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Joined 13 months ago

"Content creators" are legitimately one of the single worst things to have happened.

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Finally, some good news.

Pretty sure it's the x in "xoxo", the old convention for hugs and kisses.

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"Oh no, that's so sad." - Biden

"Finish the job. " - Trump

Pretty sure Palestine is cooked.

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23 hours a day instead of 16 to 19 seems real good. That's like living considerably longer.

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All the time, even when Bluetooth is available instead. It's simply more reliable.

No one is holding a gun to your head to be a dasher. If you don't like it, do something else. This is entitled af.

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Spreading Managed Democracy, whether they want it or not!

Ah, the James Jonah Jameson approach.

Is no one gonna talk about Splunge?

What's flawed about it? If you don't like the deal, don't be a dasher. No one is forced to deliver food for money. No one is being fooled about how little it pays. Y'all act like it's some big secret that the gig isn't great, but that's common knowledge. If no one wanted the gig and all its drawbacks, then they wouldn't sign up for it.

The Colonies.

As long as they continue to reap their cut, they'll gladly devolve into purple Chaturbate. Their only guiding principal is revenue.

Without hesitation.

I think I misinterpreted your post, I thought you were implying the lawyer was an awful person. I wholeheartedly agree that he did a bad job.

Made me wish I could subscribe to a user. Maybe you can, and I just don't know it, but it was wildly entertaining.

Ideas have to have heads to live in.

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Why? Dude was just doing his job.

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Compelling, except there's no implicit control over what the "luck" brings. I assume it's always positive, but from who's/ what's perspective? Winning the lotto might be lucky, but it could be some other "positive" thing that you don't really care for. Maybe that's a little too "monkey's paw"? I dunno. Just to many variables.

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Why? Who's holding a gun to the head of these drivers and forcing them to work for this gig? The onus isn't on the customers, it's on the drivers.

Precisely correct.

A good guy with a gun, iirc.

I had heard PC was having some issues with that, but to be honest, that's nearly every release these days. But I can understand why it might be frustrating.

It is in every version of the game, just not in your inventory from the get go. There's nothing in the DLC that's not obtainable in just the first few hours of the game.

But the consumables are also purchasable with (easily) obtainable in game currency as well? This is like getting mad at a final fantasy game if they have a DLC that has 5 potions included, like they're not in the shop in the first city.

You are correct, but laws like this do not need to be enforced. This is draconian.

"we have to decide whether their right to spout hatred is more important than trans people's right to safety, comfort, and wellbeing."

In no uncertain terms, it is imperative that we do not allow any governing body to decide what we can and can not say. What is and isn't dangerous, what is and isn't hate, can not and should not be legislated, or we will be robbed of our voices lest dissent be considered dangerous, or hatred. It won't be long until calling the police "pig" is a hate crime and criticizing your leaders sedition.

Shun them, malign them, discredit, and mock them publicly, but I can never see the good in giving the government the ability to punish someone for their speech, no matter how vehemently it goes against modern paradigm.

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What's really funny is that the 12g built off the AR frame doesn't actually qualify for the "assault weapon" description, so said AR-15 style assault shotgun is a greenlight.

"this is why we must choose which is more important: the lives and safety of these trans people, or the comfort and "freedom" of people who want to see them eradicated"

This is a strawman and a false dichotomy. Legislation restricting speech is overreaching and dangerous to a free society. I, and many others, do not trust the government with that kind of power. Today, it's trans people, tomorrow it's soldiers and police and politicians suddenly beyond critique, on pain of government punishment. Anyone can become a "protected class" when it's convenient to the ones writing the rules.

Yes, it should be social only. If that society sees the speech as unacceptable, they'll react accordingly. If not, they won't. Society is capable of handling itself, even if it sometimes makes choices we don't personally agree with.

There is no scenario where giving the government further power into the lives of citizens a good idea. Every time we've tried that, things have only gotten worse. The PATRIOT ACT all but demolished the 4th amendment. Something like this would be similar for the 1st.

"I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

This whole law is absurd and draconian.

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We have far too much to lose by allowing the government to dictate what people can and can not say.

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Not only isn't it locked behind DLC, it's incredibly cheap, and unlike a lot of titles will take you to places you haven't even been yet. I'm talking about the ox carts, of course. Not only that, ferrystones are available for only 10k (money is relatively easy to come by). What exactly does the store have in it that is required, or even kinda necessary for convenience?

This is so hilariously backward. Customers are getting what they want, and so is the company. It's the drivers with the problem. Why would a customer stop using the service?

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

I don't wish anyone harm, but I will always choose the right to speak freely over what a governing body considers "safe".

I'm not trying to be dense here, but is there a better way to conquer and take land? If taking the land is the strategic objective, how else should they proceed other than to clear it off its current populace?

It sucks that micro transactions exist at all, but I've been playing the game and haven't even opened the store at all, and the game seems pretty good. Is there any actual negativity on the actual game play, or is all the negativity sorry about the micro transactions? Because if that's the only drawback, then that's not really that bad.

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Quick genuine question, what features are "roped off"? I know it's not fast travel, cause that's extremely cheap (like 200 gold max) and can take you to places you haven't been yet. Is it the character editor? I belive that can be bought with RC in game though, which is a currency that's earned in game as well. Which features are sequestered in DLC?

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One is an ally, and the other isn't. It should be clear how to resolve it.

Too rational for Lemmy.