How big is your desk? to Programmer – 939 points –

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On linux it’s one pip install and you’re done

Isn't that how packages/dependencies work on windows as well? Once I got pip updated, I've never had any issues with it.

No clue, all i know is that i never have to do more than that, and noone has managed to get it working on windows 🤷‍♂️

When i started learning programming, everything was always a pain to set up, needed to install weird IDEs from shady websites and they only worked half the time. Then a friend showed me linux where stuff just worked out of the box, just slap some code in a textfile and compile it, i never looked back (was working in c/c++ but from what i've seen it's not much better for python)

Since some wsl features started coming with windows out of the box python has been pretty trivial to install. It's a far cry from the conda/cygwin nightmare hell scape it used to be

I believe, it's because various Python libraries ship with a pre-compiled C/C++/Rust library. That library needs to be compiled for a specific target, and you often only get Linux x86_64 on Pypi, because that's what most library devs use themselves.

Conda tries to solve that by providing a separate repository, where they do have builds for more targets available, but as a result, they have fewer libraries available in that repo. That's why we needed to install some via Conda and some via Pipenv/Pypi.