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Joined 11 months ago

did they mistake the moon for an ukrainian hospital or something?

i wish firefox wasn’t neutered on ios

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Wow the US is going soft on terrorists. 18years is nothing.

I wonder how many years an Arab man would get for the same crime.

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And that’s how you build long term customer trust, right?


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it’s all projection. same with all the pedophile stuff and their homophobia.

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“Third, WEI could be used to collect user data.”

ding ding ding

Don’t forget that google is an ad-company.

Yeah they made people “used” to the idea. I’m sure the next proposal will be met with less backlash than this one.

Or maybe a third attempt will be required? Anyways the writing is on the wall.

Dude has lost it and just want to watch the world burn. Sad, really. Hopefully he manages to get some much needed mental health help.

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no they don’t

third party cables work just fine

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What a bunch of babies.

enshitification is widespread

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Started a new job 4 months ago. First time using a windows desktop since windows 2000. Have multi screens always sucked this bad? You never know on what screen a launched window will appear.

How can people work like this?

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Maybe avoid software from an ad company?

I’m sure they will love the alternative..

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I recommend the podcast “My year in Mensa”. Crazy cult like

Is that real? Fucking hilarious!

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why do they have to be such cunts?

greedy pigs

Surely then they wouldn’t mention “in-app system..”? At least for Google play.

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| Linux kernel 6.6.6 released

Coincidence?! I think not

I wonder when american mass shootings will stop being front page news. Treated more like a car crash or something. minor local news. The US as a country has obviously decided that this is acceptable and i assume it should be treated as such.

As an outsider it’s fucking bizarre to witness.

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Jesus christ, first time visiting that horrible site I’m greeted with a purple, full page, text box to submit my email address to “never miss a new video”.. what the fuck? Who in their right mind sits down and says “yes, this is just what we need”

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i think he looks scared. just look at his eyes

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Grifters gonna grift

“Really well” = 2nd largest party in Sweden.

It’s been a horrific sight to see the whitewashing that the media has done for SD. It the 90s it wasn’t even on the map that they would be accepted by anyone.

But alas. Boomers wanting “ordning och reda” and people without critical thinking skills who once read a Facebook post about someone not born here doing something wrong, made it happen.


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I think you’re supposed to keep clicking around to find it.

99% of all websites need to go away

Jesus Christ it’s like these people are in preschool or something

Yeah here we go! We all wanted a zombie outbreak and all we got was corona lockdowns. This is more like it! Bring it on!


He looks like an grumpy 7year old

This bot is usually quite good. But yeah.. not today.

imagine having to work for a former president pro-bono. that’s some alternate reality shit

Poor Guillermo

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so can someone fill me in? what happened in canada? influx of people and not enough homes built to keep up? homes are empty and being hoarded by capitalists? what?

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DoS attacks unfortunately.

Mad props for adapting and making lemmy.world as reliable as it is now.

Imagine what humanity might accomplish if we once had a world wide generation spared from war.

Well, that ruined my day

Fuuucking hell fuck putin

“It’s back to carpets for you”

-James May

“Got any games on your phone?”

A late friend joined our IRC channel a few years ago. It was quite upsetting at first, before realising it was a member of his family starting up his computer.

RIP elf.