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Joined 10 months ago

Yeah, privacy badger and ghostery are no longer recommended, unlock origin will do their job (better).

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Tv show: Tripped a great watch, low-ish budget but very well done. Starts off as kind of a stoner comedy but gets way deeper, while still being fun. Also it's more of a dimension travel show rather than time travel.

Movie: Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel probably my favourite time travel movie, heaps of fun and the actors & story are great.

Movie: Primer a pretty smart movie, I think the directors (who also starred) were scientists so the story is quite grounded in how time travel would (likely) work out.

Movie: Time Lapse a gripping movie about a camera that can show the future, mostly filmed in one house. A good watch.

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If you're into it you can watch tech youtubers go to those big conferences where they show off prototypes of their newest tech, earlier this year they were demoing rolling and pull out screens on phones and laptops, among other stuff.

For the batteries your outta luck for now due to a SOB called physics.

Companies make what sells, and flat candy bars sell. All the companies you mentioned went out of business (at least in the smartphone sector) due to not selling iPhone clones. I'm not saying that's a good thing btw. I wish we had hoverboards & holograms too dude.

I'm pretty content with my folding phone for now though.

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The audacity of them adding features. I'm a bit disappointed Big Mozilla haven't solely focused on what mindlight is using their browser for too (whatever that is).

The space per $ is unbeatable & they are surprisingly durable and long lasting. Snazzy Labs on YouTube has a good video on the subject if interested.

In what universe is it a cup of glass and not a glass cup, or more simply, a glass (of water)

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Just to add to your profound insight, water is probably wet.

Thanks, will definitely check out this unnamed extension.

Looks like it's achieved by editing some .conf files. It's mentioned in the link provided.

I'm vibing with "Definitely might".

How is blender running on Linux for you? I'm keen to swap over & use blender all the time

Smart. I fell for the hype on reddit & had serious buyers remorse.

How many should we accept?

A great description. Although regarding VPN's and public wifi, I don't know of any banking or similar sites that aren't using https nowadays, so man in the middle attacks aren't such a danger. Not to say you shouldn't use a VPN anyway, you might as well always be connected to one.

My z fold 3 most definitely has AMOLED screens on the outer display & the inner display.

You make it sound like a savvy business decision to double dip with subscriptions and ads. They choose to give it away with prime to get market share from Netflix. All that's changed is they've decided you're ready to be bent over a barrel now.

I'll probably wait for more than a few seconds of gameplay footage to form an opinion.

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Would be interested to know if they bought one since it's exactly what they are looking for.

I think that's why small phones are going extinct; people are adamant they want one but don't actually buy them.

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Say phones are roughly 8mm thick nowadays & have roughly 20 hours or less screen on time - making them .5 thicker doesn't equate to 7 times more capacity. Duracell brought out a mammoth of a brick that had decent battery in 2019.

You are of course correct; the simple term should be, a glass of 72% silica, 15% soda, 10% lime, and 3% other impurities.


What an odd thing to comment.

Ah yes, the Curiosity rover was famous for its short travel distances and lifespan.

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Gawker media was sued into the ground by a billionaire quite a few years back for posting an article about him being gay and now it just exists to make as much money from adverts as possible until it dies.

It used to be quite a good group of sites for tech news and such.

Kind of sounds like you just aren't into video games anymore, or at least the same ones you used to be. Also everyone is probably feeling massive reboot and sequel fatigue at this point.

But yeah I'll wait for some actual reviews on YT before thinking about buying any of these.

Bitwarden pro right? ($10 for the year, totally worth it). My mobile app can create/use them already too.

Do you generally ask everyone you know about their app buying choices? How many people do you know? How up to date is this data? Does it include in-app purchases?

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I apologize, was attempting to be funny. The best thing about Lemmy is the community, so please keep joining in.

Different people need different amounts of sleep to function and be healthy, but you can't "make up for the deficit". If your body needs 8 hours per day and you sleep for 4 hours one night and 12 the next, your body doesn't net it out. (Just using 8 hours as an example, it could be different)

Channel Islands*

I was originally just posting about the tv show Tripped, then the rest came back to me and remembered how great they were. Will have to rewatch them all again.

Have you seen Timecrimes? it's a Spanish language film but absolutely fantastic, I highly recommend it.

What oil are you using? Hands down the best stuff I have ever tried is from a small New Zealand brand called Lambert's Luscious Beard Oils. I started getting compliments at work after switching to that stuff.

Do you have a games console? Xbox & PlayStation have Plex apps and are able to handle lots of file formats nativity. HDMI CEC is pretty neat too, you can use your tv remote to control media and navigate Plex on the console.