Trump Releases New Ad Claiming Hillary Clinton Is Brainwashing Voters For Biden

Flying to politics – 452 points –
‘BRAINWASHED’: Trump Releases New Ad Claiming Hillary Clinton Is Brainwashing Voters For Biden

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I hope your generation teaches their kids about politics and how it actually affects lives

Would have been great if the generations before us put any effort into that. Let's not put the blame on some kids who thought it would be funny to vote for the moron, when the majority of far right conservative voters are elderly and believe everything they read on Facebook and Fox news.

I’m not putting the blame of a complete election on some kids. But voting is a personal responsibility everyone should take seriously.

And I agree that Gen X should have taught their kids better. But it’s too late now, so let’s work on the future generation(s).

hmm, this was 8 years ago now remember. that was still boomer'd kids. I'm 28 and my parents are fully boomers.