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I thought their whole reason behind repealing Roe v. Wade was about "letting the states decide." Of course that was total bullshit, otherwise this wouldn't even be a question.

"Nothing happens in god's world by mistake." "God never gives you more than you can handle." Etc etc.

When 1 in 6 women has been sexually assaulted in their lives (and many men and NB folks), that's a really fucked up thing to say. You never know what someone's been through, and I've personally been through a lot of awful things. I guess it helps some people to tell themselves this kind of shit, but it is impossible to me to think of any kind of meaning that would make being a victim of violent crime "positive" or "worth it" or "a learning experience" blah blah blah. I think the term for that is "toxic positivity."

So either "everything happens for a reason" is utter bullshit, or god is a sadistic fucking asshole.

Everything conservatives write sounds like that sovereign citizen tryhard faux legalese. Like there comes a point where trying to be too eloquent just makes you sound fucking dense.

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Pretty sure he was about to do that, only to have republicans take it to the supreme court where it was struck down. I don't get why there's still this narrative of Biden being the bad guy because he can't just wipe out all student debt, and why some people keep framing that as his choice. I thought we all watched that SCOTUS case play out in real time.

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I'd remind you that lots of doctors made a lot of money by unnecessarily prescribing Oxycontin that the spiraled into the opioid crisis.

Wait, so where were these insurance companies then and why weren't they acting as "checks" on these doctors? It couldn't have just been a minor oversight by the insurance companies either, considering it did spiral into a nationwide crisis.

I always feel cheated as an asexual/aromantic person. We shouldn't be forced to live with roommates for the rest of our lives just because we don't want to get married, which isn't really a choice, it's just our orientation like anyone else's. It's also so much harder when neurodivergence and/or social anxiety is an issue.

No one should be forced to get married or have roommates (or both) just to keep a roof over their heads. Everyone is entitled to have a little bit of privacy and comfort in their lives, especially if they work hard for it.

I can't believe I feel like I have to justify the desire for a studio apartment with no roommates.

He has credit and idiots willing to give it to him.

For which they usually use their stocks as collateral, right?

I hope so. You'd have to be crazy to think like that otherwise.

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Yeah, I'm really disappointed in this comment section right now. I had no idea this was something still up for debate.

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And if you don't think your taxes should go to keeping other people healthy

Kind of funny that the people who are against their tax dollars paying for other people's healthcare are ok with their insurance premiums paying for other people's healthcare. It really shows that it's all about partisanship and propaganda more than anything.

Freight trains. The funny thing is that I was never really interested in them as a kid, only once I got into my early 20s. There's tons of adults who love trains, but for some reason it's still viewed as kind of a childish interest and I'm not sure why.

The last time I drove out to watch some I was kind of disappointed though. It's been a long time, so I was actually surprised that out of hundreds of freight containers, 90% of them are now just giant Amazon logos, and the other 10% are giant Walmart logos. It kind of sucks. The engines make it worth it though.

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Apparently a state of emergency needs to have been declared for them to actually do anything about price gouging directly.

I read about it when Southwest airlines went completely down for a week last year over the holidays and I was stranded somewhere. Other airlines had astronomical prices and car rentals were over $500 for one day. It was disgusting. But apparently there was nothing to be done.

They need to change the rules surrounding it because they're not working. But any amount of government intervention in the economy gets conservatives screaming about "communism," or socialism, or whatever scapegoat they're using that day that they don't know the actual definition of. And yet, if there's no government intervention in the economy it's "Biden's not doing enough/Biden is personally raising gas prices every week" etc.

Of course there wasn't a single peep from them when Trump was fucking shit up, other than those "this is Biden's America" memes when Biden hadn't even taken office yet and the photos were a year old. Nothing will get done about it as long as conservatives have any say in congress. But they'll always be the one's complaining and pointing the finger at "the libruls" while profiting.

Being born there, living your entire life there, your whole family and all your friends are there, you went to high school and college there so it's easier to transfer to a CSU for grad school, and cheaper because you won't have to pay non-resident fees, etc etc. The same reason people don't move from other places. Besides, it takes a lot of savings to move, especially out of state, especially when you have to keep going back and forth to look at places. There's also just not wanting to move. I am really not ok with being forced out of my home and away from my family because of bullshit like this.

And yes the weather really is that good - in Southern California.

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Yeah, because the second amendment is exactly what impoverished people need right now


It's hard to spend years getting a master's degree and then to go work on a teacher's salary. But then to be a professor, it's another 6-8 years above and beyond a master's to get a PhD (during which you're making jack shit and aren't allowed to work off campus). On top of that, higher ed is apparently ridiculously competitive and an insane amount of thankless long hours for a slightly higher shit salary than high school teachers. The whole culture around and within education needs changing. A lot of changing. It's so disappointing.

Obligatory fuck psypost. The most click bait, sensationalized headlines for small sample correlational studies that almost always have a divisive basis, like "democrats are better at x than republicans," or "men are better at x than women" or some shit. I got so sick of seeing it on the front page of reddit every single day because there were ten different subs reposting the same articles.

That's like when they tell you to "pound the pavement" and ask to speak to the manager when you bring back your hard copy job application in person. It's hard to even continue a conversation with someone who's that out of touch.

I didn't learn about it until my political sociology course in college.

On a side note, A Different Mirror: A History of Multiculturalism in America by Ronald Takaki is a really good book to read for more of these lesser known historical events that should really be known by everyone.

Thanks for talking about it. It's more than I could do. It's interesting and aggravating to have spent most of your life in a certain situation, then working to help other people in that situation, then studying it...then reading a bunch of comments by people arguing over it who are so certain they're all right when it's obvious that most of them have never come close to experiencing it.

This must be what it feels like to be a lawyer and have to talk to a sovereign citizen or something.

Would still be a little difficult for people living in apartments. I always think about this when it comes to EVs, and owning "dumb" cars and maintaining them yourself, which I would like to do. My apartment complex has 3 or 4 EV chargers, which are assigned. So you would have to rent the apartment that comes with the EV spot, which I'm sure makes the rent go up by far more than it's worth. And no way is there room to work on your own car within the assigned spaces. No guest parking either. I guess it's just more stuff to add to the "cycle of poverty" list

Just because it's expected at this point doesn't make it acceptable.

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I hope your generation teaches their kids about politics and how it actually affects lives

Would have been great if the generations before us put any effort into that. Let's not put the blame on some kids who thought it would be funny to vote for the moron, when the majority of far right conservative voters are elderly and believe everything they read on Facebook and Fox news.

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I guess we should just do nothing then.

The "argument" that something should be absolutely perfect to warrant taking any kind of action on it, has to be one of the dumbest possible ways of thinking about things.

They get their legislation passed, and their judges appointed.

And they have to keep changing the rules at the last minute to do it.

Why do I doubt this?

Because Reagan said it.

Students were given the opportunity

Funny way to phrase that.

I know, I think this a lot when I'm on here. Especially the whole "don't vote for Biden because Israel" thing. I just saw some comments saying that Trump would be better to have as president because he's just dumber and wouldn't be able to carry out any kind of war. I honestly can't tell anymore whether a real person would actually say that.

Well if it happened in Austin then it must apply to everyone and everywhere else. Makes perfect sense.

I know, I have no social media and just left reddit too. I hate it when I hear that not being on social media is a "red flag" in the dating scene. But I guess I wouldn't want to be with someone who cared so little about privacy anyway.

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Clicked on "Department of Education" and this is the first sentence:

Federal education policy should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.

The second paragraph praises Milton Friedman, someone who should be up there with Kissinger in terms of what a disgusting piece of shit he and his followers are. If anyone wants to know what's about to happen to the US, read Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine to see how it's gone when we've had our "free market capitalist" hands in other countries' business. It makes me physically ill. I hope all the gEnOcIdE jOE people understand what this place, and several other countries, will look like with trump in office.

And this is what everyone was bitching about when he was trying to do the one time cancellation. "Well that won't solve the real problem!" And now he's doing something to address that, and it apparently still isn't good enough. It just shows why so many dissenters actually find it offensive, and that's because it helps people.

Used to be one in Citrus Heights. It was gross. Wouldn't expect any less.

How does everyone forget to use the "people will just do it anyway" argument for every other law. When do we legalize all drugs because people just do them anyway

Point is that not everybody enjoys getting paid while being sick


It's not that deep. It's just misogyny.

"Privilege is when equality feels like oppression." When "straight white cis male" is the default, all resources are "male" resources. All history is "male" history. Not sure how that's so unfair.

There are men-only 12 step meetings. There are men-only homeless shelters (way more than there are for women or LGBTQ folks actually). Men-only recovery programs. Men-only church groups and support groups. A few years ago a domestic violence org in my hometown changed from being women-only to accepting all genders, including straight cis men, and it certainly can't be the only one in the US. And of course men had to create a male counterpart to International Women's Day. There's a million resources and groups for prostate cancer and testicular cancer (because I've literally heard men complain about the amount of recognition breast cancer gets - not that breast cancer only affects women...) Plus your "no nut/no shave November." And of course, any space, organization, or institution that is not gender specific to begin with generally becomes dominated by straight white cis men. Maybe you just aren't looking hard enough for these "male resources."

Same. The amount of times I've heard "have you tried Proactiv?" as though it wasn't the first thing I went and bought when I was 15 is just aggravating. The fact that not even doctors seem to know much about the internal causes of acne and how to treat it is really just embarrassing.

I've also heard the "change your pillowcase" thing far too often. If your pillowcase is so dirty that it's the one thing that stands between you having acne and not having acne, then it sounds like you might have bigger issues lol.

I've already heard her saying I'm not friendly and I don't know who should I react.

I don't understand why we can't just do our jobs and go home.

Self aggrandizing people being gossipy and passive aggressive...sounds like grad school.

This just happened to me so I came here to see if it had happened to anyone else. Should have known it wasn't a problem on my end.

But schedules and calendars that go beyond "this has to be done on or by that date or you're fucked" stress me the fuck out.

Totally. They stress me out into overwhelmed, anxiety-riddled inaction, an d I know I'm not the only one

When did this all or nothing way of thinking start in American culture? Has it always been like this and I'm just now noticing it, or is it much more prevalent now because it's a side effect of a lack of critical thinking skills