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Joined 1 years ago

Most of us wildly underestimate the number of our peer accounts that are corporate shill bots.

"We’re here for you and we know that being 35 is really really really old, whether you’re willing to admit it or not."

I feel seen.

Nah. Oracle is trying to pivot from "people noticed we hate humans" into "Like Microsoft, we embrace open source now". I'm glad to see it, but also very skeptical that it represents a long term change.

Edit: Oracle's stance on basic accessibility seemed really bad, to me, for a long time. I don't actually think they hate humans...probably.

Except Oracle didn't create either of those, Sun Microsystems did. Oracle bought Sun, and then made both products worse.

I'm guessing that skill with Cascading Style Sheets is considered wasted time and effort at X, much like media relations, accessibility, and microservices.

I'm getting sidetracked here, but I want to give my support of McD's turning every possible life event Grimace can have into to a new marketing event, so long as each comes with a new Gameboy color game.

Marvel: Can we just keep churning out the same formula every year and just keep printing money endlessly?

Me: Yes, if you pay your staff equitably.

I've found diving deep into retrogames is great for my similar situation.

Games from the 80s, 90s and even some from the 00s are often designed to be played in much shorter play sessions.

Accessibility feature enabled: "You can just kill this escort quest NPC and go enjoy the rest of the game."

As a current Switch owner deciding what to pick up next time I spring for a new system, the lack of anything portable from Microsoft and Sony is kinda wild to me.

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Kerbal Space Program?

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I like to play though GunStar Heroes (a terrific Contra style bullet hell) with a self inflicted "melee attacks only" rule.

The fact that it's possible is one of the cool things about the game.

Don't make me point to the sign with people standing on boxes in front of a fence.

This should be very easily solved with matchmaking lobby settings.

Anyway, most accessibility settings are either something every competitive player should be using anyway (reasonable color contrast settings, HUD tweaks for clarity) or things that only people who need them despately would ever use (remapping all buttons to be able to play using only a stick in the players mouth, because they have no hands).

This seems to me like a total non-issue. And in the very few cases it is, the ranked lobbies can just diable that setting.

The backlash was probably because for you and I a harmed pvp experience is a "could happen" while for a bunch of gamers the lack of accessibility is a daily undeniable part of their reality. For some people, games are a critical sanity-saving retreat from the rest of their life. Let's let them have their tweaks outside of ranked play.

We generally put this kind of thing into a chat window and have people 'thumbs up' the ones they want to vote for. It's not elegant, but it's quick and gets the job done.

The goal of AI is fictional, and there's no solid evidence today that it will ever stop being fiction.

What at have today are stupid learning algorithms that are surprisingly good at mimicing intelligent people.

The most apt comparison today is a particularly clever parrot.

I'm all for having the discussion about how to handle AI when we have it, but it's bad faith to apply it to what we have today.

Critically, what we have today will never ever go on strike, or really make any kind of correct moral decision on it's own. We must treat it like dumb automation, because it is dumb automation.

Agreed, on why not both.

I prefer bikes for the independence and versatility.

But I empathize with the logic that for a lot of people, a bus pass is more attainable than buying learning to ride and maintaining a bike.

Plus, buses are crazy efficient for issues like parking and congestion - better even than bikes, which are already pretty great in those areas.

Also, I perceive that bus lines are maybe much cheaper to add than bike lanes. I'm not entirely sure about that, though.

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All great points. That said, no one should feel sympathy for Disney's profit margins.

They can and should spend less on anti-piracy measures to become more profitable.

And Disney could be 100% profit, overnight, while paying their actors and writers handsomely, if they just license their content to a streaming service that knows what they are doing.

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Fair enough. I'm just getting a little tired of our monopolist companies buying every competitor while burning through venture capital and then claiming they need to raise prices to "survive".

I did the speedster pacificst build in DnDOnline once, because I liked to kite most enemies while charming a few to fight for me.

It was wild how that character could solo some difficult dungeons, but then a solitary guard at the top of a ladder was nearly impassable.

Indeed! I wish they would standardize this mode and add it as an icon to the back of the game box.

Edit: Also I'm old enough that I think of games as coming in boxes, still...

Dad voice:

Do we want innovation and increased prosperity instead of crime? Because this is how we get innovation and increased prosperity.

Send kids who started at a disadvantage to free college, you're gonna get innovation and increased prosperity. There's no getting around it. It's gonna make everyone better off. I hope that's what California wants, because that's what they're going to get.


"I've seen enough to know what love is, and what love isn't." (Song lyric)

Well said.

"Anything with a pause button."

Someone make this into a shirt with a cool gamer logo. I've found my gamer crew.

Same here, but I use EleventyJS as the Markdown to HTML step.

With only 2 developers, CI/CD can be your best friend. Automate the daylights out of testing your code.

Remember to tag your regression tests in some way - any test that is preventing a production bug that actually happened needs to be marked as a 'regression' and treated as high priority to keep passing.

Treat all others tests as more art than science. Keep the reliable ones, toss out the brittle ones.

Look for a network traffic recording/replay library for your toolchain. Reusing integration tests as unit tests is a huge time savings.

If you have live data access, build yourself a few charts that represent a typical day. Knowing what "normal" looks like in your database can be priceless on a weird day.

Great points.

To add for OP: I've found that I can scratch the "play and progress with friends" itch with games like Torchlight II, which doesn't have the same kind of addiction triggers.

I don't feel like I have to make that decision anymore.

I use Vim and VSCodium, because I can enable IDE functionality gradually, and only enable what I need.

These are all very real possibilities.

Here's another: The big shot billionaire's agreed over drinks one night that their handlers - the staff that used to make them look smart - were overpaid.

Amen. A good house cleaner only must charge slightly less than a divorce.

Yeah. Now the stupidity I post online has a purpose.

Someday a T-800 will be closing in on a freedom fighter, but will have an intrusive thought interrupt it at a key vulnerable moment. And that intrusive thought will be some random pun we posted to DadJokes. You're welcome, future freedom fighters.

Spoiler for a later stage of your journey: Your phone gets wayv faster. That part is pretty nice.

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I feel you.

I have found that searching for game reviews with the term "Cozy Gamer" finds games that fit into that after work funk, for me, when I have that time.

I'm not sure, honestly.

Charitably, we could assume it's just from removing Google and various carriers background apps meant to improve my experience.

Uncharitably, I have my suspicions. For the last five or so versions of Android something always seemed to be using processor cycles and battery when I wasn't actually doing much with my phone.

But I never saw evidence of usage data exfiltration via Google apps - at least after I turned off the related optional settings.

In any case, switching to GrapheneOs was a startling and pleasant speed boost for me, whatever the real root cause.

I do the same!

I would love to hear people's preferred early game alternate starters.

I usually go with the first non-Normal type Pokemon I encounter and build my team around it.

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Honestly, if I had not been burned previously by Xbox losing my online purchases, I think I would consider buying an Xbox for game pass.

I don't hate the concept, and I've heard great things about the Xbox game pass library.

I'm also not a big fan of not actually owning my games. I have 40 year old games that I still return to every year. The idea of finding something special on Gamepass and having it just disappear like a streaming show does... Not compelling to me.

I know it's not a competition, but I bet O'Hare airport will win.

Plus on Pixel you can run GrapheneOS.

Bingo. Unionization is on the rise, so expect unending "economic collapse" headlines regardless of what is happening in the economy.