The White House Has a Plan to Slash Plastic Use in the U.S. | The government said it would phase out its purchases of single-use plastics, significant because it is biggest buyer of consumer goods to politics – 127 points –
The White House Has a Plan to Slash Plastic Use in the U.S.

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Bring back waxed paper and cellophane! And don't forget to stop using plastic stickers on produce; I hate finding those suckers in the compost.

Also, while we're making progress, force every retailer that sells you batteries (and any products containing them) to take them back once they're dead. Or maybe have a battery disposal at every post office or something...

Those are great initiatves on their part, but there just aren't any of those stores near here. The closest Staples is probably 16 miles away and the nearest Home Depot is probaby 40-60 miles away... I appreciate the comment, I just hope more stores do that eventually.

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