
1 Post – 61 Comments
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Pointing out the hypocrisy is extremely useful for convincing open minded individuals who are listening to the arguement. Specifically the next generation.

"The thigh was considered the source of posterity in the ancient world. Or, more properly, the “loins” or the testicles. The phrase “under the thigh” could be a euphemism for “on the loins.” There are two reasons why someone would take an oath in this manner: 1) Abraham had been promised a “seed” by God, and this covenantal blessing was passed on to his son and grandson. Abraham made his trusted servant swear “on the seed of Abraham” that he would find a wife for Isaac. 2) Abraham had received circumcision as the sign of the covenant (Genesis 17:10). Our custom is to swear on a Bible; the Hebrew custom was to swear on circumcision, the mark of God’s covenant. The idea of swearing on one’s loins is found in other cultures, as well. The English word testify is directly related to the word testicles."


Hamas is as bad as Isreal, but they are Isreal's own creation. Most Palestinians don't support Hamas just like most Isrealis don't support their own government. It is two governments trying to commit genocide on the others civilians. Their are no good guys here. Just thousands of innocent civilians being massacred on both sides. The main difference is the US has decided to give one of these governments committing genocide the most advanced weapons available and practically no governments are even trying to help the Palestinians anymore. Not to mention hamas is commiting genocide to take back land the palestinians had a 100 years ago while the isrealis are commiting genocide to take back land they had 2000 years ago while pretending the palestians never even existed and spouting off racist revisionist history.

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The customer wants the brand new website we are building them to be able to load data from several types of excel files and then email them an excel file with results. Please shoot me...

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God fearing lives != raising good families

You have to pick one or the other.

Yes, the leaders of Isreal want palestine removed from the map. They are not taking it carefully. They are indiscriminately leveling Gaza right now. Please ask the 4000 dead palestinian children how careful the Isrealis have been.

Wanting to commit genocide and having the political capital to get away with it are two different things. I know several isrealis that felt their country was commiting genocide and I know for fact that not all Isrealis are bad. Criticism of Isreal is not an attack on all isrealis just like criticism of Hamas is not an attack on all palestinians.

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That is because Ukraine needs America's support and Isreal owns a majority if american politicians. Russia does not care about Isreal and Gaza as much as they want to be againest US interest.

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This part says a couple things about discrimination there.

"One worker described the N-word as both his White co-workers' and supervisor's preferred pronoun on the production line," the lawsuit said.

It is probably a scam, but maybe not. Ask him to explain the business plan to you and show you the numbers. If he is unwilling it is definitely a scam.

I am more offended by them saying you have to be 21 years old. If you are old enough to be drafted for the military then you should be old enough to have a firearm. Same with the right to vote.

It pisses me off that american taxpayers are paying for this shit. If Isreal wants to commit genocide so much, I don't want to fucking pay for it. See how far they get without us there backing them up.

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Maybe congresses salary should be a multiple of minimum wage so they always get increased together.

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Eh, I think it was okay for Hitler.

You don't need CP to get ai to make CP. Please educate yourself on ai technology.

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I've met muslims that would find this act disgusting and I have met christians that would not care. Consider that religion is not the only factor at play. Maybe enforced patriarchy is, which is something the christian south in the US is well known for.

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What exact behaviour is she accused of that is right wing extremism?

Dont they often train the program with adult porn and then the ai just puts a childs face onto bodies generated from this training data? I imagine these ai companies are scraping data from popular pornsites or just paying for the data and these pornsites work hard not to have CP on them. The result is a childs face on a body too mature for it. Remember that some actual adult actresses have body proportions that many would consider underdeveloped and someone generating these pictures could regenerate till the ai uses these body proportions.

The point being is you don't need CP to train ai to make CP. I am not justifying any moral positions here, but pointing out a fact in ai technology.

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Maybe we shouldn't love a group of people for their skin color alone.

So most oil comes from prehistoric algea. Most coal I believe comes from trees that evolved before fungus and bacteria could break down wood. Wood will no longer turn into coal because of fungus and bacteria.

I am a software engineer and you are misrepresenting the technology. All the articles I can find state it was a web based ai generator but not which one. Please find me a company that makes this tech public and is somehow not in trouble but should be or is in trouble.

"That same year, Tatum surreptitiously recorded one of his New York patients during an outpatient visit, five days after the youth turned 18."

"Two of the images Tatum used AI to modify were from a school dance"


The above quotes indicate it may have been used on an older child which could easily be done with legal training data. Please find any evidence that any public ai image generator is stupid enough to use CP when they are risking millions of dollars and would have to keep a lot of employees quiet about it.

I donate a nice chunk of cash to lemmyworld servers and devs. Meta is going to reduce the quality of Lemmy. It is going to get overrun with bots and advertisments and genuine conversations are going to dissapear. I and probably many other donators will not want to stick around if we get overrun with bot posts and advertisements like reddit.

Ya the actual press release says up to 1.1 millions gallons could have been released with the actual amount unknown. The article is sensationalist, but it still sounds like it could be pretty bad, but we need to wait for more data to find out exactly how bad.

"The volume of discharged oil is currently unknown. The total pipeline length is 67 miles and was closed by MPOG at 6:30 a.m. on Thursday. Initial engineering calculations indicate potential volume of crude oil that could have been released from the affected pipeline is 1.1 million gallons."


Also as a side note to understand how bad 1 million gallons is, the 2010 BP oil spill released 130 million gallons.

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I think this was an important quote from the article for context.

"In that moment, I was focused on our university's longstanding policies aligned with the US Constitution, which say that speech alone is not punishable," Magill said in the video. "I was not focused on, but I should have been, the irrefutable fact that a call for genocide of Jewish people is a call for some of the most terrible violence human beings can perpetrate. It's evil — plain and simple."

Because they don't care. Money is more important to them than religion.

OP directly quoted article title. The article from Forbes uses allegedly to protect itself from a defamation lawsuit.

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It really is this simple. Same thing McConnell did with the justice department.

My 5 year estimate may actually be outdated already fortunately. First article popup about it shows 8 to 12 years now depending on the company and battery type. This is actually fantastic to see that as I was quite worried the tech would stagnate eventually.


With the current situation prior to the attack how much was palestine costing Israel? Gaza cannot supply itself with water, electricity, or food. Israel needs to maintain border security too. Without palestine these costs go away or at least decrease significantly. Israel has already stated they believe this attack justifies them cutting off water, electricity, and food supplies in perpetuity. This in affect will kill most of the 2 million and will cost them less political capitol than bombing the Palestinians.

So why do they want to commit genocide? Money, power, revenge, racism, and religion are the main reasons, but they vary from person to person obviously.

This is kind of true. A lot of the maintenance requirements for ICE vehicles is not needed for EVs. So you save money on things like oil changes and if you can charge at home then charging is probably cheaper than gas. But that battery probably needs to be replaced after about 5 years and that is a very expensive maintenance cost.

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Fuck Assad, fuck Isreal, and fuck Hamas. The holocaust is real and killed many innocent jews and so is the Palestinian genocide that is happening right now by zionist.

Fair enough. My conservative family is on the side of purposefully misunderstanding, but I can understand that some may just misunderstand and we should mitigate that when we can.

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Don't compare spam with shit and tell me I should be happy to eat spam.

I have personally not met any progressives who are antisemitic. Have you noticed any particular demographic of progressives acting antisemitic? Also what region/area are you in as that may have an influence.

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The right will often purposefully misrepresent whatever the left uses as a slogan. So only so much can be done there. As for the use of racial pride, I find that often those who can claim no accomplishments in themselves will often claim pride by association. They could claim pride in race, but really any group. This could be considered a defense mechanism for their own ego as they are not okay accepting their own short comings.

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Checked the vote roster and only 13 democrats voted nay, while 92 voted present which is dissapointing.

I don't think they won a civil war for independence. It was more a of a stalemate againest the mainland which was controlled by the communist. As an outsider it does make sense to just change their name. Maybe they hope some day to reunite with mainland if the politics change.

Besides my severe trust issues I am fine, life is better now that I have mostly cut them all off.

Most palestinians are Sunni and most islamic OPEC states are sunni so no.

Because of the Trumps presidency a lot of laws got changed that I would not have imagined possible. You don't give the republicans enough credit for how much they can and will fuck up this country. The supreme court will have no trouble twisting the meaning of laws abd words to fit their agenda because they are not using laws in good faith.

I read a few studies a while back that were able to predict if a person self identified as conservative or liberal based off of their brain patterns that were measured. I believe the the distinct areas were the right amygdala (handles instictual behaviour) and the left anterior cortex (which I think was used for intepreting how others will behave). Use of one part decreased the use of the other part. Scientist were able to successfully predict the right amygdala was associated with conservatives about 85ish% and anterior cortex for self identified liberals.

Other studies show that decreased use of the left anterior cortex is associated with childhood abuse (either physical or emotional), so it is reasonable to believe most conservatives had emotional/physical abuse during childhood that left them with an underdeveloped brain. Unfortunantly studies show there is very little that can be done to fix this deficiency once the person reaches mid to early twenties.

I guess the point is that they are not necessarily psychopaths, but they do have defective brain processes and we should improve systems and education that will help reduce childhood abuse, and teach empathy in schools if we want to reduce the quantity of right wingers.