What actions are you using to prevent or prepare for climate change for yourself or community? Let’s learn from each other

NataliePortland@thegarden.land to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 165 points –

I am working with a neighborhood organization to improve tree canopy in my urban area. I got involved with my neighborhood association and another org in an effort to build and strengthen my community. I would love to take more action but I’m not sure what or how. Starting to see now that working together with people helps make us more resilient


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What are these online thrift stores? I’d like to check that out

Great idea with the reusable containers

ThredUp, Mercari, and Poshmark are my go-to's right now. If theres something specific im looking for, sometimes eBay. There's secondhand sites like DePop and Vinted that offer more specialty vintage items, and then other sites that offer secondhand luxury/designer.

Oh and if you get into thrifting make sure you get a de-piller. They take off all the little clothing nubs and make stuff look new.

If you are really savvy with tags and refined searches, Etsy is still an alright place to find awesome "vintage" (thrifty) stuff. It just takes a little bit of work but once you have sorted, it really is quite alright.