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Joined 12 months ago

Facebook tried this in Australia, but backed down after a week, and now pay a significant amount to news organisations.

Google and Facebook aren’t going to cut themselves out of such a big slice of interaction, they’re just throwing a tantrum and hoping the government caves.

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American pharmaceutical ads are weird. I guess I’m just not free enough to understand them?

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You can safely swim in the pool of an operational reactor, the ocean near Fukushima is perfectly safe.

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Water for drinking isn’t the issue - that’s about 0.01% of all water usage. The issue is irrigation for food crops, which is >50% of water use in many places.

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You don’t actually need to be aware of it. Because you said you were aware of it, when you clicked Accept on the EULA, and on page 62 of the EULA it said they have the right to disable your printer remotely at any time and for any reason.

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Back in CRT days, the difference between full white and full black could be as much as 100W. Before dark mode existed, people developed sites like Blackle to reduce the power usage of Googling.

If that’s old-school it’ll be neon, modern ones get the same look with LEDs. If it’s flickering slightly, it’s neon.

Large ones are pretty rare these days, because they’re horribly inefficient at turning electricity into light. The main place you’ll still find them are as heating lamps (for things like terrariums).

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Didn’t you read the article bro? There’s no rent in international waters, and he ate free fish and rainwater.

Crisis over!

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Italy wouldn’t want to start that conversation - the city of Rome has more Egyptian obelisks than Egypt.

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Districts who vote for people like Boebert aren’t going to vote for a candidate running on “popular progressive agenda”, because they aren’t progressive. You won’t be able convince the MAGA crowd not to vote for a nut-job. But if you can showcase how insane some candidates are, the more moderate conservatives (which is a massive % of US voters) might just be turned-off enough that they don’t vote at all.

Ah, i remember studying the Westinghouse AP1000 reactor design when I was at Uni. It had just been approved, and numerous plants were expected, with the first expected to be online from around 2010.

It’s 2023, and this is the first one to go live in the US.

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I think I agree with their central point, but the writing is terrible. Legitimately reads like the author forgot to take their ADHD medication before writing it.

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Humans aren’t much different. 99.9% of what we create is just a remix of existing parts/ideas. It’s why people spend 12-20 years pre-training on all the existing knowledge in the field they’re going to work in.

They They

I literally studied this exact nuclear design at University - the Westinghouse AP1000. You can look up the WNISR (World Nuclear Industry Status Report) if you don’t want to take my word for it.

Don’t forget, mining and enriching uranium still has a significant carbon footprint, far higher per tonne than any fossil fuel. Yes, it’s lower over time, but we need to be reducing emissions now, not in 50 years time.

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I went straight from Mozilla Navigator to Firefox 1.0.

Tabs were such a crazy new thing back then. You would show tabbed browsing to someone (rather than opening new windows) and they thought you were a wizard. IE5 didn’t have tabs, so nerds moved to Mozilla/Firefox. Then IE6 came out but still didn’t have tabs. By the time IE7 came out, I’d had tabbed browsing for 5+ years.

That won’t work on Apples data - they group all the data into cohorts, so the anonymising isn’t reversible.

You gotta watch out for those Lifeguards with Lugers.

Tesla don’t get to decide how they rate their mileage - they have to follow the EPA testing procedure. If they use any figure other than the EPA figure, they’ll be breaking the law.

The fact that the EPA testing procedure doesn’t match real-world conditions is the problem. And it’s not one Tesla can solve.

Nah, that’s weird.

In Australia, if you were born here, you’re Australian. That’s it. I have lots of friends whose parents are from all over the world - UK, Ireland, Italy, Greece, India, Sri Lanka, Hong Kong, The Phillipines, NZ. Almost 50% of Australians have a parent who wasn’t born here.

But if you ask any of those first generation Australians where they’re from, they’d all say Australia - not their parents country.

The American obsession with race/lineage/DNA tests is just weird.

You can’t be sociopathic and psychopathic - they’re different points on the same (ASPD) spectrum. Please learn what words mean before throwing them around.

The 38 OECD economies are all capitalist. Only 1 lacks universal healthcare.

Ubuntu. It Debian without the driver issues.

That particular argument doesn't hold water. We don't generally subscribe to this kind of argument.

The general principle behind the specific argument you bring up here is this: All expression which is likely to inspire someone toward illegal action should itself be illegal.

CP is likely to inspire some people toward child abuse. Child abuse is illegal. Thus the distribution of CP should be illegal.

We don't do this anywhere else.

Yes we do. Plenty of stuff is banned by federal law. Snuff films, for the same reason as CP/CSAM. Obscene pornography (stuff showing abuse or degradation, even if it’s just acting) isn’t illegal to posses, but it is illegal to buy, distribute or carry across state lines. Ivory is illegal, unless you have a certificate proving it is from pre-1989. These are all banned to stop demand.

And that’s not even getting started Americas long history of banning books.

ETSI isn’t controlled by ITAR. You’re on the wrong continent.

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You realise you’ve just described science there. Nothing can ever be conclusively proven, you can only disprove it, or build more evidence for it.

Did you read the article? That’s what they tried to do in Victoria, and it’s part of the reason for the blowouts.

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If you have other Apple devices, so you can make use of features like AirPlay, the Apple TV is a no-brainer.

Gone to the great terminal in the sky. RIP.

That was me, but I also had Facebook between Digg and Reddit.

They definitely use incandescent globes for heating as well. I just remember when I had fish, the shops would advertise neon heat lamps for terrariums. (I think it might have had something to do with infrared heating, but I’ve never had a terrarium so I’m kinda guessing now.)

The post office system is socialist, so are functions like public roads, and fire and police services.

I’d argue that having the government provide a service isn’t enough to call something socialist. In “The Wealth of Nations”, Adam Smith said that in a free-market economy, the governments role was to provide defence, law and order, and public works (eg. roads and education). If we’re using Marx’s definitions for communism, then surely we have to use Smith’s definitions for Capitalism.

I am a little, but compared to carbon emissions it’s not a big issue.

It’s a localised problem, so affected areas can solve it without needing the entire planet to agree. And we already have both political and technical solutions available to us. The only reason we haven’t implemented the fixes, is because big agriculture lobbies government successfully and it costs them no votes. But if the average voter has to stop showering because of water shortages, you can bet politicians will “solve” the water crisis in short order.

I dunno, this stuff sounds like what I hear muttered by the meth-heads at the bus stop opposite my office. These guys in their 60s-70s are popping prescribed amphetamines to keep them going, they’ve gotta come down at some point.

I have a twitter and an instagram - with about 5 posts on each. Ditched Facebook about 4 years ago when I realised it’s just all toxic boomers on there now. Ditched reddit when they killed 3rd party apps. So Lemmy, and a LinkedIn I only really check for work.

Ironically, I work for a small company and I handle all the social media. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

And Trump lands the quinella, being indicted for a 4th time:

Georgia grand jury probing Trump's election subversion returns indictment

Proposing any sort of restriction on abortion will demonstrably harm people and should be the definitive end of this man’s campaign — but I’m betting it won’t be.

Even under Roe V Wade, there were restrictions on abortion. Very few people would support 39-week abortions.

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Season 1 leans into the comedy angle, Season 2 onwards is basically TNG. Seriously, its better than Discovery and Picard.

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Depends on the person. Some people are on an obvious decline in their 50s. Others are still quick as a whip in their 70s.

Didn’t read the article?