20 Post – 40 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Deleted my account, deleted the app! My thumb keeps looking for it on my phone, though. Poor little thumb, probably misses his old simpsons shitposts

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Federate me, daddy! 👄

Upvoted even though I hate this comment

Well shucks! Y’all city slickers can come n join us at

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Amazing dude. I loved the part at the end when they ate all the NPR correspondents and pooped their corpses into Hell

This reminds me of a scene in the book Shogun where Blackthorne is asked something like “how could you possibly be excused for rebellion?”

“If you win”

I don’t want Trump to win! But he could probably weasel out of this mess by becoming president

Y’all are welcome over at we have a “growing” community

I am working with a neighborhood organization to improve tree canopy in my urban area. I got involved with my neighborhood association and another org in an effort to build and strengthen my community. I would love to take more action but I’m not sure what or how. Starting to see now that working together with people helps make us more resilient.

I’m very interested in plants and growing food, which I think is valuable skill now and will only get more valuable. I would love to find ways to adapt agriculture to a shifting climate.

Another thing I’m doing which is simpler is some basic disaster preparedness. I have 20 gallons of water and a big box of non perishable food in my shed, and my wife and I have a plan of where to meet up in an emergency. It’s not “doomsday prepping” just a modest bit of preparation.

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I sure hope not. It does seem to be leaning that way, but it would sort of defeat the purpose of decentralization right? I guess you can’t change the course of the river. I started a small instance with a focus on gardening, and it’s growing slowly. I wonder if smaller instances would grow more evenly if they were focused on regions/ countries/ cities or with a focus on topics? Either way it’s interesting! We’re just getting started here. Things are going to change. I wonder what we’ll say a year from now.

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If everyone switched to EV cars there would surely be fewer emissions from motors but that would not be the only issue. One is the mining of metals for batteries and the cars themselves. That process, along with shipping parts around produces greenhouse gasses and environmental harm. Then consider that we are not removing carbon nor does EV cars combat the largest sources of greenhouse gases like coal/ natural gas, textile manufacturing, concrete, shipping, and beef. Additionally, the EVs need electricity to charge and if everyone on earth today switched to EVcars many of those would end up being powered by the coal power plants (although it would be a more efficient use of fossil fuel).

Electric vehicles are great and should be used. They do come with their own set of environmental problems to consider. It also worth noting that production and consumption of vehicles and everything else on the planet needs to slow. We simply have too many people doing too much. So if you have an old gas powered car that still runs, don’t throw it out to buy a new EV.

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We do now! Simpsons shitposts-

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OMG you just changed my whole Lemmy experience thank you. That was totally the problem. I had to hold control and select Undetermined and Englsh

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What are these online thrift stores? I’d like to check that out

Great idea with the reusable containers

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Good for you with investing green. Can you recommend a mutual fund?

Hey it’s also important to prepare ourselves for a changing climate so thank you for sharing.

Want to hear something to make your blood boil? COP28 is being held in UAE and run by an oil tycoon

I just hope the Harlem Globetrotters come back. JUST TAKE THE BALL! HES SPINNING IT ON HIS FINGER!!

wait sorry I got confused

This comment sounds like it was written by a robot that cannot taste peanut butter.

Peanut butter is absolutely amazing. It’s creamy rich flavorful deliciousness. I really don’t know what this robot means by “peanut butter sandwich, optionally with jam”. That’s an insane sentence to read. What Eldrich Horror from beyond put those words together? It’s a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Peanut butter and jelly. It’s jelly, not jam, it’s NOT optional (otherwise it’s not a sandwich is it?! It’s just peanut butter on bread) it’s so common and beloved that it even has a nickname: PB&J

It’s amazing with a banana or many different fruits and pastries and milkshakes and sauces and just with crackers. Sometimes you open a new jar and just eat that first bite with a spoon before anyone else can because everyone knows that first bite tastes the best. Sometimes it’s sugary like Jif which is great and sometimes it’s not sugary like Adams and you have to stir it nuts it’s still great and sometimes the store has a machine that just grinds the nuts and you catch it in a plastic container and that’s great too.

It’s peanuts! Ground up into a paste! AND I LOVE IT!

My thing is I have to scrape my fingernails against everything and if a surface is rough I hate it and don’t want to be around it.

Great work on that! What did it cost to go solar?

Why is there no adjective form of the word integrity? If someone has integrity they are _____? Because integral means something else so it can’t be that.

I suggest integratuitous.

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Thanks for the tip- I’m having the same issue. How do I ban those accounts? I can’t even tell who my users are

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Don’t make me go back there!

Well come on over to we got a nice little place for plant enthusiasts on a smaller instance looking for love

Okay you go first though

Oh that’s very good info about the water heater. So you’re saying that if my house lost power I could drink from that for 100-300 L? Good to know.

I knew about the 6 month cycle for water and I got tired of that chore so instead I just have unopened gallons. Those are fine, right?

That’s interesting with the sump pump, I haven’t heard of that before.

I love the CSA idea. My local one isn’t taking applicants until March so I just signed up for imperfect foods until then. I would love to get a CSA going.

Did it like make a noise or something?

We have a thriving gardening community at come join us!

Now this one brings me back to Digg and the Chive

I just got here. What’s going on?

Kind of like hashtag groups on Instagram or mastodon I think does that?

This is great. What do you see as the main hurdles to this and how do you speak to them effectively?

Yes about methane and also that forests get cut down to make space for pasture.

These are great steps and I love that they’re not mega lifestyle changes but easy to do and make work for you. I’ve been eating less beef too. Not none, but less. And I’ve got a little idea been bouncing in my head for a while: Guinea pigs. They are common food in South America. They eat almost anything, take very little space, and I’ve never tried one but I gotta admit they look tasty and they are very sustainable. I’m probably going to catch hate for saying that but damnit they’re trying to convince us to eat bugs!

Totally. YouTube is barely scraping by these days. Them and all of Google. They’re riding the bus to work. They had to stop eating out. Poor almost richest company in the world. They NEED us to turn off as lockers or else they’ll have to shut the whole thing down

Rad song and rad video. I like Tinariwen I kinda forgot about them

Good one!


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Right? It’s so uplifting too