XXX to No Stupid – 565 points –

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I agree with all of that, except for the part about people being focused on trying to stop the next one.

If anyone was actually serious about that, we wouldn't average more than one per day across the U.S.

Focused on trying to stop the next one in every way except restricting guns, or funding mental health care, or reducing hate, or... Well anything that takes more than thoughts and prayers.

What a country.

The mental health care thing is so frustrating.

Let's enact some gun control laws because most guns used in mass shootings are bought legally.

"No, it's a mental health issue!"

Well, then let's fund mental health services and increase access to them.

"No, that's not my problem."

Played out again and again. I mean I know it's all just deflection, but dammit at least try to have a consistent position.

We have tried nothing and we are all out of options.

Gotta appreciate how I Googled that phrase, clicked on the first YouTube link, and the very first comment was along the lines of “US conservatives reacting to mass shootings”

Ah c'mon, give them credit where it's due. They didn't try nothing - thoughts and prayers were tried in abundance.

Are they even doing that tho? Like they talk about it a lot, but because these are children we send to slaughter and watch their teachers bleed out while terrified, I demand to see these thoughts and prayers as long as they are preferred in a way that implies moral support. Appalling.

Hot take: “thoughts and prayers” and “doing nothing” are the exact same thing

I didn't think I needed the /s, but here goes:


I was kind of adding on top of it. Didn’t think I needed to say it either, but here we are lol.

At some point, a long time ago, we collectively transitioned from viewing mass shootings as an alarming epidemic, to something culturally endemic to our way of life. It’s an effortless rationalization made possible by for-profit news and for-profit politics.