You Can't Look at Porn on Any Reddit Third-Party App Now

L4sBot@lemmy.worldmod to – 1380 points –
You Can't Look at Porn on Any Reddit Third-Party App Now

Following changes to its API access, users are forced to log in on the official Reddit app if they want to view NSFW content on mobile.


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The internet is for porn. How you think net was born?

I know it's probably a "Then we wouldn't have this hilarious song" or whatever thing, but it always kind of bugs me that Kate never thinks to remind Trekkie that she works at a kindergarten. Like, sure, porn is a big part of the internet, but probably not appropriate for a lesson for kindergartners which was the original purpose of the song before he hijacks it?

Explain on their level.

The internet is for hugs. The internet is for hugs. Why you think net was born? For hugs hugs hugs!