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This whole lemmy tankie dev thing has been discussed ad nauseam here for the past year or so. Not sure what solutions you suggest, but if I were to filter my software by who's an asshole dev and who's not, that list will end up really short.

As far as the ml instance goes, I don't agree that we should start defederating left and right with any and all undesirables, but to each their own. At least people now will be in the know, and it might take some weight off lemmy.world

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Wait, Infinite Warfare qualifies as "the grand old days"? Manufactured drama much?

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Summary: Newspaper owned by american billionaire claims workers on the other continent should work harder.

I find it hilarious that they had to cherry pick some two-word sentences from those people to try and squeeze in the point, because otherwise their texts would've sounded more nuanced and we can't have that in a hard-working society.

What is worrying though, is that europe's share in the global market is shrinking, because at this point pretty much only they ( and to a lesser degree the US ) try to uphold somewhat higher ethical standards for the various industries. At this rate the world will be all abused workers and underwhelming products in just a couple decades.

Gotta say, I'm not terribly hopeful about this.

"The cattle ranchers are in charge, Coop"

I'm loving the look of this thing, but "audiophile brand" just screams "overpriced as fuck" to me. Time will tell I suppose.

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The worst SO FAR

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Ah, but you see, they are not the same. Control Panel is an archaic tool that lets you configure your windows quickly and efficiently. The new and improved AWS will be designed from the ground up to waste your time and discourage tweaking. It will probably obfuscate some settings, quietly remove some settings, track your usage, etc.

As usual CNN is making out of this a bigger deal than it actually is. These are slovak parliamentaries, so it's not FPTP, therefore he didn't "win" ( yet, anyway ). This seems to be just the social-democratic party's growth from 19% in the last election to 23%, which would be in trend with growing conservative sentiment in europe. Besides, PS also grew from 8% to 18%, but that doesn't generate as many clicks as "SLOVAKIA IS NOW PRO-RUSSIA!" so it's barely a sidenote. Key takeaways are that they will have to seek coalition if they really want to pose a challenge to NATO policies.

Jesus christ, a whopping 500 word article just to say: "players used to be able to earn 666 currency, now the max per season will be 700. we want more!". Is this what passes for game journalism these days?

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I wouldn't. There was a dev ( I forget which game, but def indie ) that said the pirated keys from those dodgy sites actually ended up costing them money, and they would've been happier if people just pirated the game instead if they really didn't want to pay for it.

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Much-needed clarifications from the dev:

Hello Subnauts,

A few of you noticed some information shared online by our publisher, KRAFTON 🕵

While some of the news is exciting, we’d like to clarify:

Early Access is not intended for release in 2024, but we plan to share a lot more information later this year!

In reference to “Games-as-a-Service,” we simply plan to continually update the game for many years to come, just like the previous two Subnautica games. Think our Early Access update model, expanded. No season passes. No battle passes. No subscription.

The game is not multiplayer-focused. Co-op will be an entirely optional way to play the game. You’ll be able to enjoy the game as a single-player.

As always, we are so proud and incredibly grateful to have such a passionate and engaged community, who love the Subnautica games deeply. 

Thanks for keeping an eye out for any news about our progress on the next game.

We’re so excited to show you what we’ve been working on and hope that you love it as much as we do.

– The Subnautica Team

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I think it had something to do with credit card fees

Edit: found this on reddit

Grey Markets are often done by credit card scammers which results into chargebacks by the credit institute resulting in processing fees for the producer of the game or even getting them cc banned.

Edit edit: it was Factorio - https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/05/g2a-confirms-stolen-game-key-sales-pays-40000-to-factorio-devs/

I really wanted to get this phone, but at 850Eur that's a hard pass from me. I could let the lack of jack and FM radio slide, as well as some design choices that they made, as sacrifices need to be made to make it modular. But I can find that hardware in phones that cost a quarter of a Fairphone. And then there is the repair cost, where the parts cost almost twice as much as getting a non-fair phone repaired at a shop (even moreso if I were to use aliexpress parts and home repair). Again, I fully expect a repairable and fair-source phone to perform worse than a regular one, but this is like paying iPhone money for a Xiaomi midranger. Also, the 8 year warrranty feels like a scam because the chip they use will be out of production in 4-5 years.

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i would be willing to overlook those cons if they just allowed an unlockable bootloader. man i miss my 6.1 with lineageos

I don't think this will bury MS because they can easily market this to enterprise clients ( if they haven't already ). Recall is a particularly useful tool for any employer that wants to keep track of everything employees do, especially in an age of WFH. They probably figured they can take the PR hit from users concerned about privacy and move on unaffected.

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This is potentially the worst possible outcome for this whole debacle. This way the austrian conservatives earn points because they managed to restrict the percieved illegal immigrant flow from the east. Also the current governing parties in romania get to keep their crooked border staff, through which they siphon hundreds of millions of euro, as well as earning some electoral points. This partial agreement will also make sure that further schengen talks can be put on the back burner. And in the end the true beneficiaries of a schengen accord - romanian/bulgarian businesses that ship by truck - will get the shaft. Oh, and this whole scandal plays right into russia's hands, as this will fuel serious anti-eu sentiment in romania.

Just wait until you find out some of us still want FM on our phones.

The thing with SD cards is that there's a crapton of phones with 64/128 internals and still don't have one. I for one wouldn't really need one if I had 512, but to get to 512 you usually hace to pay a huge premium, because all major manufacturers have adopted the apple model of upcharging for storage. And frankly in the age of affordable 1tb SD cards I should't have to pay hundreds to get a measly 256 or 512 gb of storage.

The jack is also a manufactured problem ( also pioneered by apple, iirc ). Why would I give up my existing wired headphones to replace them with expensive sub-standard battery operated ones. Its especially ironic for manufacturers who do a lot of greenwashing. The usb-c adapter is an ok compromise though, and I for one am coming around to that l because you can only find jacks on niche or crap phones these days.

I'm not sure why you brought the "tech is old" argument because frankly it doesn't make sense for these two.

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There's no way these are not bot accounts. I heard there's a lot of instances with no sign-up validation that are just being flooded by requests.

Weren't pistachioes known for being impractical to grow in California due to the high water requirements?

GTA V offline, of all things. Haven't played it in years and found out its carpool grew quite a lot, matching the forza games and currently scratching my itch for an offline open world car game with a crapton of cars.

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Damn, i love that word

Well you lot ain't going up there

and the Shattered Space Story Expansion (when it becomes available).

What is this fuckery? Unplayable day-1 DLC pre-installed and taking up space on the user's machine? Jesus christ bethesda

https://fedidb.org/ does a good job of monitoring. They also have a special lemmy+kbin section.

So it's actually worse for the environment than mechanical recycling and not even as efficient? Should've figured it's gonna be no good if it comes out of an Exxon mouthpiece

Motorola still makes decent budget phones with jack, radio, sd support. Even the OS is pretty light on bloatware. But the camers on them are pretty meh. Or you could get a Xiaomi, root it and flash a more private rom.

I wouldn't put too much stock in the romanian justice system to "comb through everything". They can barely do that for local cronies and their offshore wealth. Besides, this smells like a stalling tactic.

Acti CEO reading this article: "so they want more lootboxes?! excellent!"

disclaimer: I haven't played a CoD since maybe 4. Only read the odd review


Yeah, I've been playing this on and off for the past year or so. It's a great game and the dev is nice and active in the community.

They did completely rework a bunch of gameplay systems, so bugs were to be expected. I tried a 2.0 playthrough, and while bug-wise it felt like the 1.2 days ( the death-on-boarding-delamain bug being particularly infuriating ) the gameplay changes are certainly interesting. I'm still holding off on getting PL just yet, maybe wait for a discount.

The negative reviews are mostly complaining about the crashes ( yes, there are a bunch of those ) and the full-realistic mode being locked behind level progression ( level 25, whuch means at least some 20h of gameplay ). But honestly i found it to be a very good rally game and definitely the best and prettiest dakar sim i ever played.

Growth at all costs, ey? A shame, GFN is such a good service

Yeah, just noticed the new price. It's not available in my country yet so I was quoting the one listed on gsmarena. At 700Eur it does make more sense, as it's a similar price to the old Fairphone in 8gb guise.

You might be able to run it ok. My 1660 basic manages 20-30fps on medium-high and 30+ on mostly low settings. The game still desperately needs some optimization, that's for sure.

Western countries' relationship with russia may be more relaxed and allow for making ammends, but for any country in the east there was never a time in the past centuries when russia has not behaved lile a bully. Heck, ask any ww2 survivor in eastern europe and they'll tell you the russian "liberator" soldier was just a pillaging and raping piece of shit, and this was when they were technically not the occupier. And this before you start discussing the horrors of russian communist imperialism. I think its quite justified to think they should not be invited to any ww2 commemorations or allowed to act like they are part of "the good guys".

I've been corrected on the price - looks like I was using an older quote.

I do realize that their point is to make the phone's manufacturing process fairer, but their older models were more decently priced, so I wonder how much of that tag is actually due the higher cost of manufacturing.

Still, since people switch phones a lot earlier than EoL, it would be nice if there was a way to discourage the frequent switching ( for marginal performance gains ) and instead encourage keeping smartphones until EoL ( which, granted, for some manufacturers is less than 2 years )

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People keep giving the swiss as an example but it's not the same context. Mainly because in Switzerland all men go through mandatory military service and that builds some discipline when handling a gun. Also they still have to get ( strict ) permits for those weapons, even with the accompanying training.

It is my impression ( and I apologize for the generalizations ) that in the US they're essentially handing out assault rifles to any rando with some cash on him.

How this dickwipe managed to get in the spotlights again after what he did I'll never understand. He's right though, they should be called terrorists because they are. And bbc while you're at it also call the genocide of remaining Palestinians a genocide.

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Not sure why anyone should be surprised by this. No organised religion will bless same-sex couples ( not officially anyway ) because they sre unable to breed new worshippers and consequently the business will not grow. We will probably only see acceptance from them when they have shrunk into insignificance, and that's still a while away.

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