Xbox's biggest crisis right now isn't games. It's hardware. (Opinion - Jez Corden) to – 104 points –
Xbox's biggest crisis right now isn't games. It's hardware.

"Today, PlayStation revealed that its PS5 has sold 40 million units. Microsoft doesn't share hardware numbers typically, but court documents, math, and slides from an ID@Xbox in Brazil seem to suggest the Xbox Series X|S line-up is around 20-23 million units sold globally. That essentially puts the PS5 at a 2:1 advantage against Xbox, but perhaps the split is even worse than that beneath the surface. "


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As a current Switch owner deciding what to pick up next time I spring for a new system, the lack of anything portable from Microsoft and Sony is kinda wild to me.

I still rock my Vita, and it makes me unreasonably angry that Sony didn't seem to take it seriously.

Well Sony tried twice and it didn't really pan out either time.

That's a good point. No company has had a great time throwing their handheld into the market across from a Nintendo product.

Steamdeck and Evercade seem to be holding their own, at least.