
1 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

fortune favours the bold, but i favour the italic

sharing is caring... ...seed your torrents button

::: spoiler another, for those who use 88x31 buttons piracy now! button :::

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instances aren't like subreddits in this example though. if i don't care about drama, i can subscribe to both r/tumblr and r/curatedtumblr and have them both appear in my feed. i can't do that with instances without creating two accounts, and browsing both separately

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the "risk" of false positives comes down to the consequence. if the consequence is being stuck in the slammer, don't use ai. if the consequence is you can't upload the image unless you manually appeal, or even maybe have to use an external image host; i think ai is fine

::: spoiler edit: ah bugger, wrong acct. ah well

(please tag @zeus@lemm.ee if you want me to see your response)


yeah, i hated material ew as soon as it was announced. so much padding everywhere, and so little contrast - to paraphrase the incredibles: if everything's orange, nothing is. i want actionable items to stand out, not be a slightly lighter shade of the same colour

i must say, if an app (for example, jerboa) uses material 3, i usually try to look for an alternative

edit: some examples:

with material design, it's clear what's a header, what's a footer,^[1]^ and what each button's state is.

with material ew, it's much harder to tell at a glance what each app is, one has to scrutinise the icon rather than just tell at a glance by colour

[1] look at the lack of contrast on that "new post" button

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pretty unpopular opinion i believe, but i loathe them. they feel like installing apps from the windows store, but worse. i use them on steam deck and my laptop, but they often fail to launch with no feedback[^1], won't accept drag&dropped files, store their dotfiles in weird places, take up much more disc space (and therefore take literally almost 10x as long to download), won't inherit the theme (i think because plasma stores the gtk theme in a non-standard place), etc. they feel like they've been designed to flout what os developers have built up over many decades and are just a struggle to use.

[^1]: on steam deck particularly (so i know it's not a configuration i've screwed up) no flatpaks will launch unless i launch them twice. even after that, there's a long delay (~1 minute) and then two instances launch. i know this sounds like i should just wait until the first one launches, but that doesn't work

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i agree with almost all of this, but i just want to say:

How in windows 10 can I tell if a window has focus or not? In Win 3.1 to 7 and anything running on Linux it was easy: the title bar colour was different. But since Win 8 that was dropped, windows still have focus and modal dialogs but you, the user, can not determine which has what and when.

if you tick "show accent colour on titlebars", windows does draw the current window titlebar distinctly coloured (so i guess it's actually better than gnome in that sense)

win10 win11 showing that it's clear which window has focus

as a way to search inside communities: https://www.search-lemmy.com/ is in early development but it works surprisingly well usually

i'll be honest, i'm not sure what that's for? is it moving to another account if you want to change your home instance? if so, that's a good idea, i could add it to the post if you want in case this comment gets buried

::: spoiler spoiler although i'm not entirely certain using https://github.com/Rob--W/cors-anywhere/issues/301 is a great idea.. :::

nooo, the icon was one of the things that drew me to .world

i don't know whether it's original or taken from somewhere, but it's so glossy and nice

flat design has always been boring, but it's starting to become unfashionable as well

have you got an 88x31 button? i'd like to link to this

(no worries if you haven't, i'll just use a text link)

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i like it. i'm glad to see a bit of depth and personality coming back into the design à la mode

somebody else pointed this out, but it's honestly bizarre he's going in on the "we aren't making any money" ploy in preparation for the ipo

what's the pitch to the investors? "please by shares in this unprofitable company, in the hope that we can become profitable by pissing off our userbase"?

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personal opinion, i think padding is worse for delineating objects than a bit of colour; or just, like, a line. look at this example - there are four distinct segments on the left, whereas on the right they all merge into one and a half

padding is really useful, yes, but if you put padding on everything then what's there to be separated?

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may i introduce you to... neocities (other free site hosts are available,[^1] but neocities is very much based around the spirit of geocities/angelfire)

[^1]: i myself use github pages

meh, i'd say they're obviously buttons from context (why would a calculator app just have a bunch of random unclickable symbols?). but assuming they don't immediately read to you as buttons; md3 calc app only has 8 buttons: AC, (), %, ÷, ×, -, +, & =. the rest is just exactly the same mess of text randomly laid out edit 2023-08-03: i have now looked at this image on a better calibrated monitor. the numbers actually do have background circles (why did no-one pick me up on this). however, this does prove my point about the complete lack of any contrast on anything

having areas is good as it allows the eye to do a sort of binary search: if i want a scientific function i'll look in the white on blue, operators in blue on white, numbers in black on white; then search for the exact button i want. without that, everything's an unorganised mess (for instance why are brackets in the same section as operators?), with some functions hidden in the v button at the top right

also i've just noticed - how do the brackets work in md3? do you have to tap the button once to bring up a menu and then tap the bracket you want? or does it automatically insert one based on whether you're inside a set? if it's the latter, how does one do nested brackets?

i do like the RES feature of personal counts though

if someone on res had a [+10] next to their name, i'll know i personally respect their opinions, even if i don't remember their name. similarly, if they have a negative number, i'll know not to engage as they're probably a troll

have you tried changing the "type" option in lemmy.world/settings/ (or [yourinstance]/settings)?

type: subscribed/local/new

that (unless i'm misunderstanding) isn't the point of it. it's made for quickly taking you from e.g. https://lemmy.ml/c/jerboa to https://lemmy.world/c/jerboa@lemmy.ml, so it needs a const to know which instance to take you to

edit: i guess i could replace let currInst=currUrl[2]; with let currInst=window.location.hostname; but i can't see a practical difference and so i chose the shorter one

oh nice, thank you. i could have sworn i checked reddact, shreddit and pds, but i guess not

i think i'll be doing this tonight

i don't suppose you'd send it to me when you're done?

i've been looking for a script that adds to comments rather than overwriting them, so i can put "this user has moved to lemmy" without losing any information

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i imagine a fedisearch engine will come out that can search lemmy, kbin, mastodon, etc. efficiently; so instead of googling "how to x site:reddit.com", we'll just fedisearch "how to x"

in fact, i'm pretty sure i already found one but it wasn't very good, and i've forgotten it's name

i wouldn't even mind the colours if they didn't tint the background. tinting solely the main text colour and the main buttons might look quite nice. to be honest though, i just loathe pastel colours in general, so it's possible that's influencing my opinion

i hate it.. : (

the old one looked really good; it had character and skeuomorphism and stood out in the instance list

the new one looks.. fine, i guess. it's there. i can't really say anything about it, apart from it's a bit dark and too busy, but it has nothing going for it

thank you : )

you should! i started out with a much simpler jekyll generated site

i say /fɛdˈɪəː/
hope this helps!

exactly. reddit wants to be a doomscrolling site, not an archive of information. if they said "we're deleting all comments older than 6 months", there'd be an uproar, but for some reason everyone seems hell bent on doing that

honestly with youtube, reddit, and maybe twitter all losing information like this, we're going full library of alexandria (slight hyperbole)

i'm glad that's being tracked, as a bookmarklet is not really a great solution; but it's still not a complete solution. if i visit a lemmy post from outside lemmy.world (e.g. search engine), then there's no way to go to the l.w version (to my knowledge)

because fdroid build all of their apps themselves, so every app on the fdroid repo uses the fdroid signing key

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sublemmy is cute, trips off the tongue, and can be shortened to sub. community is more awkward to say, and shortens to comm or commie. c/ (cee-slash?) is just awful. until someone suggests something better (lemmons? lemmunities?) i'm going to keep using sublemmy

edit 2023-07-17. i have settled on lemmysphere. it is a pun, and i like it

idea: let each instance have a prepopulated blocklist

let the admins of each instance have a list of blocked users that gets inherited to members of that instance, but let users remove from that list as well as add to avoid abuse. and don't hide the comments from these users, just collapse them to let people know a comment has been hidden in case of mistakes

(possibly even allow regex to avoid RandomWord1234, which was common on reddit)

this is a rather extreme tactic though, only for if spam becomes overwhelming

like grenadier or bombardier, i guess?

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i'm afraid i don't. i did fiddle around a bit trying to find a relationship between url's, but I couldn't see one

if anyone more familiar with lemmy/activitypub can tell me, I'll update / add to the bookmarklet

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slide had a "similar" thing, so slide for lemmy probably will; but it's in very early development and that feature doesn't yet work

edit: never mind, i just saw your comments on that sub so i guess you already knew about it