Prisoners want to extend time in custody due to Canada’s housing crisis, says criminal defence lawyer to Not The – 263 points –

We also have people driven to assisted suicide because they can't afford to live.

"In February, a 51-year-old Ontario woman known as Sophia was granted physician-assisted death after her chronic condition became intolerable and her meagre disability stipend left her little to survive on, according to CTV News. “The government sees me as expendable trash, a complainer, useless and a pain in the ass,” she said in a video obtained by the network. For two years, she and friends had pleaded without success for better living conditions, she said. Now a second case has emerged with several parallels: another woman, known as Denise, has also applied to end her life after being unable to find suitable housing and struggling to survive on disability payments."


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so can someone fill me in? what happened in canada? influx of people and not enough homes built to keep up? homes are empty and being hoarded by capitalists? what?

In Vancouver they had a lot of vacant houses that were investments or air-bnb's; however bad the issues are in Canada, in the US we won't even offer end-of-life support.

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