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Yeah, I still can't figure out what sort of mentality makes that seem like a good idea.

For Musk there's at least a chance of some sort of thought process going on there. Narcissistic people tend to think that everyone else is just like them (although maybe a lesser version of themselves.) Musk has had a very serious addiction to Twitter for a long time, therefore everyone has a very serious addiction to Twitter, therefore we can charge people a ton of money for their Twitter and since they can't leave they'll have to pay for it. And legal repercussions? Why, he's never seen those in his life!

Maybe spez is the same, just with a bunch of alt accounts so that he can post in /r/jailbait or whatever. I can see why he might want to turn reddit into 9gag if that's all he's ever used it for himself and isn't capable of understanding the concept of other people having different uses for it.

But at some point he must notice that it's not been going well? Right?

Yep. Reddit is going to die, the question was how quick and what do we do about it.

Like, reddit might stay around as another 9gag, but that's not really reddit then.

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Aren't the flagship instances right now essentially lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works? Maybe Beehaw once the re-federation gets figured out? And then kbin.social on the kbin side.

This only matters if you use lemmy.ml, which I would expect to be largely defederated at some point soonish.

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Because it usually happens to "those" people.

sophisticated and highly-targeted phishing attack

So, uh, an email?

Copyleft is nothing like public domain. Licenses like the GPL would be considered copyleft, where the license itself is required to be maintained when distributing the work, allowing access to the sources that made the work.

It's also something that would have to be explicitly stated in the Terms of Service or something similar.

The idea itself is reasonable enough: get some security by isolating packages from each other, and avoid python-style package conflicts by isolating dependencies as well.

Macs have been doing it for forever, and hardly anyone noticed.

Which leads to the real problem, that Canonical's implementations are consistently terrible.

If people really care there's also kbin, which is the same content just with a different (imo better) UI.

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A whiny trust-fund baby who destroyed their company and image through compulsive lying?

They seem equally worthless to me.

Yeah, reference instance sounds more correct.

I'd also imagine at least part of it is the same as how normal people seem to think ADHD people with amphetamine prescriptions are just constantly high.

They don't realize that whatever good feelings they're getting from taking 100mg of amphetamines at once don't apply at all to people chronically on small extended doses.

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I just realized that in the last few months I haven't even heard anyone talk about the Metaverse in any way, even about how it's dead. The exception was the week of the Apple AR headset reveal, there was some commentary about how Apple was going out of their way to avoid being associated with it.

I see a lot of people talking about specific parts of 5G but honestly most of them are optional and only some of them will be active at once.

"Regular" 5G uses the same frequencies as 2G, 3G, etc. The carriers will be moving more frequency ranges of older Gs to 5G as time goes on.

In general, we can send more data at once because we have better math for sending data. There's not really an ELI5 that can explain that part besides more math.

Another part is there's also more math so that the phones can take turns talking better or split up frequencies better, so they don't have to re-transmit as much.

If you're in hyper-crowded areas, they made a new frequency range that cannot go through walls, but is way faster than the regular ones that we've been using. It's only good for like sports stadiums and stuff, and you almost never use this. It's called mmwave (millimeter-wave) and you can safely ignore any marketing around it. Not many phones support it yet because it's useless 99% of the time.

This is how they are

I don't really like it when people think this. Every group of humans has people that would do this given the chance. Otherwise I agree, that Russian leadership really doesn't care what their soldiers are doing, so the soldiers do what they want with zero accountability or fear of retaliation.

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I suspect fear and uncertainty plays into it a lot too.

The world is changing quite quickly. Boomers got to live through the boom of the 70's, and younger people keep being told about some fictional utopia of the "good old days." Whatever they jobs they used to do are either automated or irrelevant now. The white cis male power dominance is eroding, and with it a lot of the social advantages they used to get for free are going away.

So, things are getting worse, and they're scared and want to do something about it. The problem is, a lot of these people have a zero-sum mentality, where to improve their own standing, they must do so by harming someone else's standing. The idea that things can be better for everyone with no one losing out just doesn't exist there.

Obviously that's not true, but if you try to convince them of that? Well, you're just trying to trick them so that you can take from them. It's an us vs. them mentality. And you surely don't want your kids to join the enemy's side, so you do your best to make sure they're raised the "right" way. And if your side wants to harm you? Well, as long as the others are getting hurt more, it's still a good thing, because now you're getting ahead of the others.

And, uh, a good amount of time and effort. Good software doesn't happen overnight, and often goes through at least a dozen revisions before something good enough to release to users actually comes out.

It still defends against one failure mode (the website gets hacked but you're ok) but yeah, obviously if you get hacked and the hacker knows how to get your vault out then you're 100% screwed.

My suggestion is always hardware 2FA, even though it's not as mature as the other systems. Personally I have two Yubikeys (in case one breaks/gets lost) but it does mean that I need to add TOTPs to both of them each time I add a new 2FA.

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Nah, Thomas will sometimes write his own separate dissents when he votes against something seemingly normal just to prove he actually has no idea what he's talking about and that ChatGPT2 would make a better justice.

I would assume the same way any other system with untrusted nodes works: with the client authenticating by use of a cryptographic signature on everything they submit.

"oh no"

The reddit CEO caring about money would actually be a step up. They would realize that the content is what keeps people on the site, and that free labor provided by community mods actually saves them tons of money.

This dude is just a Musk wannabe.

At least in the US, if something is very obvious in how it's going to be used, an implicit license for that purpose is given.

What counts as obvious depends on the judge, though.

I guess my only worry is that if they do add something like a BY-SA-NC 4.0 license, then technically all the old posts aren't under that license.

FPS’s seemed boring, online games couldn’t keep my attention long enough to get through a match, and eventually I’d just leave a game on the pause menu while I messed around mindlessly on my phone.

My partner does this.

One, you might have ADHD. I can't say, but you could look into it.

Secondly, you need to have some time to let your brain rest. When you bounce between tasks like that, you're never actually not doing something. People think of doomscrolling as taking a break, but really you're replacing your intended task with another task and there isn't a time where you do no task.

Took a bit for me to even figure out what "moral values" was supposed to mean in this context.

Turns out they just think porn is evil and that children hate being exposed to it or something. https://swisscows.com/en/media-education

They're extremely pro-China. They deny the Uyghur genocide, by saying it's just as real as "white genocide". It's mostly criticisms that I would say are valid except that mixing in the Chinese propaganda kinda spoils the whole thing.

My expectation is that some people will just use it as an excuse because they actually enjoy Reddit turning into 9gag with NFTs. If it really becomes an issue, Lemmy will be forked, and new devs will lead it.

(There's also still kbin.)

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I keep thinking that should be a logo for a Vbin instead

Although we still get the occasional server 503's.

[Polish penal code] Article 202 § 4b penalizes the production, dissemination, presentation, storage or possession of pornographic content depicting the created or processed image of a minor under the age of 18 participating in a sexual activity.

It takes like 2 minutes to look up.

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At 10-11 minutes they get a second ad roll, so 99% of videos are about this length.

It's almost a certainty that a 2:30 video has more information than an 11:01 video.

It gets harder when you realize that an awful lot of conservatives (well, in the US at least) literally tie their personality to being bigoted. They simply can't not say offensive things. Even if it's completely irrelevant, they gotta slide something in somehow.

(Then again, as Mastodon has shown, there's the tenderfolk on the other side, but at least they're a pretty small group and don't make too much noise overall.)

about the Lemmy devs

I mean, the devs haven't made it a secret about how they fully believe Chinese nationalist propaganda.

Not that it really matters though, since if any issues did come up, Lemmy itself would be forked with new devs "in charge" even if the original devs still continued most of the work. The lemmy.ml instance itself would be a different issue, though.

Seems like the actual issue was that the law in question would let him be convicted even if he wasn't doing these things and just being a nuisance. It's not that he's innocent, it's that the law used is itself illegal.

I can't say I know too much about it, but I was pretty sure shota was almost entirely dependent on one of the characters being in grade school or early middle school?

"Loli" can be ambiguous, but I think here it's pretty clear it's meant to refer to drawn characters with bodies typical of around the age of 10-13.

I don't quite know where doujinshi of characters like Betty from Re:Zero would fall, since she's established as quite old but also childlike in appearance and behavior.

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They literally bought a third party app that they rebranded as the official one. Reddit only has an app because of third party apps.

There's a PR open (https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/pulls/214) but I'm assuming Ernest has a million other things going on right now too.

I still don't understand how, but there's loads of people who think that Musk is doing an amazing job and should be emulated in all situations. I've mostly seen it in other narcissists but this guy might also just be a simp.

DuckDuckGo manages it mostly fine. At least, the results are more consistent, even if there's the 1-in-50 chance it misses something Google would get.

The cynic in me suspects that Google makes their real results worse to increase ad results which are "close enough."

$70 is typical for that, except it's 30GB of data for the month before they reduce you to around 25kB/s.

Doesn't seem like it. Good to know though.