
1 Post – 129 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

enforce fair housing laws

Hopefully this includes not kicking out people who can still pay rent, just so the landlord can have themselves a weekend vacation cabin or higher-priced rental. And there should be a law forcing landlords to offer a rent-to-own option. Also, how about recalculating inflation to account for every expense that has gone up, so that the percentage a landlord can raise rent each year isn't so damned high. While we're being fair, of course :|

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Too many people lack compassion.

I almost became homeless myself recently because the landlord wanted his house back after me renting the place for 19 years. It wasn't my fault, and I simply cannot afford rent anywhere else with my SSDI income.

All the usual suggestions and arguments in favor of homeless sweeps and victim blaming fall apart for people like me: shelters are not an option because I don't always stay sane when exposed to too many people; I'm not on recreational drugs at this time, so I can't be dismissed as deserving of homelessness for that reason; I'm taking my meds as I should; I can't get HUD vouchers because I'm sleeping on a relative's porch; mental institutions are not an option unless I'm in imminent danger of hurting myself or others; etc.

The reality is that a person in need often faces roadblock after roadblock when trying to find housing, and there aren't enough funds handed out to solve the problem. I'm just grateful to be one of the lucky few who is stabilizing with a roof over my head, incomplete as it is.

I think most people just won't care until it happens to them.

I think Windows 10 will be the last version I use. As time goes on, Linux seems more and more like a viable option, and I'll be glad to have control over my PC for once. And who knows, maybe I will no longer have the mysterious freezing issue that's been plaguing me for years...

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It's must be like one long nightmare for Palestinians. It's akin to the Great Tribulation, and the politicians who claim to believe in such things are way too happy supporting Israel. I cannot imagine the US standing much longer, not after this and everything else this country has done to the world. It has to end.

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Maximum Worf

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Despite media reporting that she was beaten by Hamas, Argamani went to social media on Friday to say that her words had been taken out of context. She said she was not beaten and her hair was not cut.

"I said, I had cuts all over my head and I was hurt all over my body." Argamani emphasized that her wounds came from the collapse of a building after it was bombed by the IAF.

"As a victim of October 7, I will not allow myself to be victimized once again by the media," she said.

The logging industry sucks. They log old growth and plant a single species in what was previously a diverse ecosystem. They spray poison to protect their saplings from competition, and among the poisoned dead are fruit plants which fed the local wildlife. All wildlife suffers as a result.

I met up with some loggers who took down a very old pine I used to walk past. They told me that it looked like it contained a lot of good wood, but after it fell they realized it wasn't so good after all. So they left it laying there, and their attitude was 'oh well.'

Adding to all this suckage, the industry takes trees from the land we all share and if they don't get exported to another country, they get processed and sold here for exorbitant prices. That wood could be used to build affordable housing but no, the rich have to get richer, even if it means shitting all over everything.

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The administration of President Joe Biden had considered blocking the battalion from receiving US assistance amid reports of involvement in human rights violations, but Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller said on Friday that such abuses had been “effectively remediated”.

So, we effectively dragged our feet until we got assurances that the battalion corrected its behavior? Yet, when it comes to the UNWRA, we're quick to cease funding on a faint glimmer of a rumor.

The safety net has people-sized holes in it. I nearly became homeless in June, and it wasn't the state that came through for me, it was a relative. Even though I'm stll sleeping on a porch, I count myself lucky.

The programs that are supposed to help people stay housed are failing: not enough funds for housing vouchers, restrictions too high for enrollment, and waiting lists too long for practicality.

And Gavin is a wannabe autocrat. If it weren't for him and his vetomania, we would have legalized natural psychedelics in CA by now. But no, instead we have people out there getting sick from sketchy products. And it seems like it's the same with everything: do the exact opposite of helping while making it look like you care.

Edit: there are decent leaders out there though, such as this mayor who lived as a homeless man for a week to gain some insight on the matter.

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One time when I worked at a hardware store, I was loading concrete bags for a woman and I asked her, "you wanted eight?" to confirm how many she requested. She asked back, "do I want a date??" Anyway, I was too shy to pretend that I was asking her out, so this comment is only sort of about dating.

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This is a real bummer. The hacks will say up, but no new uploads. At least there'll be people who still make rom hacks, though. (I hope they don't all operate on Discord.)

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Don't drink alcohol with a mood disorder, It might seem ok for a while, but it's totally not.

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Psychopathy, not psychosis. It's easy to get the two disorders confused.

From Psychology Today:

Psychopathy is a condition characterized by the absence of empathy and the blunting of other affective states. Callousness, detachment, and a lack of empathy enable psychopaths to be highly manipulative.

Psychosis occurs when an individual loses touch with reality—a break that can be terrifying to experience or to observe in a loved one. Psychosis can include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, and abnormal movements.

This is mpox, so it's not monkeys you need to avoid, only MPs... Spread the word!

If you wanted it for therapeutic use, you'd have to jump through hoops and spend a lot of $ just to get little bit. Meanwhile, cops can have you sedated with it at will.

I've never used ketamine, but if it's anything like similar dissociatives, an unexpected trip could be very disturbing. And on top of the other abuses from police, I can imagine the whole ordeal would cause life-long trauma (if you survived in the first place).

He a dude that likes to play with reflective spheres on checkered planes. Cool guy :)

I'm not buying much, if any, of this story. The FBI has been known to groom potential 'terrorists', catch them before they can act, and then toot their own horns for a job well done. And by groom, I mean nudging unstable people towards extremism and providing them weapons, vehicles, dates, etc. to carry out an attack.

Knowing that the FBI does the things I mentioned also leads to a disturbing question: how many successful mass attacks in the US were the result of FBI involvement? Is it a nonzero number?

Bring back waxed paper and cellophane! And don't forget to stop using plastic stickers on produce; I hate finding those suckers in the compost.

Also, while we're making progress, force every retailer that sells you batteries (and any products containing them) to take them back once they're dead. Or maybe have a battery disposal at every post office or something...

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"Patients are generally encouraged to rest, stay hydrated, and use over-the-counter pain relievers[...]"

Sounds like you turn yourself into a sloth... Where you do it is up to you, I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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With climate change causing massive heat waves, everyone probably realized they could have Burning Man at home...

Who can stop the US's support of Israel? It seems hopeless. I don't even know what else to say. This world is upside-down.

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9/11. My first thought when watching TV that day was 'Bush did this'. Now maybe he did or maybe he didn't, but it's clear as day the US was just itching pass the Patriot Act and go to war. Every year since then has shown me this country's government couldn't give a shit about poor and downtrodden people in other countries. In fact, the US is doing the trodding, and the poor of this country are also in its sights.

At least we still have social programs here, which is good thing, but it feels like something left over from when more people cared.

I really, really wish the US would get the f out of the Middle East, stop arming Israel and begin making reparations. Unfortunately, those of us wanting peace tend to be meek (up to a point), which isn't a bad thing. Meek people can be strong enough to build a more stabile society, but a lot of unfortunate things are going to have to take place first.

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Everyone who gives weapons to Israel (or money to buy weapons) did this. I finally got angry enough to write Biden a letter, but who knows if he actually read it or not (probably not, but I did get a reply). It didn't seem to help much. All the protests aren't helping much. What can the people do to stop the govenment's support of Israel?

I've taken it for years with no issue except constipation from time to time. Kratom is about as impactful to me as an acetaminophen pill and a couple cups of coffee, which is good since I have to be careful about which substances I put into my body. I take one teaspoon infrequently. The key to taking it is to not take too much. Less=more, since higher dosages start having an inverse effect.

Articles like this one only seem to be creating hysteria where none should exist. We need more proper studies on the plant, but for now people should treat it like anything else: don't overdo it. I mean, you wouldn't take 15 acetaminophen tablets, and likewise you shouldn't take dozens of grams of kratom at once.

Disclaimer: some people can't keep their dosages low and they will develop a problem, so be careful with the stuff (or don't even try it if you are worried about becoming addicted).

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Nice shot! These were great if you were a kid without candy money... sometimes you'd hit the jackpot checking the coin return.

A funny thing I found out about dwelling on negative emotions like fear and guilt is that it never helped me become a better person. Quite the opposite. Only by facing my issues head-on and forgiving myself if/when I screw up do I actually make progress. (Some religions would have us look 'outside' ourselves for forgiveness, but that always places our spiritual wellbeing on some unknowable other.)

Is anything stopping western nations from subsidizing their own EV industries to the same degree China purportedly does?

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You're right, and it's horrifying that it continues. I guess I was just voicing a wish that it would end soon.

I also don't trust either party to fix any of these things. It's a sly game their playing, and sadly it's still working -_-

That looks like a blast, but I'd make sure the weather reports were favorable first...

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Reminder that the US military leaks PFAS out their ass:


and probabaly won't be stopping any time soon:


It's happening today, just like it's been happening for years.

On top of everything else, they don't actually produce pears.

Ugh, it's like people are against free food. I know fruit trees can make a mess, but why not plant fruitless trees over paved areas, and fruiting trees in parks and other wooded areas? It's also true that the fruit will attract so-called 'pests', but they would also attract more beneficial creatures as well...

We are so alienated from life in this country :(

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At least they provided this tidbit:

Engineers also discovered, as they plowed past the first 14,800 feet (4,511 meters), that the rock had much more porosity and permeability. That, paired with the extremely high temperatures, made the rock behave more like a plastic than a solid, rendering drilling virtually impossible.


Plastic Earth confirmed.

These are all free without ads:

VLC for movies and music.

Simple Text Editor, which is a lightweight and easy to use text editor. You can configure it to save on exit and open the last file.

ReadEra PDF reader.

RadioDroid is a free and open source internet radio player. Search for stations and genres around the world. It's waaay better than any of the other things on the Play Store.

Shader Editor if you like programming GLSL fragment shaders.

Krita for digital painting on a tablet.

Autodesk Sketchbook for digital painting on a phone or tablet. It has a paid tier, but the free version is great on its own.

Open Camera, open source camera software. It lets you overcome the limitations of the default app. I like using it when I want a more analog look (I disabled image noise reduction in app).

Manual Camera is a good camera app if you want total control over certain thing like focus, white level, etc.

Hacker's Keyboard. It's got freakin arrow keys. Plus easy access to common characters needed for programming.

And last but not least

F-Droid, which is like a play store for free and open source software (FOSS). Lots of things there.

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Can't add railing to every steep area. Jk, of course we can, we've got the resources :D

It's a sad story though, how he let go once he knew he was risking his wife's life by continuing to hold onto her. That final look of goodbye which probably took place, and the letting go.

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Not sure, but it might be military housing or small homes for the previously unhoused. I've never seen suburbs look quite this scant and homogenous.

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Beelzalel Smotrich, ugh. I can't fathom the mindset required to keep supporting Israel as it travels this path.

I wish more people would realize that what those in power do to the most disadvantaged among us, they will eventually do to the rest us, should we get in their way.

The US will probably want another land base in the general area. Megiddo, for instance, might be a strategic location. Of course, the people living there would need extra defensive capabilities. But to get public support, the initiative will need a name... perhaps something like 'Arm Megiddo'. /j

On a more serious note, this could easily get very bad very quickly, and not just 'over there'. We trust our governments to make decisions that keep us safe, but once they stop doing that they invite total destabilization from within. If the mainland gets attacked, all hell could break loose here...

Hopefully any new site keeps the high standards romhacking dot net upheld; it's way too easy to make a hack that unintentionally breaks other things in a game.

Regarding Discord, its un-openness to the 'net at large is definitely a prominent issue. But another problem (based on my limited experience) is that its people just aren't very friendly. It's like a large portion of them are annoyed at having to interact with other people. I don't know why that is or even if it's true, but that's the feeling I got from it.