Microsoft lays hands on login data: Beware of the new Outlook to – 428 points –
Microsoft lays hands on login data: Beware of the new Outlook

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I don't get why people still use Microsoft services. How many data privacy scandals do we need, so they understand? Or do they still not care?

Because they're forced to? They own a large slice of enterprise.

In taking about personal email. I also use outlook at work because I'm forced to, but I would never let these bastards touch my private Mails.

Because my line of work means I working corporations, and they ALWAYS run everything on the big names, Microsoft and Oracle.

At home, I have choice. At work, I must swallow.

Yeah companies that choose otherwise are rare. But they do exist.

If you're working with clients that requires you to have security certifications it can be a real pain in the ass to certify your setup for everything vs just using the 365 stack.

True. Hate it when people want the cert instead of actual security. But I know how the world ticks. Corporate usually doesn’t give you a choice.

And at work I don’t really care. It’s not my data they are “looking” at. It’s my employers.

I guess they won’t lose any corporate customers over this. The pure shit that it outlooks hasn’t scared anyone away yet.

I tried to delete ~7k emails today. I had to kill the process since it stopped responding. Wtf?

It's insanely cheap for what you get

Business wise it's a no brainer

It's honestly pretty expensive compared to the alternatives. If you compare a business setup with windows plus office etc plus the support fee you can get all of that for free plus a much lower support fee from a variety of independent companies with Linux and libreoffice. The typical office worker really doesn't need the few corner cases where MS office maybe has an advantage. Honestly for a business I would even go with Google tools. Same data privacy issues, but at least the product works great. MS office in the cloud is hot garbage.

Well you got 15 words or so in before mentioning Linux.

What else would I mention? Some doesn't have an office suite and figure is the only other competitor.

imnate compatibility with other organisations is a huge selling point.

For companies at a certain scale / within a certain field I don't think it's even up for discussion.

Even with search engines you can basically choose the Google index, the Microsoft index or the Amazon index

Yeah but at least Google offers a good search engine while sniffing all your data. Microsoft products are usually hot garbage, sniff your data and then loose it. Also what is the Amazon index?

I have a government job (shocking to me still) and everything is on Exchange and 365. I don't know why, other than "nobody ever got fired for recommending IBM."