29 Post – 199 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Native language French, fluent in English, practicing Cantonese and German.

There are just two full-time developers on this project and they seem to have other priorities. No offense to them but it doesn’t inspire much faith for the future of Lemmy.

this doesn't seem like a respectful comment to make. People have responsibilities; they aren't paid for this. It doesn't seem to fair to make criticisms of something when we aren't doing anything to provide a solution. A better comment would be "there are just 2 full time developers on this project and they have other priorities. we are working on increasing the number of full time developers."

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the world of the rich vs the average person...

the text makes it seem like people were shot over soccer but that's not the case at all

Video footage posted on the Het Laatste Nieuws newspaper website showed a man in an orange jacket on a scooter at a street intersection with a rifle first firing two shots, then three more, then running into a building, firing two more shots, leaving, taking a few steps back again and shooting one more time. One Belgium newspaper said a witness said the shooter shouted "Allahu Akbar" before the shots were fired.

In the video message recorded by the self-declared perpetrator, he said: "Islamic greeting Allahu Akbar. My name is Abdesalem Al Guilani and I am a fighter for Allah. I am from the Islamic State. We love who loves us and we hate who hates us. We live for our religion and we die for our religion. Alhamdulah. Your brother took revenge in the name of Muslims. I have killed 3 Swedes so far Al hamdoulelah. 3 Swedish, yes. Those to whom I have done something wrong, may they forgive me. And I forgive everyone. Salam Aleykoum."

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Real question: why is the us so involved with israel?

they're meant to be a main ally in the middle east for the US

most of the other countries are either allied with Russia/China/Iran/etc or too unstable

there's also massive israel lobbying in the US

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For those wondering, "Hurting the feelings of the Chinese people" is an actual phrase (伤害中国人民的感情) it started all the way back in the late 50s.

this last part "感情 ganqing" translated as "feelings" or "emotional attachment", it's actually an important part of chinese culture, esp business culture (similar to this is "guanxi" which is someone's network). These are major parts of chinese culture and relationships with others. this phrase is more like "you're hurting our relationship"

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Texas is a degenerate state

  • Can't fix their energy system
  • Doesn't allow water breaks

"Smith was one of two men paid $1,000 each to murder Elizabeth Sennett on behalf of her preacher husband, Charles Sennett Sr., who was in debt and wanted to collect life insurance money."

Hold on, so why is he being executed? He wasn't the one who ordered the murder. It seems like lots of other people request murders but those people aren't sentenced to death.

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we *should *ban circumcision, it's genital mutilation and children cannot consent

Why do americans support israel so much, especially blindly/ignoring any problems? they don't have any historical relation to it right?

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what timing....

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I don't know about now but back when i worked in STEM, almost everyone in tech used some atlassian software

the company has an IPO so the net worth is largely equity value, i'm sure the net worth would have increased substantially during COVID/wfh periods.

from his wikipedia page "Farquhar often carries the epithet of accidental billionaire after he and his business partner Mike Cannon-Brookes founded Atlassian with the aim to replicate the A$48,500 graduate starting salary typical at corporations without having to work for someone else"

my guy...

US citizens are obligated to enter the US on their US passport. They are also obligated to file taxes regardless of where they live. As a US citizen, you could be living on Mars for your whole life and still have to file US taxes.

You also have what, 6 years of back taxes to file? You should find a CPA with knowledge us US/German tax laws to prepare that for you. There may be treaties in place.

As someone else said, there's also the selective service you were supposed to have registered for

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Hongkonger here: Although Cantonese is pretty alive and well in Hong Kong, it’s pretty clear that the Government is being pressured by the mainland to promote Mandarin. It is commonly taught in schools and the Government promotes “trilingualism and biliteracy”. Cantonese and Mandarin are both written in the same script (Hanzi), and the third language/second script is English. It’s pretty clear that not all three languages get equal treatment though. English is not that heavily emphasized but most schoolchildren will learn it anyway because they want to watch American movies and enjoy American meme culture (this is not a joke). Parents also want their children to be trilingual and biliterate for economic reasons. Hong Kong is a city that revolves around money and it’s very common for business to be conducted internationally in English. That doesn’t mean that Mandarin is doing well in HK though. Hongkongers have a very negative perception of mainlanders for being “uneducated” and Mandarin is associated with mainlanders. I can’t describe it as “racism” since everyone involved is the same race, but Hongkongers think mainlanders spit in the street, smoke in lavatories and don’t know how to sort recycling from rubbish. Doesn’t help that most of these stereotypes are to some extent, true.

all of this, 100%>

i wish there were more people on here, i feel like i'm talking to a wall

i'm pretty sure i'm basically the only poster on r/hongkong and i'm not even a mod there (which would be a valid reason for being the only poster)

"Will wearing a suit and tie count? Marxism originated in the West. Would its presence in China also count as hurting national feelings," one user posted on Chinese Twitter-like platform Weibo.

She cited one case that drew headlines in China last year where a kimono-clad woman was detained in the city of Suzhou and accused of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble" because she had worn the Japanese garment. The incident sparked outrage across Chinese social media.

"To wear a kimono is to hurt the feelings of the Chinese nation, to eat Japanese food is to jeopardise its spirit? When did the feelings and spirit of the time-tested Chinese nation become so fragile?" wrote one popular social commentator online, who writes under the pen name Wang Wusi.

from here:

In 2019, during further moves on censorship, China blurred out the earlobes of some of its young male pop stars in television and internet appearances to hide their piercings. Tattoos and men's ponytails have also previously been blurred from screens.

No. With climate change more land will be unlivable, there will be more conflicts and more immigration (legal and illegal). Housing will increase because demand is high and supply will shrink further b

I wouldn't use "never get to experience" but i would say it's much harder to have that real sense of community that we easily found in the 90s, early 2000s, etc.

People are more connected to others but still more isolated from others. We were less connected to other people back then so people made a real effort to come up with fun activities and bond together. For kids, it's the lack of just playing outside in the neighbourhood with friends. For adults, it's the lack of third places and community/religious events.

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They will openly say this and still the US does nothing to stop it

because tiktok replaced yotube in that regard

This guy was arrested for hacking two telecom companies, got released under investigation, then immediately hacked Nvidia before being put under house arrest. After that, he was relocated to a hotel (due to being doxxed) where all he had to work with was a Fire TV stick, which he promptly then used to hack Rockstar.

All in all, he’s believed to have stolen $14 million+. By the way… he’s 18, autistic, and enrolled in a special education schoo


i actually can't tell if you're serious or joking lol

is that subway still working? if so that’s pretty impressive

MTR is running but many stations stopped because either they got flooded or the streets outside are flooded

this is a bus that got flooded

here is a subway/MTR station that's flooded:

it's a wong tai sin station (wong tai sin is the god of healing in Daoism)

Why smoking remains so prevalent. I’m sure it’s not a majority that smokes, but it is massively more common anywhere I’ve been in Europe than here in the US. I live in a fairly large city and I will go many days in a row without seeing a single person smoking.

I just don’t really get it. It’s gross, it smells, it ruins your teeth and your lungs, and it’s expensive. Why do it?

this is the same in asia. sometimes people don't even smoke, they just smoke because their boss does it and they do it to fit in at work. it's really awful.

I had a Catholic coworker who said some of her Catholic relatives were becoming “Christians”, which turned out to mean Evangelicals.

in the US they refer to Protestants as "Christians", mainstream Christianity is made up of Catholics, Orthodox, and Protestants

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I'm so tired of the CCP

just the haircut makes him look distinctly north korean, any other haircut and you wouldn't be able to tell

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This is revolting.

Also, his life was heartbreaking too.

He had been trained as an electrical engineer in Haiti, but in New York, Louima was unable to get a position related to his education. He worked as a security guard in a water and sewage plant in the Flatlands area of Brooklyn."

The difference in Cantonese usage couldn’t be more stark. I’m currently in Hong Kong. Everyone speaks Cantonese, and if you speak Mandarin, that says to people “This person is a Mainland tourist, let’s overcharge them.”, and if you speak English, that says “This person is a rich foreigner/white person, let’s overcharge them.”. This is despite English and “Chinese” (both variants) being official language in Hong Kong. All Government services are provided in all three languages but if you use anything but Cantonese, you’re going to see significantly more friction and encounter many more difficulties that Cantonese speakers don’t.

to be fair it's like this in almost all regions where the locals speak a minority language and they try to preserve it. In Canada they have english and french as an official language but if you try to speak english in quebec they will not be happy because of their history with the language/anglophones. you are seen as a form of colonizer if you speak a non-native language (both in quebec and in hk)

According to a Tennessee Bureau of Investigation arrest warrant obtained by HuffPost, Runions told police that she had taken a 9 mm handgun out of its case, removed the magazine and called Evangaline over to “show her firearm safety.” Runions pressed the barrel of the gun against the child’s chest and pulled the trigger, police said she told them. Daniels told police that she saw Runions take out the gun, remove its magazine and put it to Evangaline’s chest, but she turned away and didn’t see her pull the trigger, according to the warrant. The 7-year-old girl told authorities that she saw Runions shoot Evangaline and said the bullet struck a glass bottle, sending shards her way, according to the warrant.


north americans aren't "allowed" to criticise israel because that criticism gets confused for being anti-semitic and people risk losing their jobs and israel is meant to be a US ally, it's really awful that people can't call out another country's shitty behaviour. People should be able to criticise the Israeli govt, the CCP, the saudi government's treatment of people terrible without fear of repercussion

Basically china wants Japan to be hated by chinese people.

...ww2 already took care of that?

It seems like a lot of people complain about not seeing content but then don't contribute any content themselves. Like, posts are old because there's little new content, so maybe everyone can help contribute to communities. Content doesn't miraculously appear.

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Immigrants make the best citizens. They actively want or need to be there, so they’re more likely to participate in the less glamorous parts of being a citizen. They build resilient communities, expose their new neighbors to different cultures and experiences, open great restaurants, and are less likely to commit crimes than existing citizens.

We are all better off when there’s a large and diverse immigrant population. It enriches everyone, both culturally AND financially.

We need more immigrants, not fewer.

There are two sides. They also can introduce problems to their new countries that largely solely exist in their home countries. For example, the UK has one of the highest rate of acid attacks, but this is fairly recent problem in the UK. There were all the sexual assaults in Europe in recent years. In North America there is caste discrimination in cities like San Francisco and Toronto. There are separatist/sectarian violence in developed countries which would not otherwise have it. An example from hongkong is sometimes triads will go to other countries and operate there.

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I'm not American but i've worked in Western Europe. I don't know why but there seems to be a lot of taxes for everything. You have to get govt permission for everything. People seem to rely on the govt to provide things rather than have some agencies fill niches that aren't filled by the govt (for example I saw signs like don't help homeless people, the govt is helping them).

I'm from an Asian country, we don't have much tax, we don't rely on the govt for anything (we can't), and we have many NGOs. I think it's similar in America.

As an Asian, there are a few things I can note about Europeans.

  • Europeans seem to have lost their sense of traditions, to me as an Asian it doesn't make sense since keeping our traditions and values is a huge part of our culture and society.

  • Europeans also accept blame for bad things they did in the past (which is a good thing) but I think they can go overboard to compensate for that (to their detriment). I don't think accepting blame for things in the past is a thing that's done in Asia; we rewrite history instead. It would help if we acknowledged what we did and can have better relations with others moving forward.

  • Europeans identify more with nationality than ethnicity. For example, someone from Czech Republic moving to France is considered French. In North America I think they would be considered Czech-French. In Asia they would be considered to be a Czech expat living in France. Our ethnicity matters a lot.

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I'll copy my comment from the other question:

I should preface my comment that community orientation, respect, and ethnicity/respect for your heritage are big parts of the area i'm from.

I’ve worked in Western Europe. I don’t know why but there seems to be a lot of taxes for everything. You have to get govt permission for everything. People seem to rely on the govt to provide things rather than have some agencies fill niches that aren’t filled by the govt (for example I saw signs like don’t help homeless people, the govt is helping them).

I’m from an Asian country, we don’t have much tax, we don’t rely on the govt for anything (we can’t), and we have many NGOs. I think it’s similar in America.

As an Asian, there are a few things I can note about Europeans.

Europeans seem to have lost their sense of traditions, to me as an Asian it doesn’t make sense since keeping our traditions and values is a huge part of our culture and society. Americans do this too but at least they seem to retain some notion of their ethnicity like they recognize their heritage is Irish or German or Chinese or Native or whatever.

Europeans also accept blame for bad things they did in the past (which is a good thing) but I think they can go overboard to compensate for that (to their detriment). I don’t think accepting blame for things in the past is a thing that’s done in Asia; we rewrite history instead. It would help if we acknowledged what we did and can have better relations with others moving forward.

Europeans identify more with nationality than ethnicity. For example, someone from Czech Republic moving to France is considered French. In North America I think they would be considered Czech-French. In Asia they would be considered to be a Czech expat living in France. Our ethnicity matters a lot.

In North America and Europe for some reason people refer to elders by their first name? We would never in 1000 years think of doing something like that, it's considered extremely rude. We either use their surname (like Mr.X) or Uncle/Auntie.

In terms of politics, both US and Europe seem quite extreme to me. Europe seems very liberal, you can do what you want, there doesn't seem to be any boundaries and people will tolerate anything. In the US people are extremely polarized with politics, both left and right. I've never heard of many other countries where there seem to be so many people per capita with conspiracy theories or violence with protests or lack of support for people (like old people or mental health issues, there's no community support, there's so much individualism). People seem to just accept things that seem unthinkable in a developed country (like texas not giving water to workers in heat).

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The same country that arrested Murtaja Qureiris (13 at the time) over anti-government protest charges; he's facing the death penalty possibly by crucifixion.

The whole thing is revolting and the fact that tax dollars go to that country is despicable.

Netanyahu looks to deport Eritreans after hundreds of refugees, police officers injured in Tel Aviv riot

imagine if other countries deported people of all one ethnicity after a group of them rioted

No one is paid for this, but moderation is going to become a problem for Lemmy and the volunteers who are admins are going to need support.

yes, that's what i'm saying. We should acknowledge that we are fortunate to have dedicated volunteer devs and work on helping/supporting them.

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Do you have a source on that?

I can't see (in Chinese culture at least) that the cheapest colour would be used for something like a wedding, it would not reflect well on one's family to use something cheap. The reds i'm referring to are bright reds, like jewel red, not like a dull/muddy red

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ngl i haven't actually heard of someone blaming foreigners for their kid's drug problem before

"You see drugs everywhere and most of the drug addicts are South African rather than foreign nationals. So, what's happening? Are they feeding our own brothers and sisters so that it can be easy for them to take over?" she says.

That rhetoric sounds familiar but not in a good way