not a public school) in Texas.

This isn't a transfem community, nor a transfem enby-excluding community, afaik. There is a transfem community on Lemmy, but it's explicitly inclusive of enbies, so still not just a women's space.

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Is this part of Hades 2?

at that point, a 2x4 is 2 inches by 4 inches.

From my understanding, as tools have gotten more precise, the raw boards have gotten slightly smaller to reach the same standard size with less waste. So, 2x4 doesn't even refer to modern unprocessed 2x4s, but rather a hypothetical unprocessed 2x4 at some point in the past.

Because obviously all compliments are actually just insults in disguise! /s

I put /s, but like, that's often my first assumption. IME, often compliments have been mostly been intentionally a back-handed insult, are putting themselves down in the process, or they're trying to give a genuine compliment but its about something I dislike about myself and therefore feels insulting despite the intentions.

With the current law, I thought the onus was on the websites to verify user's ages. Not technically banning porn, but effectively making the big names drop support. Are there any US states where porn viewing itself is criminalized?

At least we get other domesticated Caniformia (the "dog-like" suborder), just no domesticated Ursidae (bear family) specifically.

If you click "more" and then "activity", its listed in the "reduces" tab. Kbin only includes kbin downvotes though, which is why downvotes look so rare on kbin.