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Joined 10 months ago

He has also praised Hitler on social media.

Fucking what???

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I think it's just because they're old. I've got told "ok boomer" for complaining about lines of source code longer than 80 characters.

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rofl "meme arrows"

Just going to shamelessly paste this one for the memories

< Cthon98 > hey, if you type in your pw, it will show as stars  
< Cthon98 > ********* see!  
< AzureDiamond > hunter2  
< AzureDiamond > doesnt look like stars to me  
< Cthon98 > < AzureDiamond > *******  
< Cthon98 > thats what I see  
< AzureDiamond > oh, really?  
< Cthon98 > Absolutely  
< AzureDiamond > you can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2  
< AzureDiamond > haha, does that look funny to you?  
< Cthon98 > lol, yes. See, when YOU type hunter2, it shows to us as *******  
< AzureDiamond > thats neat, I didnt know IRC did that  
< Cthon98 > yep, no matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as *******  
< AzureDiamond > awesome!  
< AzureDiamond > wait, how do you know my pw?  
< Cthon98 > er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause its your pw  
< AzureDiamond > oh, ok.  

E: formatting EE: formatting EEE: more formatting??? EEEE: omg I don't know how to fix this anyway you get the idea

A lot of indies, too. And quality isn't enough to rise above the fray anymore.

I'm not going to say it's too many, because that's subjective, but in business terms it's a "red ocean"

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What are the odds of a bird landing on your keys on a day when your nails are in perfect order are unbelievable

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Close, but that's a CMMOPRPG

truly feels like an alien fantasy world not just medieval fantasy earth.

This is what I love about Morrowind. It really gave me a sense of wonder and strangeness, at a whole new world to explore.

The successors are good games, too, but much more familiar. They fit right in with if you're used to cliche high fantasy / DnD settings.

Capitalist Realism was great though, for real

"If you clean your room every day you never have to clean your room" that one neat freak aunt that I laughed at when I was younger but now I low key see the wisdom 👁️ 👁 👁️

Ditched centralized social media and started a personal diary

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And before that the majority of their content was scraped from other, well-meaning sources. They just have great SEO, don't mind copy+pasting, and hope that the network effect makes them to de facto source for [insert topic] while serving you ads.

But what if you're just glancing across the recommended thumbnails and learning things you don't want to know

Pretty accurate to the story, now that I actually read it.

Hahahahahahah holy shit holy fucking shit

"Scrappiest Studio Award" to the team who shipped a decent game after 70% of their team was laid off. What an inspiration, just look at the adorable bags under their hunted eyes. Go crash and burn somewhere, guys. We'll put out a call for contracts when we need you again

This is my answer as well. It's not at all because the world [building] is so compelling -- there are better (well, crunchier) books out there for that -- but the recurring characters and settings and themes, make this series a total comfort to go back to every few years. It's like a warm blanket.

does it... keep increasing?

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I agree with the person you were replying to, and I am glad that the Souls formula isn't the norm (I've played all of them, and haven't finished a one)...

But the Soulses get a pass from me personally, because their whole thing is about being present in the moment and overcoming what appear to be unbeatable odds. It's the closest thing in modern gaming that gave me the feeling of being crushed by, and overcoming, the first Airship level in Mario 3.

That said, I'm not against accessibility option in a Souls game, so long as they're optional.

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A hundred percent, but the fact remains that journalists have a very hard time supporting themselves in their profession. A job that is critical (when done well) to an informed public.

It must be depressing knowing you could just take a TypeScript React bootcamp and probably double salary in a year. Like, journos have an important job. It's just not lucrative, despite its value to people/society.

If anyone wonders what cyberpunk wikipedia would look like, point them to fandom

Care to explain yourself

screenshot of Ricky Rigatoni's comment showing 14 votes

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They thought the party was going to last forever, so they ordered a bunch of jumbo pizzas and kegs

I mean it's more like they paid themselves a bunch of bonuses and hired super duper growth hacking experts or whatever, and now they can't pay for them, so god forbid they cut from the top

Amazon, if I could figure out a way to cost them mad money, like getting AWS Snowball to ship servers back and forth, forever.

Otherwise the Chrome one sounds the best.

I get what you're saying, but in cases like this I think it's important to "signal" (but like unironically) that you aren't trying to do a little wink and a nod to racists. Yeah it can be tiring, and it's not an exact science, and we're going to slip up, but that's the worthy work of making sure racists don't feel welcome to be even subtly racist in our spaces.

Yeah, 22M+ minus 1, me. I didn't plan the boycott, I just don't agree with giving my money to JK. So I didn't.

Have you heard of synarchy? An actually secret society controls the world via so-called secret societies (the ones you've probably heard of), even those with seemingly contradictory goals. Of course they're so secretive that you've never heard of them.

Just kidding I'm paraphrasing a conspiracy nut from Foucault's Pendulum (good read, but very Noun heavy).___

Yeah for this reason I worry about illustrators and concept artists. Those used to be dream jobs, now I'm not so sure they're even jobs anymore.

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What's wrong? I mean aside from everything

Yes and highly recommended if you have the money to do so, but it's not going to make you rich, and it's certainly not going to pull you out of poverty.

Well you've still got the press the latinum in something, so that's at one use

I haven't even got around to Sea of Stars, for pity's sake

wtf godless region do you live in?? Never heard of this kind of behaviour.

There's another DA game in the works??

Yeah if I have to turn on text wrapping to read the code, then something is seriously wrong.

It's not like that at all, though. It's like interrupting a large games event to protest drilling for oil. No one has been spat on, and it's about something much more important than shoelaces.

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Hey at least melodramatic walking simulators are trying to say something

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Haha yeah, I remember we disagreed on something, but now I can't remember what. Can't have been too fundamental, anyway -- see you around!

Yeah I remember working with people who didn't even feel comfortable using the "ok hand" emoji because of associations with white supremacy (back when the hand sign was in the news again). Obviously white supremacy is a lot worse than that kind of minor chilling effect, but yeah, they just smear a little of their leaky shit everywhere so that people who actually care about their fellow humans have to expend extra energy vetting their own messages for dog whistles and double meanings.

Ah yeah that makes sense. I'm an eternal hobbyist with different creative things (art, games, stories, etc), so I get the challenge of just finishing something.

PS feel free to send me what you've got if you want a totally impartial "beta reader" or whatever that's called