1 Post – 95 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Asking us is so questionpunk.

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*confirmed adulterer

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Also, old evidence confirms it.

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I agree with all of that, except for the part about people being focused on trying to stop the next one.

If anyone was actually serious about that, we wouldn't average more than one per day across the U.S.

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If it's not of historic significance? Modify it.

Know anyone who does metal work? Ask them to change it to something interesting.

Got a Dremel? Buff away the Nazi bits until it's smooth metal.

There are lots of different ways to change it!

And if you know anyone who does leather work, they can remove or replace the nasty bits on the scabbard.

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A greeting card with a note about how she helped you.

Material gifts will get used up and thrown out over time. But she'll collect notes and letters from her students over the years, and they will help remind her why she's teaching.

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Living wages in exchange for work.

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Theoretically, there's a 127 device max.

In practice, it depends on each vendor's hardware implementation.

Yes, this exactly.

They finish off one field, do their business, then they... moooove on.


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First they'd need to start making good smartphones again.

/typed this on a Motorola phone

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I think you mean:

Latest YouTube update causes massive performance hit.

YouTube causes the performance hit. Not the ad blockers. If ads weren't creating such big performance hits by themselves, folks wouldn't all need to use ad blockers.

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True, that's two pandemics when people refused to wear masks and quarantine. Makes for much better data to include that. Thanks!

I collect hobbies.

The comments you made with the old account.

YouTube has mitigations in place to help identify folks who jump between accounts.

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You're not wrong, but there's also value in exploring different ways to do similar things. That's what's great about Linux.

Some of Canonical's efforts may lead to failure, but that doesn't mean they are a waste.

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I don't like when huge, rich corporations pretend that they are an underdog.

On top of that, I don't like when a platform bribes developers to limit their game to one platform.

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The "Western" countries pillaged the rest of the world for centuries.

Thank you very much. It took a lot of practice to learn to do it so well.

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They sell it to anyone willing to buy it. So, yes.

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They're two different areas of specialty. You want one of each.

If you belong to a credit union, tell them you're looking for a financial advisor. They might have good ones that won't cost you anything.

For taxes, you may want a tax preparer and not a CPA. A financial advisor can talk to you about the differences and may be able to help you find one based on your needs.

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Laws are created by society. Therefore, crime is defined by society.

As a result, and in purely technical terms, society is completely responsible for crime.

Without society, there could be no crime.

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I agree, it would take a significant amount of noodles to constipate the effort required to succumb.

One ttention

Grim Dawn is "What if a sequel to Diablo 2, but not Diablo 3?"

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I thought they broke up years ago?

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It's not way too early to break out the guillotine for use on the Embracer CEO.

  1. I hope you're getting the help you need to cope long-term.

  2. Focus on the tangible, objective details of the memory. And if you don't have your own "why," that's okay! Focus instead on what the facts deem likely.

For example:

"I remember liking the woods. There aren't really words for how I felt, but I'll help you see it how I might have seen it: Sunny days shaded by the leaves. Cool, damp nights. The sounds of different birds. The sounds of rustling branches. Twigs and leaves under foot."

Hopefully you can see what I did there. That's all a linear statement of facts. You're literally just writing the things that you, or anyone else, might have experienced while in the woods.

BUT - and here's the important part - everyone else will form their own emotions around it, based on their own experiences. So the listeners will believe you're sharing emotions. And it's okay if you aren't feeling them.

So just describe things from memory, maybe adding in extra likely details.

Also, if someone questions your word choice, it's acceptable to say something like, "you and I may process emotions differently. To me, those were the right words."

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You can buy lead fuel additives to drop in your gas tank.

That's what people still do, if they have a car that requires leaded gas.

"Mostly free" my ass.

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I remember reading about someone who tried that once. He wasn't able to spin thread from the lint.

If I remember correctly, the fibers were too short and frayed to form into threads.

Probably depends on the bird.

Many birds live all year round in cold, rainy environments. Their bodies developed to be able to handle it, so either they are kept warm by their feathers or they shelter in warm places.

Other birds, such as toucans, are native to tropical environments and would probably be very unhappy in the cold.

Penis tissue is, surprisingly, not high in vitamin D

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I'd name it "In Communist Russia, fantasy football team name you!"

Could mean the world will end in 2049, so nobody will be here to dispute it.

In Soviet Russia, AI goes almost a full minute without reading disparaging comments about YOU!

Technically speaking, calendar apps don't really communicate with each other directly at all. It's the email systems that talk to the calendars.

As fubo said, there's no protocol for a calendar function. Protocols are what apps used to talk to each other.

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The best distro? One that he'll be able to use easily. One that will get him to actually LIKE the experience.

You don't want to teach him a lesson by giving him a miserable experience.

You want to teach him a lesson that will let you say "I told you so" for the rest of his life.

Manjaro is pretty easy to use and seems to have good hardware compatibility. A variety of Ubuntu flavors also can mimic Windows and work really well.

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Technically, it's Frank Sinatra singing about how awesome Paul Anka thinks he is.

I'm not saying that's better.

That's the thing about American politics, there doesn't need to be any evidence found. They just need to figure out a way to bring charges.

Humans are basically good.

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