The best Android phone to buy in 2023 - The Verge

ijeff@lemdro.idmod to – 97 points –
The best Android phone to buy in 2023

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If you're into it you can watch tech youtubers go to those big conferences where they show off prototypes of their newest tech, earlier this year they were demoing rolling and pull out screens on phones and laptops, among other stuff.

For the batteries your outta luck for now due to a SOB called physics.

Companies make what sells, and flat candy bars sell. All the companies you mentioned went out of business (at least in the smartphone sector) due to not selling iPhone clones. I'm not saying that's a good thing btw. I wish we had hoverboards & holograms too dude.

I'm pretty content with my folding phone for now though.

For the batteries your outta luck for now due to a SOB called physics.

How so? Give the battery more volume. Bigger battery = more mAh = lasts longer.

Say phones are roughly 8mm thick nowadays & have roughly 20 hours or less screen on time - making them .5 thicker doesn't equate to 7 times more capacity. Duracell brought out a mammoth of a brick that had decent battery in 2019.

Yeah that was also just a shitty phone- big heavy phone that's a mediocre phone but only needs charging once every few days.

I'm saying make a GOOD phone, maybe 10-12mm thick, and you can get a phone that lasts at least two full days.