
0 Post – 196 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Good choice, that's a video that's been burnt in my mind for 15 years or however old it is..I feel like that was a rotten.com special back in the day

On a trip to the US on a road trip from Detroit to Louisiana, I think it was like Kentucky or Mississippi, I had a truck in front of me lose a star picket off the tray and it flew past my widescreen to the left, missing me by about a foot.

Could not stop thinking about that video for days.

I think you mean the next king of your failed democracy.

17 more...

I watched it on the news last night all the way from Australia and I said 'man they just fucked that whole cities traffic up for a long time'.

Absolutely, at the very least what fucking movie

I see you have no idea what you're talking about

This blew my mind as an Australian, I had a 9.9kw system installed for about $3200AUD from memory, there was a rebate but I'm unsure how much.

I get a minimum like 18kw a day on really cloudy days and up to high 50s on a good summer day. No batteries but it's drastically reduced my power bill.

4 more...

How dare you speak ill of Daddy War Crimes

A dollar today is worth more than a dollar in 1 year

2 more...

Here's a tip - don't.

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People are morons but if you're from the states, which I'm guessing you are, there's a far more densely concentrated amount of morons.

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He's saying the rich don't ride the subway and if they do, they buy a ticket. So a wage based scaling infringement system would be borderline useless, because you'd likely be issuing a lot of fines to the homeless and working class

Mm and how has the average San Franciscan contributed to a war on the other side of the planet?

38 more...

I genuinely think that's pretty naive. The graphics themselves do look better than V but the lighting, the water and the business is a real upgrade.

They're both kinda fucked really.

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Well when you killed her and she wasn't in a military uniform, that might clue you in, no?

10 more...

I think it's a cultural difference honestly.

I've only travelled the US, haven't spent a significant amount of time there, about 6 weeks.

I'm Australian and growing up, I was quite shocked to learn at different points of my life that a few fair people were actually racist, sexist, very right or even religious.

These things just aren't overly openly discussed. Maybe in small groups etc but a lot of the population are quite apathetic (a whole other issue) and I think there apathetic tendencies both mask their own racism or whateverism but also make them not really speak out against others.

On the other hand, America embraces individuality, fame, speaking out and standing up for your rights etc. As a whole, I feel a racist American is far more in your face than a racist Australian.

I'm curious to know if this vote really is a racist result or if a large percentage of the population got caught up with the 'no campaign' which was pushing things like 'separating us in the constitution is going to create a divide, we are ALL Australians' etc.

Interesting none the less and a shit result.

That a missile killed people in the middle of a near 3 year war?

Yeah it sounds pretty believable.

East crimes? Typo or some phrase I've never heard of?

6 more...

I'm not from the US but even that kinda offended me. To say that there has never been democracy in the US, clearly judged by your very narrow view of history is incredibly ignorant.

How old are you?

8 more...

I really liked your comment until you dropped a Bible verse.

10 more...

It's all smoke and mirrors, the majority of their stockpiles would be bordering on defunct. Modern equipment they have is far and few between, their training is subpar.

Plenty of disposable meat is certainly correct though!

I hate it

Man, it makes me sad when I hear shit like this. Guessing you're from the US?

Fucking retarded

And it's legal!

1 more...

Sounds good, why don't you stop wasting everyone's time and spit out a name

Would've been a real shame if his house burnt down

2 more...

I work in animal control.

It wouldn't even get to that point because as soon as our admin called me, I'd laugh and refuse the job. No animal control person will do this, it's a fucking ludicrous idea and absolutely filled with issues to be sued over.

Kid doesn't willfully come? Do I use a catch pole and drag him out of school? He'll be dead before we get to the front doors. Everybody is sued.

What if the kid attacks me, tries to stab me etc because I'm basically attempting to execute the function of the police with no training (yes yes, I know the cops have fuck all training but at least they are legally able to restrain etc, they are in the legal position to deal with it). I'll take an angry dog over a kid with a knife any day.

In short- the guy is an absolute fuckwit and this idea makes no sense.

Especially after he started yelling 'like and subscribe' from the rooftop

And the many many 'shipping ports' they've built for poor nations with contracts that state they will gain control in the event they can't pay. Just a coincidence all those ports are also capable of docking war ships.

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Who is the sewing machine company?

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The only maintenance is tyre changes from wear.

And brakes, you gotta change the pads.

5 more...

Lemmy has mostly been the same as Reddit in that sense - whenever someone says 'here' with no context, you know they are a yank.

Well you can't really have evidence on something that is opinion from first hand experience.

The reason I disagree with them is that the majority of these dogs are going to spend a year or more essentially locked in a medium security dog prison before being put down because they were never suitable for readoption in the first place but you've got to play the game before they can be put down or wait for them to bite one of the handlers.

I agree, money would solve the entire problem but it's a struggling industry and I just don't see it happening anytime soon. Until it does, the no kill laws are hurting more animals than they save.

6 more...

And you would've 100% lost your job in the lovely free market of the US. I'm not sure what the laws surrounding 'contempt' are in the US, but I'd guess that's what he's charged her with and it's a pretty grey area, so you as a court room bailiff, are not going to be 'investigating' and taking moral stands at work, she likely was the 10th person they've arrested and half of them don't even know why the were radioed to come in and 'assist with an arrest'

The judge is a straight cunt though

3 more...

Probably join the military, get a degree for 4 years of my life and start fresh. Hope there's not a new war in the mean time and if there is, still probably beats being homeless.

Fucking hell, you're actually promoting a surveillance dystopia.

You're fucked.

1 more...

You're generally right but pretty misinformed all the same.

One thing I can say is that if shelters are playing down aggressiveness etc, it's because of stupid 'no kill' laws that forces them to keep the majority of these shit dogs and not be about to euthanize them. Thank all the animal lovers on Facebook who have no comprehension of the situation, have no interest in helping the dog themselves but they'll sure as fuck tell anyone what they think if they don't take care of the dog.

It's a perpetual cycle, lifestyles of the poor and dumb.

21 more...

Prime is pretty shit but Disney is a steaming pile of shit too. I honestly don't know which is worse.

I only use them both on PS5 though for the most part.