
1 Post – 70 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That's how I make sure I'm dreaming - I look for anything written. Written words in dreams are always changing and illegible.

That assumes a normal distribution. Wealth/income is not. An excellent resource is: Social Stratification in the United States: The American Profile Poster of Who Owns What, Who Makes How Much, and Who Works Where https://a.co/d/09LVTyYi

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I get fundraising texts occasionally. I don't know why. But the one that came on the heels of the conviction had a section of fine print declaring what the money was for. It included a "recount challenge fund". This is in the open.

When my father died, people we never heard of turned up at his wake. Some told stories of a man we did not know. Two refrigerator-sized mobsters in suits showed up, sat 15 minutes then left - never saying a word. And the half-sister we never knew of. His wallet had half a dozen credit cards - all with different names. It's safe to say we barely knew him.

My mom is still alive. She's almost as mysterious. Her youth was in an abusive household - so she doesn't talk about her family. We have gotten some more hints of how bad it was only recently.

The Museum of Science. The USS Constitution.

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Slackware. About 1994 or so.

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Hold up. OP asked a reasonable question and vector_zero gave his answer without being abusive or even unpleasant. The downvotes and your reply are not conducive to a reasonable discussion. This isn't Reddit. We can be better.

Sure- I don't see it like vector. But I'd like to think we could talk about it with civility.

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I live in the neighborhood. The mom was a den leader for my neighbor.

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A foot-in-the-door job is colo datacenter tech. I know a major national company that pays about $20/hr and will take what they can get at that price point. Not interesting, not promote-able, bad schedules. But a resume item. Exposure to enterprise-grade equipment. While there, get the advanced certs you realy want and work on networking with the customers and vendors.

I was a manager of a team with rotating 12 hour 6 to 6 shifts.

It was a datacenter. We had to staff the building 24x7x365. Billions of dollars of equipment, not to mention the transactions flowing through. No mistakes allowed here.

We paid $15/hour in 2010. Entry level. But it was a foot into the industry for someone without experience. Tasks were light security, walk the floor, swap drives, be on hand for server emergencies.

We used the rotation to onboard. No one did nights solo (no one else in the building) until they knew the job. Two weeks days, two weeks nights, back and forth. Two days on, one day off. 6-day rotation meant no one person was always stuck with weekends. And overtime pay every week.

We managed the schedule with a staff of 4.

Prior, the night shifts were handled by sysadmins who would work a day shift, go to the break room and get a few hours of sleep between tasks, then shower and go back on day shift. That really sucked. I did it for more than a year.

We had plenty of applicants every time a position opened. Folks tended to like the rotation as no one would get stuck with repeat holidays or all overnight. It sucked in a fair way to everyone. And if someone missed a shift (sick, emergency, etc.) I would have to fill the shift. It happened at least once a month. It was a good team. I liked all of my people, and after I got canned, they all wrote recommendations for me on LinkedIn.

Kaftans, tunics, dashikis.

My neighbors are going for 2 weeks in a week. They've been planning for more than a year. This will be their last chance to go as a family of 4. I can't see them canceling.

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IF you were a bad actor, this is exactly the argument to use to get more inside information to use in the next attack.

Establishing trust is the first problem to be overcome.


Yes. Migraines. It wasn't my parents but an early job in the late 80s. Dude next to me smoked so much it was a problem with fouling the equipment. We had to re-do jobs all the time for failure to clean the settled soot. I left the job and one of the reasons was the constant migraines.

I was a lazy jerk that just bombed out of the local college in record time. I figured I'd try photography trade school. She was a natural artist with no plan and picked the same trade school. We were in the same 6-month program. She specialized in lab work, I went into product photography. Class started October 1984. We had several family deaths, financial ruin, and other calamities - but supported each other through it all. Lived with family and in the car. Got my life on track in my 30s. Bought a house in 2000, married in 2004, kid in 2009. Now a boring but desperate suburbanite staring down the next downsizing wave and big medical bills.

Yup. The scouts seem to be organizing a vigil this week. Looks like the whole town is gonna go.

If you can find a new one. They are $45+ on ebay used. None of the usual US sellers has any.

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I have two.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1981_Brink%27s_robbery Summary: an armored car was robbed by desperate "most-wanted" types. Bug national new.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilchrest_Road,_New_York,_crossing_accident Summary: school bus full of kids hit by a train. The reason why "this vehicle stops at all rr crossings" is a thing.

I think you mean TST.


  • A preacher lived around that time.
  • His name was ridiculously common.
  • He was baptized.
  • He was crucified.

Notably NOT:

  • He was born of a Virgin.
  • He was the son of a supernatural deity.
  • He performed supernatural acts.
  • He was resurrected.

To call this "Historical Jesus" is misleading at best. It is reasonable to say DOZENS of people fit that description.

Let's try the same argument today... "A preacher named John was baptized and later was convicted of serious crimes and sentenced by a judge." How many fit this description? Isn't it more likely true than false? What does that prove?

This whole argument tries to equate mundane statistics with miracles. It adds nothing to any reasonable discussion outside of post-hoc theological justification.

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These guys claim to want a degree, but really will take a warm body:


The pay is still peanuts, though.

I know some that will...


Or real orthotics. Mine completely changed my ability to get through my day.

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Packing/moving. We're almost done, but discover another part of the attic around a corner. It opens up into a multi-level mall-like area (but with narrow stairs) full of dining room and bedroom furniture sets. It all needs to be out by morning.

My wife and i went to Tortola in '99. Everything went wrong, and we still had a good time. If things had gone right, we might have never left.

That said, the off-trail areas of the state parks of north NY, NJ, PA, up to Canada and into Vermont) are where I feel most at peace. A quiet cabin on a lake ten miles from a small town would be a perfect place to retire to.

I did this myself a few years ago. Put a planter full of coir in the closest bush I found it near. Fed twice a day on mealworms. Disappeared after 3 weeks. Mine was either a starling or a grackle.

As I understood, that was one intent of the electoral college.

I am in the local club and have two over-the-top scopes and still can't pull it together.

Food. Overweight, unhealthy, and just can't stop eating.

And just like firefighters, IT needs to be in continuous training. Are you able to execute in an emergency? What do you need to know that's new? Lithium battery fires or new malware vecors.

60 / M / NYC suburbs

Nice mention of Feather. Excellent. I find them more effective but less forgiving than Astra. A superior tool for someone with experience. I always recommend Astra for a beginners first pack and Feather after the first month or 2.

I have inherited about that many photos. Old family photos back to 1900. I'd like to know how you manage that many. Scan, sort, search, index, store, etc.

I did exactly that. Founded r/recumbent and handed it off when it involved actual work.

I'd also consider Tempest.

Fly her apart then!

"How to Win Friends and Influence People" was published in 1936 and is still useful.

I am also unique-except-one. Mine is similarly unrecognizable.

Something like r/sysadmin and r/networking. A place to discuss widespread outages would be nice.

Neuropsychology and philosophy discussions. Ask-science -type groups like whatisthisbug and Geology.

Anything based on sharing meaningful discussions. As opposed to memes and song-lyric-threads.

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