
0 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Tesla only had two founders, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning. They even write that in the first paragraph. Especially Elon Musk pretty much bought himself the title co-founder despite joining much later. This is just Elon fanboyism.

5 more...

Even if this would be a good idea, you can't just put some non regulated lights on a car. This would need a law change in Germany to be approved and would probably take years of burocrazy until she get beards figured out the exact hue these lights need to emit. But I guess Mercedes already wrote that law for our government to copy. How convenient.

20 more...

Cause No one wants to pay this much for a VR headset that doesn't even run any games. Except for the usual fanboys that would buy everything from the fruit company.

10 more...

Depends, some of the government apps are actually pretty well done and you don't want to end up with an unofficial ID card app that steals your identity. The German Ausweis App is a good example of a well done gov app.

4 more...

Just another reason to ditch Microsoft wherever possible.

I don't get why people still use Microsoft services. How many data privacy scandals do we need, so they understand? Or do they still not care?

15 more...

Corporate trolls at it again!

He did nothing. The engineers did design and built the cars. He was just standing on stages, telling lies to investors. It's very rare that c-level actually had something to do with the success of a company.

So if I want to kill someone and get away with it I just run them over with a Tesla? Nice..

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Lol. Microsoft will never beat apple when in comes to how well their system runs on ARM hardware. simply because Apple has 3 chips to support that they know perfectly. Microsoft Windows would need to support whatever ARM chip comes out which will be an overgrowing number. This fact alone makes it extremely hard.

On the other hand Microsoft has already won in some way. Even with Apple silicon, Apple computers are still way less used then Windows PCs. So it's not like windows is the underdog here. They are only fighting to stay in their monopoly.

The primary reason for people to use windows is still gaming and specialized software like CAD. Windows on ARM will not be used by anyone unless AAA games or AutoCAD software is build for ARM and Nvidia and AMD GPUs can be easily coupled with it.

I don't see this coming at all. The only area where cheap, low power ARM PCs with windows would make sense, Linux or ChromeOS would be the way better and cheaper option. I don't see any market for high performy ARM PCs with windows on them until demanding software and hardware supports it.

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I wouldn't say "built" if I bought an off the shelf one. Synology is pretty great though, don't get me wrong.

I donate 10€ to Arch Linux and NixOS monthly because they let me run all my stuff and occasionally to projects I like. Especially the ones that save me money that would go into media consumption etc.

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Typical Apple move.

Most units shipped doesn't mean most popular. In my experience Mediatek SOCs are the worst. They are the cheapest, but also the worst. I would take any Samsung or Qualcomm over them.

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The more my employer asks me to do more then my contract says, the more I will stick exactly to what my contract says and eventually just leave.

Mozilla needs to stay alive no matter what. If they go away there is only Google browsers left.

You will make a difference because you're not the only one. Thx for doing the right thing. With enough pressure maybe they'll learn.

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I'm pretty sure that's not true. What do you think is on there?

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That's really sad to hear. The IT world is still a very hostile place especially for woman.

In most cases the whole point of the VPN is to not disclose the clients IP. Are you talking about a site 2 site VPN? Then this would make sense. In that case you choose an IP range for the VPN endpoints and add routes to the networks in both ends over it. Then the clients will use their own IPs to connect and you should see them on the other side as source. Make sure to have no IP range overlaps.

I can give you a simple example later if you want.

I don't wanna put a 3.5k $ headset on to look at photos. I can do that perfectly on my phone or laptop.

My journey was:

  • Mandrake/Mandriva
  • Debian (v2.4)
  • Ubuntu (v6.04)
  • Debian (8)
  • Arch Linux
  • NixOS

I left Debian for Ubuntu when it simply worked better and left Ubuntu when it became too restrictive and weird. I need a working system but my freedom to experiment. Then I discovered arch and never looked back. Still kept Debian on servers.

Currently using arch on desktop machines and nixos on my servers. But I use nix for Dev environments and dotfiles even on arch.

Not sure if I'll stay with NixOS but for now that seems like the direction I'm going to. Still love Arch Linux for it's freedom though, but I'm getting older and don't have the time to fiddle with everything.

The thing about ansible is to always remember that it really is just a backup python script that gets copied to your server and executed. Yes it works quite well, but you have to be careful to not have break on you.

For me the difference to nix is, that my bud expression will actually always produce the same output or tell me it can't. Instead of ansible which will fail after some updates went past.

The point is that innovation should always come with regulations. This is not the wild west over here. We like to be alive and companies usually don't care about that but only care about profits. So it's a good idea that they can't just do whatever they want. If they invent something actually new I'm quite happy that a third party will have a look at it before it's mounted to a vehicle that kills me. I know that in the us this is handled the other way around but I guess the statistics for car accidents agrees with me.

What the hell are you talking about? If you mean nixos' dependence on aws, there are alternatives to that like cachix and in the worst case, you could still setup some distributed caching network like ipfs or something torrent based. AWS was simply the easiest choice at the time.

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Last Windows I activity used was 2000. After that I switched to Linux and never looked back. I hope Windows increases their shitification as hard as they can to finally drive people away from it. There are so little reasons nowadays to still use it. Apart from competitive gaming (in kernel anti cheat) and some proprietary apps that have no good alternative, Linux and macos should be able to support everyone's needs.

6 more...

Synology usually just works. If you ask for a diy build, you have to be more specific.

For now, sure. I mean the reason for these changes are short term earnings like always. But it won't with in the long term.

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Seems like there is zero difference between the 8840u and the 7840u. At least I can't find one. Why is it 100$ more then?

Oh no, who would've thought that they follow the rules of their country... What a surprise..

What else would I mention? Some doesn't have an office suite and figure is the only other competitor.

I use them as a coaster for coffee. They shouldn't contain any lead. I guess that would be illegal at least in the EU. You can't even put lead in solder anymore, so I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to put it in HDDs.

Depends, definitely not in the consumer market. But coreboot is widely used in appliances. Have a look at the boards from pcengines.

In taking about personal email. I also use outlook at work because I'm forced to, but I would never let these bastards touch my private Mails.

Same applies to every other OS. It depends on what you're used to and what you expect. I frequently rage quit apple devices. Just use whatever you feel comfortable with. I just can't recommend windows anymore for privacy related reasons.

It's still available in their business accounts. :P

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140$? Why is this so expensive in the us? We pay 90€ (~100$) in Germany. So brake even is with like 20x 5€ shipping orders per year. Which I sadly do pretty easily. Getting the stuff I need locally is sadly not that easy.

Yeah companies that choose otherwise are rare. But they do exist.

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Does it have a touch screen? I can't find that anywhere. Also no price info.

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It's honestly pretty expensive compared to the alternatives. If you compare a business setup with windows plus office etc plus the support fee you can get all of that for free plus a much lower support fee from a variety of independent companies with Linux and libreoffice. The typical office worker really doesn't need the few corner cases where MS office maybe has an advantage. Honestly for a business I would even go with Google tools. Same data privacy issues, but at least the product works great. MS office in the cloud is hot garbage.

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