zeus ⁧ ⁧ ∽↯∼

@zeus ⁧ ⁧ ∽↯∼@lemm.ee
2 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Il faut imaginer Camus hébété.


i'd never noticed how much the twitter logo looks like an upside-down sonic the hedgehog

one colour sonic silhouette logo upside-down twitter logo being impaled by the new x logo

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i joined dxcomplex because it was the smallest instance i was confident wouldn't fold (and i liked the name);
then it folded so i joined .world because it was the smallest instance i was confident wouldn't fold (and i liked the name);
then it got massive so i joined lemm.ee because it was the smallest instance i was confident wouldn't fold (and i liked the name)

i'm starting to wonder if i'm cursed

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who even decides what's "modern" anymore?

::: spoiler can anyone, honestly, without reading the article (or guessing from the headline), tell me which of these is the "modern" design?

screenshot of the nautilus file manager in light mode screenshot of the nautilus file manager in light mode

edit: people are getting confused by the fact that one is tree view, not icons view so i changed the image. old image here :::

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this seems like a really odd choice. admittedly the old name wasn't great, it sounded like spreadsheet software.

but they've gone from a name that was the top search result to one that will never be, because the current top search result for "firefish" is a recruitment company that can put a lot more money into seo than they can; and a name that most people who would use it (techies & early adopters) will immediately assume is a firefox fork or mozilla product

in isolation it's not a bad name, and i really like the new logo; but it just seems like a poor choice

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when they burned the library of Alexandria the crowd cheered in horrible joy. They understood that there was something older than wisdom, and it was fire, and something truer than words, and it was ashes

- @yurirando, 2022

i understand the schadenfreude of watching these awful companies collapse, i really do. i experience it as well. but i can't help but baulk at how much data is being lost. assuming 99% of it is worthless, that's still millions of ideas that are lost forever.

a few years ago there were (albeit obviously wrong at the time, but nevertheless) questions about "is this the last generation of archæology? all info is now stored forever on the internet" - and now, countless links go to a facebook page i need to log in to see, or a tweet that's unreachable because twitter's ddos'ed itself. years of tech support on reddit, and anonymously uploaded art on imgur. the work web.archive.org and archive.is are doing is invaluable, but it will never be enough.

i want to watch the corporations burn too. but we're losing something we'll never get back.

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i personally would be reticent to move anything to lemmy.zip, given the issues with .zip domains. especially on lemmy, with the @'s in the urls

but i don't have a ps5, so i don't have a horse in this race

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The three patents relate to “a system for presenting and controlling content on a display device.”

ah, so you mean all computing devices

but what if going away makes it worse? .world's downtime has only increased since i made my l.ee acct

because it's already compatible with everything

i have a cheap pair of earphones in my pocket (which i'm prepared to lose). another by the door. a more expensive set of headphones upstairs. a speaker in the kitchen. and when i get in a friend's car or go to their house, i can just plug my phone in and it works without the aggravation of having to pair to their speaker

tell me, oh "you can just buy a dongle" people, what am i supposed to do? buy one and accept that i'll lose it all the time? buy 5 and keep one plugged into every 3.5mm i own and don't own?

plus, y'know - takes slightly more battery, hassle to pair, can't charge and use dongle, all the other obvious issues

i don't think there can be. tumblr's draw isn't any features it has (apart from maybe homepage customisation, but you get that with a website) it's the features it lacks (algorithms, etc). and it's the community, which was curated by a lot of coincidences at the right time.

you'd need to get everyone to up and move at once, with the ability to reblog posts from old tumblr. i think it's unreplicatable

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the whole archived article is worth reading as well - i particularly like

Reddit user malsomnus hails it as the best change since the quest to depose Quackion, the Aspect of Ducks.

the qt one is much better. on kde i can use a portal to make gtk apps use it; i don't know if there's a way to do that on cinnamon, but it may be worth looking into

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holy hell this is massive

thank you for your work db0

i hated material ew as soon as it was announced. so much padding everywhere, and so little contrast - to paraphrase the incredibles: if everything's orange^[other colours are available, i just like orange], nothing is. your eyes will adjust to it. i want actionable items to stand out, not be a slightly lighter shade of the same colour. it also looks rather like a fischer-price my first phone interface

i must say, if an app (for example, jerboa) uses material 3, i usually try to look for an alternative

some examples:

with material design, it's clear what's a header, what's a footer,^[look at the lack of contrast on that "new post" button] and what each button's state is.

with all the padding, there's also less space; leading to less functionality

with material ew, it's much harder to tell at a glance what each app is, one has to scrutinise the icon rather than just tell at a glance by colour

i also really dislike monet; the way it pulls this horrible washed out sickly pastel colour from a wallpaper and washes it over the entire app. if i just pulled one accent colour, and applied that to, say, the header and main action button, i'd like it a lot more

original comment
another thread in the same post

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the same way that removing a headphone jack is courageous, i guess

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ah, but[^1] if you donate a kidney you go to the top of the queue

you're losing one when you don't need one, and receiving one when you do

insurance salesman here[^2], just in case that might have gibt unnoticed

[^1]: to the best of my knowledge

[^2]: obviously not

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well actually, i did recently make a backup acct. on lemmy.dbzer0.com...

filter overlays reduce contrast, and wash out colours darker than the filter colour - quick mock-up:

colour tester image with normal and multiply blend mode orange overlays

(notice how dark greys and black are actually brighter than without the filter)

in answer to the original question, op, i'm not sure there is one. i don't think android allows changing display properties such as temperature without root unfortunately

pirating photoshop is a well-understood part of many peoples' workflows. that doesn't make it legal or condoned by adobe

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the ! is the prefix to make an autolink on lemmy

think r/ on reddit, or # on mastodon (sort of)

this seems like something best solved with a bookmarklet

let me see if i can knock one up quickly

okay, i got a bit distracted, sorry it took so long

javascript:(function() {window.location="https://duckduckgo.com/?"+window.location.toString().match(/q=.*?(\&|$)/g);})()

::: spoiler alternative code block

javascript:(function() {window.location="https://duckduckgo.com/?"+window.location.toString().match(/q=.*?(\&|$)/g);})()


just drag that into your bookmarks bar, then click it when you're on a google search page (please message me with any questions or bugs, i wrote this in five minutes with an online regex tester)

also, thank you for this post - i'd never thought of doing this, but it's a good idea

edit 2: okay, lemmy-ui currently has a bug with ampersands. please replace & in the script with just an "&"

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i've no mobility issues, but i can't stand that back gesture. it interferes with the ability to open drawers; and i can't spam it quickly to get out of a "deep" page in an app

gestures do have pros (for instance, the ability to hold and scroll through recents) but the back gesture just seems straight up worse to me

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libpng refused to accept it

mozilla made it because it suited their needs; and libpng (the organisation behind png, and who make the standard png decoder[^1]) refused to add compatibility, insisting on mng instead. mng was bad, so nobody used it; and apng was great, but require mozillas version of the decoder so systems couldn't use both the official version and the apng supporting version together

[^1]: and have a fantastic website

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fairphone would be so good if it had a headphone jack. but it seems really weird to me to launch a "sustainable phone" without a jack

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i'm not even sure it's worth having an option. i don't think i'd even have noticed a difference, apart from the menu button being in a slightly different place to every other gnome app. it's fine; but it wasn't worth the development time

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nah, i don't even really use tumblr because it is so painful to use. actually, it was their link shortener that was the last straw^[and the fact that they convert every bleeding image into a webp]. i'm just saying i don't think it's a site that can ever exist again.

reddit is just a link aggregator, that's easy to recreate. twitter is just individual paragraphs, as long as there are people any site will work. tumblr is so broken that it's used exclusively by people who started using it in the 00s, when it was popular, and never left. they're not really what i'd call friends, more monkeys in a zoo to laugh at. but as it's so broken and opaque to start using, it was never marauded by children; so everyone on there is in their 30s but pretending they're not.

it's a coincidence that can never happen again, as any alternative site would first be used by techie early adopters, who would be on average younger than most of the tumblr userbase. maybe we'll get another tumblr in 10 years though

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i personally think it's a terrible default. a normal link i can easily choose to open here, in a new tab, or in a new window. target="_blank" removes that choice, and forces me to open it how the site dev wishes

I've always seen it as a dark pattern to keep users on the site (like bing uses it^[see also old reddit doing the user friendly thing of same tab, new reddit opening a new tab]). it was really nice to see lemmy not doing that. it's weird to see people calling it sensible

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just going to copy here something i wrote on reddit a few months almost a year ago^[context]

i've been using telegram since it was released and ...i don't think i'll be recommending it to new users anymore

it's not just this announcement, but in general they seem to be really pushing the web3/blockchain/nft angle; along with sign in with telegram, payments through telegram, they feel like they're trying to become the western wechat

but as for this in particular; obviously all of those usernames are going to be bought by scammers. why would a user trust them if they're being bought and sold all the time? and why would a legitimate business buy them if most users won't trust them? businesses want consistent branding, not ephemeral minutiæ

nobody is thinking "oh yeah, my bank is the best, it's @bank on telegram" or "i think i'll switch to a new bank, but i don't know which. i guess i'll just message @bank and see what happens" or "i just got a message from @gift! i must have won the lottery!"

plus, according to these messages, they're taking usernames off users that already used them

most of my contacts are on telegram now, so i'm going to continue using it. but even aside from the encryption and privacy issues, i wouldn't encourage anyone to switch to telegram

i can understand where they're coming from

if your instance was called lemmy.freds.com, and your goal was to create an instance purely for people called fred to use; it would be understandable to remove people who claimed to be called fred, and then it turns out they actually aren't

now i don't know what instance this is, but say it's lemmy.dbzer0.com - if a user is going around decrying piracy, or reporting copyright infringement on lemmy to authorities; i think it would be reasonable to remove them

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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i bought my current phone because of its headphone jack

this is mostly about bluetooth, but some of it applies to usb-c + dongle:

i have a cheap pair of earphones in my pocket (which i'm prepared to lose). another by the door. a more expensive set of headphones upstairs. a speaker in the kitchen. and when i get in a friend's car or go to their house, i can just plug my phone in and it works without the aggravation of having to pair to their speaker

tell me, oh "you can just buy a dongle" people, what am i supposed to do? buy one and accept that i'll lose it all the time? buy 5 and keep one plugged into every 3.5mm i own and don't own?

plus, y'know - takes slightly more battery, hassle to pair, can't charge and use dongle, all the other obvious issues

-- source, full comments

well it'd obviously have to be digital, and it would be nice if it were secure as well

maybe down the line we could get a high capacity version, or even xtreme capacity

i don't.[^1] but like it or not, chrome dictates what the internet does now. there's no point in sites hosting jpegxl images if ~3% of their users will see it, and there's no point in firefox developing a decoder if no sites host jpegxl. so even though it's objectively better, and is highly supported by non-browser programmes; it has no recourse for gaining traction on the web

[^1]: an 88x31 button reading "same shit, different arsehole" with the internet explorer, chrome, and brave logos in fact, i loudly decry it to anyone who will listen. but the number of non-chromium browsers i can count on my fingers.

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then try reading the article

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an image of the old atari firefox laservideo box art, edited to say "firefox: new from mozilla"

::: spoiler (jpeg version)

an image of the old atari firefox laservideo box art, edited to say "firefox: new from mozilla"


::: spoiler (original)

the old atari firefox laservideo box art


you can do that with a userscript if you want to keep the lemmy interface

although i do not understand why people like this. just middle click instead?

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i used to ridicule people for posting on twitter and facebook saying how ephemeral it was and what's the point of putting everything in a walled garden. now reddit's gone to shit and i feel a fool. turns out it's not as open as it appeared to be

i really hope this catalyses many people into going back to their own websites and using rss. i know they're still not that permanent, but at least if your site host turns to shit you can pack up and leave.

::: spoiler i would like to say "good, it means more time for a polished game and hopefully less developer crunch"; but from the article's chart i can't see much of a trend at all

a chart (missing the labels unfortunately) showing absolutely no increasing trend in time between releases


in about:config, try removing the pertinent domains from extensions.webextensions.restrictedDomains

i've never done this though, so caveat executor

okay. perhaps instead of wasting your time writing an entire paragraph, you should read the article and you'll find out that that entire paragraph was irrelevant

it's actually not an article about the pros and cons of tor. it could not be summed up in bullet points about the pros and cons of tor

i'll admit to being a little facetious before, but i implore you to read articles before commenting on them

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i personally have had no compatibility issues with webp - i would just rather my image formats are not owned by google, really. i would much rather use jpegxl, but chrome doesn't support it because it competes with webp and we couldn't have that, could we.

but also it's that webp only works if you convert to webp manually, i find. their automatic conversion just ruins the colours (particularly on pixel art). plus, i do actually prefer png. i can edit what i want in a hex editor, whereas i can't seem to do that with webp.

i have a browser extension that refuses webp, so i get served png where possible; but i can't make sure that images i upload are served as png for others

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