3 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Well, damn. I did not expect to see the most attractive thing ever, tonight. There's a lot of talent, skill, and silliness to unpack in that photo.

I was reminded

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Yeah, I recently got meds at 33 (hooray!), insane improvement, and morning brain is still like "But do you really have the severe ADHD you definitely have, or is it all just a big fucking lie you made up to excuse your weaknesses, you weak bitch? Maybe you just need 6-28 cups of coffee and 12 hours of guilty scrolling to low-volume TV to start your day, hmmmm?"

Then I finally take my damn pill, everything shuts the hell up, and I realize how completely chill I am, and capable of laundry.

Think I'll print this out to go on the fridge, (with a calendar event set every few weeks to move its placement, before object permanence turns it to invisible scenery).

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Did... Did the crocodiles make that sign?

This gives me a sense of satisfaction by proxy.

Proper explanation, indeed - you never get all the way through the countdown before you time travel. Beforehand, though (at least in my too many to count without it sounding like a weird brag experiences), the "last words" moment is before the mask, but after the pre-anesthesia. Depends on the procedure, and probably the person, too.

Then I'm glad I know my entire team, going in, and they're all remarkably empathetic to their terrified, high-risk patient! Chances are, any final words through twilight sleep will be a last sentiment to my spouse, in case I don't make it through. After my tight-five, of course, using the IV pole as a mic.

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Brilliant. Part of my procedure is being performed robotically, so I may have to ask that of the robot...

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Mannnnnn, every time I see one of these, I feel like I'm really missing out by not being bisexual. Damn. Guess I'll buy more books! Anyone want some tea or an iced coffee? You doing okay? Need anything? I'll totally run out in the rain, to get whatever you could possibly need to make your life better, if only for a moment. Really, I'm offering.

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Holy shit, this is for real. The last post I saw with this guy, I thought it might be a eurojoke I didn't quite understand, like the ramen on head memes, but oh nooooooo. ʘ‿ʘ

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Out of curiosity, and if you don't mind sharing, what hobbies have you picked up, or have been exploring?

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Barring any issues that could have brought her in certain circumstances, that's adorable! How nice to have something immediately positive to wake up to, besides the post-surgery uncomfortable everything else. I was very happy to learn that our state is one of the few that's thankfully outlawed got-dang pelvic examinations under general anesthesia, unless they have specific prior consent - with some of the things US teaching hospitals allow, I'd be down for some unethical unconscious skincare.

I have epilepsy, and a few rare genetic disorders - there wasn't much of a healthy community for them on Reddit, especially my weirder shit, but I would love to see at least Epilepsy/Neurodegenerative/connective tissue disorder communities have a bigger presence. A few exist, but don't have posts, etc. My spouse has encouraged me to be the one to post, but I'm afraid of screaming into the void, just yet.

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Jesus christ I hate that I heard this in my head and then remembered that whole fucking song. That's some good shitposting, @TPM.

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It's probably a term used elsewhere too, but in the US Navy, when it's coming from both ends, especially stationed or deployed on ship, it's the double dragon. Ship food is bad. Ship food is rejected prison food. Moldy. Horrible. Absolute garbage. Garbage would probably be safer.

Tiny little minds, and small smooth brains, it's up to us! We must save humanity!

(Please, we must, why aren't we revolting? Why aren't we building guillotines, guys??)

Neat, that's legitimately interesting! Maybe you have something unique in your physiology that gives you a different perspective? I'm pushing 6 surgeries under general, and around 5 precedures under IV, probably missing some numbers with my now shoddy memory forming capabilities, but my experiences with the knockout sedation could be described much more similarly to your experience, and a few of the IV sedations weren't as deep, so I remember a bit more of the "in and out", but mostly it's just "Oh, yeah, I feel there's a change in my coherence-BLACKOUT", and then next awareness is recovery room beeps.

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I wish this was more talked about, when people mention classic sci-fi. I'm an avid SF reader, particularly older stuff, and it could almost be a drinking game of how few pages it'll take before you find an offensively outdated reference, no matter how great the book. But every time I've picked up a Heinlein, hoping to find more positive points in classic stuff, I'm left just...feeling ooky. An easy example being the lesser known Friday, with the "happy" part of the extremely unrealistic female protagonist's journey: marrying one of her gang-rapists. I haven't been able to make a dent in my stack of Heinlein's since that nonsense. Too many other great and interesting authors that weren't horrid shitbags.



I recently made mention of Squishmallows, feeling a little silly, but my brain was on a ramble. I was embarrassed upon adoring the first one, and my spouse helped me learn that I should embrace how much I love the darned thing. We now have a pile of the "Reginald" variety of Squishmallows, that they secretly started collecting when my health began declining, and now I always pack a Reginald or two in hospital go-bags, use multiple sizes for comfort and limb/book propping, and keep them very far away from the pillow-stealing dogs. I just wish they made actual pillows out of the same material!

Rich Evans, man. Sexy, talented, honey-voiced genius.

Oh, Tom Kitten. You're not an illustration I thought I'd see today. Or maybe ever again. Beatrix Potter, and all those (probably far grittier than I remember) children's tales were a big part of the lovely escape from my mother's overbearing...everything. I used to have a cutely styled Tom Kitten toy wearing his same blue outfit, and every time I'm in that gorram old house back home, I try to find him, cause I loved him and he was the absolute softest mofo, but he was lost and put away when mom decided I was suddenly not allowed stuffed animals to be seen out in the open or some shite. Though one evening buying Walmart wine, I discovered those god awfully popular Squishmallow toys feel similarly soft, and now a small toy corgi named Reginald is an apt substitute for necessary comfort. Thanks for the memories, OP. What an odd rollercoaster for the evening. 😺 Uh...carry on, friends.

"[Thing] is a game changer!"

Almost always used in the context of brand-speak/commercial marketing. What's the game, guys? Corporate propaganda? Cause no, using an app to book a handyman that pays to be advertised on your service, or buying microplastic encapsulated detergent is not a goddamn "game changer" for anyone, besides the shareholders.

I'm always a little ashamed that my brain blorps internally black with anything higher than basic division, but it is visually quite pleasing!

Though, when I look at it for more than a few seconds, am I supposed to see the 3D Klingon Bird of Prey?

Man, every house I've lived in had these, except now, not in the one I own. Welp, time to replace all the generic shit with slightly yellowed, swirly faceted acrylic! And at least one has to have a weird crack in it.

Also anxiety/guilt paralysis mellow...

Oh, wow. Gorgeous shot! That's an image you don't forget, apparently, either. I haven't lived there for years, but damn if I didn't know instantly where(ish) that was taken, and felt super satisfied to see my memory wasn't playing tricks on me, when I checked the comments. One of these days, I'll get to see that, again. Thanks for sharing. 😊

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That whole "windshield" is a Cylon eye, photographed between red light swoops...

Oh, god, my soul vibrated with this. I don't drive, and I'm waiting for an upcoming surgery, so in the meantime I can barely function, but I have the style personality of a Y2k heroin clown, and a closet [flat surfaces in the bedroom] full of ridiculous secondhand-site clothing that screams at me for the day I'm "normal" enough to wear it. Cause I'll definitely, totally want to leave the house when I'm healthier, right?...Right?

Much appreciated! I sure as heck hope that, too, haha - my username is mostly related to my epilepsy, and how my oodles of seizures make me feel. Just...various, classic Windows error "bonk!" sounds, amongst other glitches, but in ma' brain.

I could easily spew up the angry contents of the rabbit holes that are lobotomies, and their horror, but yeah, I also agree that that's a weird reaction. I chuckled. I may have to reserve your comment for my next intake at the neurologist, depending on the vibe in the room (but also not, cause those folks professionally monitor how well my brain is functioning lol)

Two XRA memes, and recently someone made a Peter Potamus reference with their AI image post, and...and...I'm home. Thanks, guys. 🥲❤️

Our entire public transit is Hampton Roads Transit! Though, I wouldn't recommend anyone utilize our HRT or move to this part of Virginia, for any reason that isn't necessary...

If you need ask that question, I'm not sure I could offer an answer that may be satisfactory, or relatable to your own experiences (because it most definitely differs)! Though, I know it can come with its own cons for some, it's fantastic that were able to receive a childhood diagnosis, and don't feel similarly to adults who grew up with their ADHD symptoms being dismissed to the point that we regularly question our own validity. I have my own [insert sob story here] reasons for why I doubt myself, but no, I don't doubt my diagnosis.

Nice! I was in a similar place with having to juggle other conditions and medication changes to be able to take stimulants, which exacerbated the hell out of everything, but damned if it didn't need to be done for my health, anyway, haha. I hope the beta blockers help!

I have a lot of weird food habits thanks to years of eating disorders and just generally being a fucking weirdo, but lately I enjoy mixing a couple tablespoons of raw coconut flour with just enough sugar-free Torani s'mores flavored syrup to give it a cookie dough texture, and a bit of salt. It's like a bowl of sugar cookie dough my delusional need to stay too-thin doesn't feel terrible about, and since the artificial sugar and citric acid isn't a great reaction with my meds, I only have it from time to time. 100% do(n't) recommend!

I just keep it to my phone, and have an app timer set for 1 hour +5 minutes. It's nice if I'm at home, I know it'll cover my daily walking steps, as I pace donuts around the house, which also gets me off my ass and moving, so when I want to browse Lemmy, I try to do so whilst pacing. Regardless, when I get the notification saying the app will shut down in 5 minutes, I know how long I've been on, and kinda do a self-reflective check on how well the time was spent.

If I'm writing a comment that will take time and attention, though, I often just switch to a note, and copy/paste, cause I'll work on something like that for much longer, before often deciding not to post anything, at all. (งツ)ว