
4 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'd frame it as an off-the-wall question and post it on an anonymous social platform.

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Check his brain for worms too

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I prefer to think of it as "the only way out is through" or "the only path is forward."

For some problems it won't matter how people feel or even who is at fault. What matters often is how you begin to work through it. Once you're out of the hole you can reflect.

Virtual lamps use real electricity and produce real light, so even if though they are virtual they are also real

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I don't care about crypto at all. At this point I think of any crypto as pump and dump scams unless proven otherwise

"Meme Page Admin" would never be notable enough for a wiki, don't fool yourselves

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Also this part

“I thought that the food and drinks licensing would stop me from listing it, so I started it out in this Refillable Pump Dispenser category. Then the algorithm moved it into drinks.”

What if we stop executing people entirely?

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the oldest published "Y'all" was from Richmond Virginia in 1856 in the Southern Literary Messenger

Legal Eagle is great at explaining current events and their Legal implications, he also does reviews on movies or shows to explain how they portray law vs reality.

Ordinary Sausage makes sausage out of everything and generally does cooking experiments in a quick and humorous way

Bobby Fingers is a mix of artisan videos where he expertly hand crafts dioramas (mostly) of events while making funny and interesting comments, but he adds some pizazz and production to the whole thing that makes it very engaging.

I was laid off from a 16 year job at a tech hosting company and have been looking for a new job for about 4 months. It sucks

When he's destitute. What he did is completely abhorrent, disgusting, and detestable. To target the families of school shooting victims is just unconscionable. He knew he was lying but he did it to profit off of the controversy. He absolutely should lose everything.

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Huh, i always thought it was short for Cardiovascular Bronchitis

I honestly don't understand why anyone uses chrome or chromium based browsers over Mozilla with privacy plug-ins.

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You asked "at what point should we stop" and my answer is when he is destitute.

The fine is punitive. Its a punishment and a deterrent to other charlatan shock jocks who would like nothing more than to use the suffering of others as their ramp to fame and fortune. Im not sure its 'special' but he is one of the most famous of these modern day snake oil salesmen and has a massive fan base.

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Not to me it doesnt, but sure

A guy who worked in one of our data centers was arrested for stealing passwords to a website but he was also providing free tech support to islamic extremists. He went to jail for like 3 years and then went to Egypt and hopped around from there. Eventually he became a high ranking member of the Islamic State. He was called Jihad John back in the DC days and it turns out that was more accurate than anyone realized


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haha what an idiot

Rather trashy comment

It's like saying you love the US and someone asks why you love the KKK

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I just wanted to comment on how I absolutely hate the wording of the phrase “We’re Huge in Learning Loss!”

learning loss

It's greatest fault is that awful name

"The French's longstanding history of political protest is caused by video games!" says out of touch talking-head for the elite

Does the rhino get prep time?

This isn't a shitpost it's an IHOP ad

I used to get them all the time. I'm basically addicted to carbonated water and these offer tall can versions vs plastic bottles or smaller cans.

Eventually I just switched to a sodastream though, waaay cheaper

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I think the boondocks invented this

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This message brought to you by The Weyland-Yutani Corporation

I think thats referred to as "recovered"

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Fair, but then let's replace KKK with the Republican party

also Spam Musubi is amazing

Reminds me of this classic from The Onion Film Standard: https://www.theonion.com/the-onion-reviews-dawn-of-the-planet-of-the-apes-1819595691

I like the way it tastes/feels so much that I prefer it over any other drink.

I came around to it while cutting soda. It went like this: soda -> diet soda -> flavored sparkling water -> plain sparkling water.

It's relatively cheap, waaay healthier than sodas, and helps me stay hydrated. I love it

I see this sentiment a lot. Why do you think he didnt? Why wouldnt he do both?

After rewatching the video the fines arent just for the defamation and libel. Its because he basically never fully complied with the courts in multiple ways so eventually the judge just said 'F it' and gave a default judgement which is basically saying 'you give up your right to fight this case'.

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This article is for both CT and TX.

Here is a video explaining what happened: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSm7sRx-0hA

you seem to not understand the legal aspect of this, which is understandable considering how dense and nebulous the law is and can be. That video breaks it down.

This isnt just a situation of Jones going "hey, maybe this is fake" and getting a billion dollar fine. This fine is in response to YEARS of lies, doxxing, and inciting his fanbase to harass people.

The initial suite being for some massive amount is par for the course in litigation. Parties ALWAYS ask for some larger amount than they expect to get. Its like haggling and the initial amount is almost always meaningless for the reality of the case. Thats just how the system is for now.

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So is the bitly link some kind of virus?

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