repeatedly called "endearing" by older adults, but i am fully grown adult? to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual – 20 points –

It's now been a few times where an older adult (maybe 50+ years old) has called me "endearing", i always associated this term with children, but i am fully grown adult. Is there something i'm doing wrong? Why are people using a term for children for adults?

Edit: ok thanks everyone, apparently there's a misunderstanding on my part and this word can be used for adults


This has never been term meant just for children, where did you even get that from?

my whole life i've thought it was a term for kids 😂

Webster dictionary...

'arousing feelings of affection or admiration'

I've never considered the term to be only for children.

I have never heard anyone refer to a child as "endearing"

I'm sure it's happened somewhere, but I don't think that's a common tbing

I think of endearing as nice, kind, pleasant to be around, also being well-mannered. Like if someone visits my home and they leave the last piece of pizza for another guest, or carries their own glass to the kitchen, or brings a bottle of wine, or asks how others are doing before sharing their own stories.

Are you a woman or perceived as a woman? That could do it

are women often referred to as "endearing"? i'd always thought this was a term people use for small kids

They can be by people a generation or two older than them.

Weird. I always heard of it as someone you just immediately like. It’s strange how the same word can have such totally different meanings to people

I think it means you are sweet and people wish to be close to you because they like you.